The fakest of all fake slaps.
Edit: Guys, it’s Hollywood. He was sitting front row, nobody tried to stop him. Chris rock anticipated the slap. It was the most movie slap technique slap I’ve ever seen.
It was his good bye from Hollywood and he was forced to do it.
Not everything is a conspiracy, my guy.
I stand by this.
That’s a no contact slap.
Weird that it’s the Oscars but we don’t see more camera angles and pictures of the slap, when the room is full of them.
Do you think the bum rushing Chapelle’s stage was real too?
Do you think the Janet Jackson Nipple slip Was an accident?
Do you think security wouldn’t do anything? Do they just let him attack an actor and do nothing? Not even say a thing? No breaks? No commercials?
Aren’t the Oscars delayed anyways since Moore and others did political statements?
Come on, how gullible are you ?
Compare the slap to any real slap. Man there’s even hundreds of better fake slaps out there. This was just weak and very obvious.
Has Will been sitting front row at any other event before?
Type more words, that’ll make you right.
I am right in that case.
It was his good bye from Hollywood
Bad boys 4 came out this year and it made bank.
It was already in production in 2022.
Yeah, and studios never cancel movies in production
after watching this zoomed in a bunch of times Rock really is leading with his face towards Smith’s hand and reacts as he swings but it’s also possible he just figured out what Smith had in mind because they are friends or something and he read it in his face.
I have been (deservedly) hit by friends and known as the person was approaching me what their intent was.
He definitely looks ready for it though I agree with you on that part!
I’ll go down with you:
The Kendrick / Drake beef is fake too and Kendrick’s music is shit. Stupid idiot Kendrick sounds like this when he opens his mouth:
If that was planned it was genius and very elaborate, way more than the slap, but I don’t see any reasons it wouldn’t be real, other than my conditioned mind that won’t accept it because it seems too good, but that’s a fool’s errand that will make you stoop into any theory possible.
Some things would need too much planning and cooperation between large groups of people to make it feasible and not become public.
I mean, cudos if they planned to unite bloods and crisps against exploitation in music industry and made it work. Respect if Drake would be an agent to bring down the Mafia structures in the music industry.
But that’s unbelievable, as if he could’ve just gathered material and not be the worst of them all.
They were so close of taking completely over and switching to AI music, why would they throw that power away for a message of unity and against the machine, harming the UMG bottom line?
So no, I don’t agree with you. I would argue that’s real, even if I would hope for it to being a ploy of some sort for entertainment purposes and to get blown away.
Sometimes the stars just allign.
I salute you for entering my sinking ship though! We need more people that take some risks in their comments.
Ah yes, Will Smith wouldn’t want to be responsible for portraying violence on the big screen. Which is why 7 years later he made Gemini Man, where there are two violent Will Smiths.
Good he’s a shit actor and would ruin it
He wasn’t always though. He was really good in Six Degrees of Separation. I have no idea what happened. Money, I guess.
*it’s pronounced, “Earf”.
I don’t understand that meme. He doesn’t say “Earf” at all.
It’s a holdover from the at-the-time socially acceptable racist tropes of the 90s.
I have never ever heard of this being anything to do with racism lol. Wtf. It just sounds like he says “Earf”. Jeez…
He very clearly says “Earth” in that scene, btw.
Bet he was slapping himself for that decision.
Will Smith is too much of a bitch to have played that role.
That’s the guy from suicide squad, right?
*some kind of suicide squad
Lack of a sense of humor begets violence.
Will is an example of that.
I imagine he was referring to a very specific kind of violence
Yeah, poor people vs the rich.
The type that results is sudden and very abrupt deceleration of the palm of the hand at someone else’s face
Oh, the iron E …
People are focusing on the “violence begets violence” in the title but not this:
“I wanted to make that movie so badly, but I felt the only way was, it had to be a love story, not a vengeance story,” Smith said.
And… I get that? I liked Django and all, but I can see how Will might not like the bloody climax where the focus is more on the revenge than rescuing his wife. I think it’s fine he passed on the role and let it go to someone who was more invested with the revenge story.
I think it’s fine he passed on the role and let it go to someone who was more invested with the revenge story.
I don’t think, I know. Django Unchain is incredible.
Will has ruined so many good ideas because he’s still living in the 90s where actors had the power to change scripts. And every time Will interfered with a story, it watered it down/made it shit.
Its like he never saw a Tarantino movie in his life
I’ll not watch Slappy anymore. Glad that movie has a better actor in it.
Reminds me of how Jim Carey refuses to do movies with guns in them, and because of that, all the cops in the Sonic movies, including the main cop character, have these ludicrous “almost gun” things.
I kind of don’t mind that!
It’s like 80s-90s cartoons and the Sonic movie has that energy.
I suppose, but it was supposed to take place in the “real world” and that was not real.
Eggman’s type of goofy machinery is in no way grounded in reality.
And that’s why Jamie Foxx is cooler than Will Smith
Check out the original Django movie from 1966
It is very much a vengeance movie. And attributed as creating the Italian western, aka spaghetti western genre.
It’s left to the viewer but Quentin Tarantino said he interpreted Django as going to avenge the death of the wife of a black Union solder he served with in the civil war Quentin Tarantino on Django (1966)