I could never love an It*lian
not even
It’s nothing personal
Not even
Okay it is personal
communist garfield theyself
Every time i have to make 20Ib of pasta at work i think “LOTSA SPAGHETTI”
Half of my job in an Italian restaurant is viciously mocking the Italians.
Ayyy we make a da pizza ova heah
The owner apparently was pissed one of the cooks made chili for the soup special cause it’s ‘not italian’ and like…our stuff is Italian American at best and our most popular pizzas are very much fusion, out top seller is tomato sauce, half mozzarella half smoked cheddar, bacon, sausage and caramelized onions garnished with fried rosemary and maple. So we’ve been saying all the very not Italian ingredient names as a made up Italian translation. Instead of maple, mapoli for example. Pineapples for the Hawaiian pizza are called appleinis.
A very non traditional idea i had was like I made this chipotle/red bell pepper/pimento puree with basil and cilantro and seasoned it in an attempt to approximate piri piri sauce (the chipotle was too smoky but otherwise it was very good), and that was for some chicken that I made at work as like a last minute condiment to go out on the side. The chicken was marinated in a lot of chili powders and lemon juice. It was supposed to be piri piri chicken but like idk if you can call it that without piri piri peppers
Anyway, it was all really good, and I wanted to take the pepper puree and use it as a pizza sauce, top it with the pizza cheese blend we have, chopped chicken, red onion and idk mushrooms or something else, maybe some parmesan, and finish it with a drizzle of the pepper puree at the end
Idk i think it’d be really good but with all the prep and cleaning i had to do I never got around to trying it out with the leftovers I had
That sounds interesting. I did a vodka sauce but instead of tomato roasted red pepper recently and holy fucking hell did that go over well. I’m Beethoven out hear with this stuff cause I can’t taste my own food.
the sauce I made tasted very much like this roasted red pepper coulis my sous chef made a while back, except smoky because of the chipotle, and not overpowered with what I think was him putting in wayy too much sumac. That might be something you could look into
I think the real sauce is more spicy because of the piri piri peppers and less smoky, it’s just got whatever smoke from the bit of chili powder/paprika put in, but idk
it’d probably go good with vegan meat like the seitan chicken strips we get, or like as a way to marinate tofu or vegetables for pizza
I’m Beethoven out hear with this stuff cause I can’t taste my own food.
yeah that’s me with seafood, I don’t like any seafood so every time i get good feedback on a shrimp/cod/salmon dish I am like “yes thank you cooking jesus for letting me not fuck this up”
Sometimes I like the smell of the shrimp roasting but idk there’s just something so off about seafood, can’t like it
Pinball Wizard
Man i have 0 respect for traditional cuisine outside of as a source of ideas. I want to try new things and be creative y’know
I was just reading today about this confluence of american racism and immigration laws resulting in a good number of Punjabi-Mexican marriages in the early 1900s and how it led to a unique fusion of cultures and i’m like fuck yeah fuck me up with some Punjabi-Mexican food, I bet that shit’s unique af
But certain people would be all “noooo you can’t put curried chicken on a taco 😰😰😰😰” (i don’t think curried chicken tacos are a thing, I just remember it saying a punjabi Mexican american restaurant had curried chicken and roti on the menu)
It is literally reactionary in the political sense. It’s retvrn mindset applied to food and it’s bad. Now, you do also need to learn the rules before breaking them but that’s like you gotta be good at curried chicken and tacos before going for a curried chicken taco. I can also add, if we were going full in and genuinely making shit you’d otherwise have to go to Italy to eat, I could understand being a stickler, but being trad brained on recipes invented in the 60s is dumb as hell. Also I do think being open to experimenting with different culinary traditions vs being full on trad recipe (this mostly applies to French and Italian food. Colonized people holding onto traditional recipes is a big part of maintaining culture) does reflect on your values outside of food. Food is possibly the most political thing and it’s history is historical materialism.
I put teriyaki chicken in a taco all the time, I don’t know how to make curry.
called appleinis
So beans on pizza will be “beanis”?
I already call em thst when I make hummus. Beanis is commonly said
Pineapples for the Hawaiian pizza are called appleinis.
Isn’t it just “ananas” in Italian? Like in 90% of languages? They couldn’t even be bothered to just google the Italian word for it?
It’s us making fun of the owner
Oh, I see. I thought these names were all the owner’s idea.
It’s just what we’ve nicknamed stuff.in the kitchen
Has she been leaning into the transphobia?
Despite her elimination at the hands of Khelif, Carini said she did not harbour any ill feeling towards the Algerian. “I wish her to carry on until the end and that she can be happy. I am someone who doesn’t judge anyone. I am not here to give judgements,” Carini said.
I don’t buy it personally
Fair, but at least she’s not openly terfposting
Content to let others to the dirty work while she does the whole uWu I’m just a wittle woman who got beaten by my brutish and hulking opponent
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I have never been hit so hard in my life. It’s up to the IOC to judge.
This is what she said after the fight. What is there for the IOC to judge if it was a legitimate loss that she accepts? If you have another interpretation, then let’s hear it, but don’t say I’m making baseless accusations
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you are correct, she doesn’t admit to being beaten and was blaming equipment and then nose pain, and got them to nullify the results instead of it counting as a loss, and is reveling in the attention she’s drawing
otherwise she’d actually come out in support and say “hope she wins it all so I can say I only lost to the gold medalist”
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If you caught me crying at the end of a loss, you couldn’t get me in front of a microphone unless Cheerios offered me a sponsorship.
Didn’t she lose after getting bonked in the nose? That’ll set off the tear ducts.
Nah shes just a baby
Did she do anything wrong? Cause it seems like the only people mad are people who weren’t in the ring.
Theres doubt about her reasoning to quit mid-match as she was given the opportunity to do so before. Its possible and my guess is that she helped fan the flames of transphobia.
She gave up a shot in the Olympics for that? So as an Olympic boxer she’s more dedicated to transphobia than boxing? And if she was that transphobic wouldn’t she just refuse outnof protest in the first place? This all seems a bit hard to buy
she thought she could win and is dedicated to boxing more than transphobia, but after the big hit she lost all confidence and then went with plan B
the international footage of her getting hit and crying is having far more impact and reach than simply protesting/refusing to fight
Body language expert
You dont think people are capable of being petty?
Sure, but it’s not my initial assumption
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white woman weaponizing her white woman tears after getting owned by a POC
Tale as old as time.
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Another Barbary victory
Maybe a silly question but: does anyone know how Imane feels about all of this? I can’t imagine the stress she’s going through with all the
having aneurysms about the whole thing on social media rn.
I don’t even think the Italian lady was transphobic, it’s literally just chuds freaking the fuck out
addressing the second part, Italian lady’s coach/corner guy was respectful. said Khelif is a tough matchup but beatable, they were hoping for an easier fight at this stage but had bad luck, and was surprised Carini conceded. he also mentions that the two have trained together in the past and Carini has a particular dislike for Khelif.
Carini hasn’t said anything explicitly transphobic and uses correct pronouns, but there are red flags. she says that she does fight men in the ring but she’s never been hit so hard before. she was asked if she thinks the fight was fair and responds ‘that’s for the IOC to decide’. when asked about what people are saying online about Khelif, she just says she doesn’t want to get involved.
saying that Khelif hits harder than the cis men she’s fought before, Carini seems like despite using the right pronouns and not outwardly dragging Khelif, that she’s trying to make a case for excluding some women from sports for having an unfair advantage.
She never once acknowledges that Khelif won fairly, or denounces the mask off bigots calling Khelif a man. At best she’s a spineless sore loser willing to be used as a tool for the worst people imaginable to beat trans and intersex people with.
https://farside.link/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgZcAGXDIeYit’s early and possible that this is a result of being hypercompetitive and still griefstricken and processing getting knocked out after getting so close. seems unlikely but would be great to see some pushback from her against what’s happening.
It’s worth noting that she’s not even trans. She’s AFAB. So a bunch of idiots are just transvestigating a cis women.
that and being racist, yes
you are right it’s worth noting for those who don’t know that the POC is a cis woman with a genetic condition that comes with slightly higher testosterone levels
(which is a little funny since ‘testosterone’ looks like it should be pronounced like an Italian pasta dish)
but Olympic-level athletes are lousy with genetic advantages and the existing gates in place actually work well
Lmao test-stas-ta-roné! Est-ero-gína!
Yeah, that’s like demanding we don’t let people over 6ft play basketball. Sports are inherently unfair.
I’m on the fence. She’s said she’s not interested in the controversies and sounds ok. It’s cowardly maybe but I can forgive not wanting to say one thing either way because you get hated by one side or the other. She’s trying to avoid receiving any hate by disinvolving herself.
She later explained that she had decided not to fight after feeling intense pain in her nose. “For me, it’s not a defeat. For me, when you climb those ropes, you’re already a warrior, you’re already a winner,” the 25-year-old Carini said. "Regardless of everything it’s okay, fine like this. I didn’t lose tonight … I only did my job as a fighter. I got in the ring and I fought. I didn’t make it. I’m coming out with my head held high and with a broken heart. “I’m a mature woman. The ring is my life. I’ve always been very instinctive. And when I feel that something isn’t right, it’s not giving up. It’s having the maturity to stop. It’s having the maturity to say, ‘OK, that’s enough’.”
Despite her elimination at the hands of Khelif, Carini said she did not harbour any ill feeling towards the Algerian. “I wish her to carry on until the end and that she can be happy. I am someone who doesn’t judge anyone. I am not here to give judgements,” Carini said.
“So, with regard to all the controversies, I was never interested.”
she apologised for how badly she behaved and is supporting Khelif now, in spite of being italian and a cop, critical support
Have a source? Not that I don’t believe you but because I will be asked for one when I spread.
the italian article is referenced but tried to find it and can’t get around a paywall
first saw it here:
for some reason the bbc article ends with ‘the IBA president who lied about Khelif having XY chromosomes is now offering her 100,000 currency if she wins a gold medal’ and DOESN’T EXPLAIN WHY it’s driving me nuts this whole situation is wild
I personally don’t follow boxing, but I saw someone mention that it’s apparently pretty common for fighters to tap out when getting their nose hurt bad because it’s so distracting you’ve basically already lost. You just end up doing nothing but guard your face if you go on.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
does anyone know how Imane feels about all of this? I can’t imagine the stress she’s going through with all the having aneurysms about the whole thing on social media rn.
transcription site came up with the following:
A well-deserved victory. She was trying to take me out of the fight, and thank God I was as prepared as a dreamer should be in all respects.
The size of the Olympics, the largest international forum in the world, it’s a battle in all respects. So we thank the Algerian people and we are still, Inshallah, in the Olympics. We are planning and preparing for the next two fights.
A fight coming up, Hungary and Australia, we’ll watch it in the evening. A meeting regarding this fight and then, Inshallah, it will be a good sign.
Inshallah, we are Algerian people.
accurate enough
God she deserves to win, she’s such a good sport and the anti-woke mob attacking her for the crime of winning.
oh nonlook at what the wokees did to my precious italian woman
Taking Ls is a core part of Italian national identity
Whats the context for this?
found it i think