cross-posted from:
(posting to both communities)
A carnist lemmy world instance admin has stepped in and meatsplained to the mods while restoring comments that violated the community’s rules. They deleted comments that they did not agree with, citing ‘misinformation’, and threatened to demod the mods if those comments were removed again. The comments were deleted and the admin was banned from the community as per violating the rules of the community, that was until they unbanned themselves (admin abuse) and unmodded two of the moderators because of “promoting harmfull actions against pets”.
As far as it stands, if the lemmy world community wasn’t already not a safe vegan place for you (it really wasn’t) it most certainly isn’t now as carnists (lemmy world instance admin) currently mod it.
I suggest any vegan who wants a safe and welcoming space to come and interact with Sorry for any inconvienance that this may have caused. I am deeply upset at the admins actions today and don’t condone them whatsoever.
I was removed for stating that synthetic taurine is a thing which is used in food all the time and that a whole food plant based diet would kill a cat. according to the admin this is promoting dangerous actions.
It’s the vegans that are the animal abusers!
What the actual fuck. Do they not even know that Monster Energy™ has vegan taurine? How else do they think vegans get their 166mg of caffeine per serving? 🙄
So, is this the instance mod overriding the community mods? Guess it’s time to give up on LW. It really has become the cesspit of Lemmy.
That was originally. Sounds like world is just as bad
I’m sorry, you were removed for recommending against a plant-based diet for cats by a non-vegan? I’m not sure I understand the angle here.
No I was unremoving comments of someone explaining how a plant based diet can be safe, who also acknowledged that a whole food plant based diet would be lethal. In explaining why I was I also acknowledging that a whole food plant based diet would be lethal.
Cats can survive on a plant based diet, but only one carefully formulated and processed with additional supplements. If you try to keep mr fluffypaws alive on carrots and lentils he will die.
I point out this acknowledgement as it flies in the face of the alleged action of promoting harm to animals. You can check the modlog for the full hilarity /shrug
Okay, that’s at least more consistent. Still bullshit, but it’s not as confusing.
I just read all that and I’m still quite confused. Before and after reading it, it sounded like you correctly characterized the situation but they claim you got it wrong…
They restored the comments explaining the extremely limited scenario for healthy plant based cat diets. While doing so, they reiterated that this is generally not safe, but the nonvegan mod still felt that the implication that a cat could ever be healthy was still dangerous misinformation.
I personally think that it’s technically possible, but too expensive and precise to be practicable (and probably not enjoyable for the cat). I don’t really see how that’s even controversial, but I’m not surprised that a nonvegan would take it as an endorsement for plant based cat diets (it’s not)
Well personally I do think we have a moral obligation to reduce harm and I don’t see a good reason to privilege the life of one animal over another (humans included). Veganism as an ideology however is about what is practicable, and while it appears that cats can be transitioned it is very early days and can only be done responsibly if you are in a position to afford medical oversight and understand how to select correctly formulated foods.
As a vegan I am against pet keeping, but lots of abandoned animals exist and they need care there aren’t institutions to provide so they end up in homes. I have a couple of rescue dogs living with me atm for example. In situations like this I think where possible we have a responsibility to juggle their needs and desires with broader harms. Like I don’t let the dogs I care for hunt wildlife for fun, and give them enriching search games instead.
Abstracting away that death through food doesn’t really change it.
But we’re not insane, it’s early days and while evidence suggests for cats its possible it isn’t trivial and should be attempted responsibly, which nobody involved in this shitshow was claiming otherwise. The only people denying reality are the banned commentator who was saying that cats cannot survive on plant in the face of patient explanations by another user and the admin who tried to remove that user’s comments in favour of the science denying ones.
I’m also vegan and nothing I said goes against that. I agree
It’s also morally ambiguous to force an animal into a diet they have no understanding of.
Only to the same extent as all pet keeping decisions. Like people breed pets, steralise them, make decisions about where they can and what they can do, decide what degree of medical care they get and so on. Any food is forced /shrug
This is why veganism needs to become a protected belief in every country of the world.
deleted by creator
I’m not vegan but I respect people for wanting a space to discuss. is defederated from most of lemmy, but these communities are accessible and they are located on other instances. what communities do you prefer? is defederated from most of lemmy
Seems like a red flag.
I personally just visit the community ! since it is hosted and ran completely by vegans.
I would recommend the instances of VeganTheoryClub and to experience the vegan subculture without censorship.
I tried to sub, but I’ve been waiting at pending for months
It could because the instances slowly federating more instances on a case by case basis.
Maybe I’m misunderstanding something but when I go to the instance list on it lists as being a linked instance. For good measure I also made sure that it wasn’t on the blocked instances list. But when I try to view any community that exists on from it gives an error as if the entire instance is blocked.
If an instance is defederated it would show up on the blocked instance list right? That’s literally what that is a lost of is it not? And if so was vegantheoryclub very recently defederated and the list just hasn’t been updated or something?
To give more context the Instance Vegan Theory Club defederated from Lemmy World since there were too many troll comments originating from there.
It only shows up as blocked if the instance is actively blocking it. VeganTheoryClub blocks LemmyWorld, but not the other way around and once an instance blocks another, traffic will not go through in either directions.
Ah, that makes sense. I hadn’t considered that they might be blocking it the other way around. Thank you.
deleted by creator
I humbly offer
Theres also and, in fact the whole instance has a vegan-as-the-norm mindset even if not everyone is vegan.
I read the mod log regularly. I lol’d pretty hard when I saw the great Rooki himself get banned that day. Extremely not surprised to see that this has happened, it is typical LW admin behavior.
Former LW team member here: Yeah all of the head admins fucking suck and many of them are cunts. I’m not vegan, but I am a state licensed and trained wildlife carer and while many people were lying about the bs with cats being able to be vegan etc, it isn’t okay the way the sub was stolen by the admins. Peace, Ala/Zealous.
Damn, now I need to manually migrate :/
Yes, we have vegan cookies (and also vegan pizza upon your arrival)
It’s a cool place and you’re a cool dude. You’ll fit in
Vegans need to come together.
My thanks to the vegan mods of this community fighting to maintain its integrity ✊
Cheers, being a mod sucks. It’s mostly reading vitriol, removing it, and then having creeps show up in your messages with vague threats or claims about how you’re a megalomaniac.
reason #50931 to not use for your account or your community.
Shame on the LemmyWorld admins storming into our place and silencing us. The actions in the modlog are fascist tactics.
Well, liberals you need to scratch first.
The centrist dilemma smh
So why is Rooki not banned yet? Who is the boss here?
Admin supersedes moderator in this context.
I mean, the owner and other admins of the instance should stop any rogue admins right?
They should review their behaviour and then hold them accountable. We need objective admins who listen to both sides to a story not just the one they agree with the most.
I suspect rooki is also the one who banned me for (anti-white?) racism from ! lol
“vegans are so annoying they always try to force their opinions on you”
I guess we humans are just like that, huh. Nothing vegan or otherwise about it, just pure being an annoying human. I’m guessing Dunning-Kruger plays a big part here. People being at the peak of Mount Stupid are going to be the most vocal.
Came for the recipes. Stayed for the wrestling match (pops another handful of vegan buttered popcorn into mouth).
vegan buttered popcorn
This is the “I use Arch btw” of the vegan world. Always have to insert their veganism into everything.
Pinning this in light of the recent joke of a tos update.
You didn’t even say which instscne is the issue in the post…
A carnist lemmy world instance admin
It’s the lemmy world instance admin
We need a link.
Which instance is the “fuck it do what you like” instance?
Depends on what you like.