Today’s game is Sea Of Thieves (sorry for the awkward Crop, one of my friends was talking in chat and I didn’t want to put his username out there).
We were celebrating with a friend today (still managed to make some time to work on FNV), and our “Chef” forgot he left some grubs cooking on my ship. We go to sell our loot, and come back to this. We just barely managed to save it while laughing our asses off about it.
I’ve read before that it takes about 60 days to form a habit. Nearly there for posting daily for the rest of your life!
My friends and I always end a night of sea thievin by bringing all the explosives into the hold and giving the ol girl a fiery send off.
RIP ship captain’s pockets
(unless you’re long past playing for the gold or you’re sailing an uncaptained one)
Just uncaptained ships. Honestly dont see the advantage of buying one
you can permanently prettify it and sell all your stuff at the uh, forgot the name, but the one stand trader that accepts everything and has its own deck to make the booty transfer faster! (though idk if it’s still exclusive to captained ships? i haven’t played in a while)
sell all your stuff at the uh, forgot the name
shi(p/t)s on fire yo.
I have ended every session of Sea of Thieves by setting my ship on fire.
I still feel bad for the two guys who were laughing as my ship burned (while on my ship) when the gunpowder kegs exploded and killed us all.
But only a little bad. They knew things would explode eventually, I was carrying a keg of gunpowder, and my ship was on fire!
That’s what we used to do (hence our chef’s “accident”), but then we all realized “Fuck. That’s the boat we spent 3 months saving up to buy for ourselves” And rushed to save it so we didn’t lose our log
And I thought I was dramatic for always playing that one sad song on the crank-string instrument as everyone logs out
That would be a hurdy-gurdy
My crews go to song is the Infernal Gallop. Brings the moment from a sad one to a more appropriate clusterfuck as we rush to save the boat
This has seriously become my picture of the day. You hit the All feed on my server almost every post.
Don’t forget tomorrow!