In the parts of Capital where Marx refers to dead labor, he actually means it literally and means skeletons doing a lot of labor in society
Um actually, that refers to a different form of skeletons, called commodities
Smh, skeleton warriors are reserve army of labor(ers)
when you have a large reserve army of labor the few people actually working are a skeleton crew
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Someone in my group chat posted an army of darkness screenshot and it made me very happy and nostalgic
“They’re a good way to AFK level your defensive skills in Skyrim”
- Marx, probably
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Friggin’ bonies! We need Marx from christmas way future to smash them with his cane! Oh crap!
Marx was more of a Spiral Zone guy
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Just something about those 80’s cartoon openings
Probably just the fact that they knew they had to hook our small brains immediately or we might change the channel
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You’re absolutely right
Earth’s most powerful soldiers = GDI
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they’re mid since pretty much any dispel nukes them. Mass necromancers is still a fun, though meme strat however
Skeletons = infrastructure of the body
Skeleton warriors are just armed proletarians
Are skeleton warriors working class?
Marx was a Boglins guy. Engels was into Skeleton Warriors. Both of them hated Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.
Did Marx account for the Cloak of the Undead King when writing Capital?
The geas shapes (and maintains) the skeltal structure
The skeltal structure maintains (and shapes) the geasProbably a bunch of removed.