This stupid country just lets people fucking die and get disabled everyday. I’m sick of it. My tax dollars just go to killing and dismembering people abroad. Fuck fuck fuck.
This stupid country just lets people fucking die and get disabled everyday. I’m sick of it. My tax dollars just go to killing and dismembering people abroad. Fuck fuck fuck.
I guess I will be the sole person to point out that “chronic Lyme” is viewed by the medical establishment as a pseudoscientific diagnosis. Not really interested in debating this but lotta people have no idea that it isn’t considered a legit thing, so for our readers here ya go. Not to diminish peoples’ suffering from whatever it is they’re going through but it probably is not caused by being bitten by a tick several years ago.
The same medical establishment that only recently admitted that chronic fatigue syndrome was real and not something women were making up for attention? The same medical establishment that ignores and gaslights those of us with “invisible illnesses”? (I’ve been told my disablity isn’t real by a doctor before and so have many others!) The same medical establishment that treats different races differently due to racist nonsense thats still taught in med school? The same medical establishment that does conversion therapy (torture) on autistic children?
Good thing they’ve never been wrong or caught lying before.
Sure now do this analysis on the alternative medicine community
What’s that got to do with anything they said
“science has been wrong” is not a good critique
have you lived with a chronic illness before mate. it isn’t that “science is wrong” it is that medicine as an industry is hilariously abusive, coercive, and fueled by eugenicist ideology from the onset. If you didn’t already know this then you’re probably part of the problem. Lol
That doesn’t make quacks like chiropractors or chronic lyme specialists correct though, the latter of which is the context of this comment thread. The medical establishment is correct in their assesment of chronic lyme not being a real medical condition. In fact, pseudoscientific fraudsters such as people that run chronic lyme treatment camps, prey on people struggling with chronic illness so that they can sell them ill-effective treatments, which leads to coercive and abusive situations. The medical establishment being clear on what is real and what is not is good for preventing these abusive or coercive situations from occurring. Thus people suffering with undiagnosed chronic illness can move forward and seek a diagnosis based on sound medical advice, instead of wasting their time getting treatment for a condition that doesn’t exist.
They are not, though, because they are the medical establishment. The medical establishment also says Covid is nothing, and the CDC in the US specifically ignores anything to do with avian influenza currently. I am not sure what to say to anyone that is still propagating any of this as a reliable source of truth a priori. The fact of the matter of Lyme is inconsequential to the broader point: “trust the medical establishment,” (or “science” as is frequently used as proxy in these types of discussions) and given what I have lived through and know, I will be selective with this trust. More people ought to be.
US CDC; European CDC; WHO
You might not think it satisfactory but I’d hardly call it “nothing”.
well “lyme” it is explicitly the point of this thread
the evidence to support a hypothesis is not irrelevant to the hypothesis.
Reminds of me of trans healthcare. It’s the Wild West in a lot of ways simply because doctors don’t give enough of a shit to “properly” do advanced studies of things. Like, we know the basic tools are safe, but a lot of bigger questions about medical patterns you fit, how longer term HRT might affect the body in one way or another, it’s a big unknown space, but a lot of doctors just shrug and ask what you really are and stop thinking there.
Like even something that’s sorta becoming a common treatment, like Progesterone still gets slapped with like “unverified” smears, despite years of reports through the grapevine, because again they can be added to actually do official research.
When I was closeted I heard some friends of mine at the time in med school joke about trans people, and basically say they taught absolutely nothing about them. Among other hurtful thing.
The idea that disease infections can cause permanent organ damage and ongoing health problems even after the disease itself is gone is, bafflingly, something that’s only started being accepted since covid started doing that on a big enough scale that researchers a) had no choice but to acknowledge it, and b) started getting a little funding to go and look to see if other diseases also did that sort of thing as well (they do, it’s just covid is particularly bad about it and also extremely contagious).
Lyme disease is a real thing but usually (especially in “left” context) when someone says “lyme” there is a 90% chance that is NOT what they are talking about. It’s a conspiracy theory promoted by anti-science grifters to entice people to travel to spend weeks or months at retreats getting long term antibiotics infusions or whatever else.
The suffering on the ground is real but total misdirection. It’s kind of like the satanic panic or something.
I posted recent recent clinical practice guidelines, this stuff is addressed in there. They know its fake.
AFAIK lyme disease has a pretty good prognosis assuming you have access to health care. And if you don’t that is a different thing and whether “they” do know how to treat it or not, doesn’t matter much to you .
To add a bit more context: Its not as simple as “chronic lyme is fake”, because literally like 10% of lyme disease cases will have lingering symptoms after treatment. To distinguish it from quacks who say anyone with vaguely similar symptoms must have chronic lyme (even if there’s no evidence they had a lyme disease infection in the first place), scientists refer to it as PTLDS (Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome).
If the person actually had lyme disease to begin with, it may well be PTLDS symptoms, and may well be helped by a second course of antibiotics. If they didn’t actually confirm it was lyme though, or the lyme infection was years ago, it’s way more questionable. Their symptoms probably aren’t fake but they may well be getting taken advantage of by quack doctors, and making their health worse by continuing to take antibiotics for extended periods of time, etc.
Yeah “chronic Lyme” is not a real illness. Lyme disease is very much real obviously, but not chronic Lyme, which is usually used by quacks to sell snake oil, or as an excuse by celebrities to disappear from the limelight for a while.