cross-posted from:

(posting to both communities)

A carnist lemmy world instance admin has stepped in and meatsplained to the mods while restoring comments that violated the community’s rules. They deleted comments that they did not agree with, citing ‘misinformation’, and threatened to demod the mods if those comments were removed again. The comments were deleted and the admin was banned from the community as per violating the rules of the community, that was until they unbanned themselves (admin abuse) and unmodded two of the moderators because of “promoting harmfull actions against pets”.

As far as it stands, if the lemmy world community wasn’t already not a safe vegan place for you (it really wasn’t) it most certainly isn’t now as carnists (lemmy world instance admin) currently mod it.

I suggest any vegan who wants a safe and welcoming space to come and interact with Sorry for any inconvienance that this may have caused. I am deeply upset at the admins actions today and don’t condone them whatsoever.

    7 months ago

    Only to the same extent as all pet keeping decisions. Like people breed pets, steralise them, make decisions about where they can and what they can do, decide what degree of medical care they get and so on. Any food is forced /shrug