Image is of a Hezbollah missile attack on a military camp west of Jenin.
The situation between Hezbollah and Israel is rapidly escalating, with massive bombing campaigns on southern Lebanon by Israel predominantly on civilians (as the tunnels in South Lebanon are mostly unreachable to the Zionists, just like in Gaza), while Hezbollah and its allies respond with missile attacks predominantly on Israeli military facilities. Israel is spreading an evacuation order to the residents of southern Lebanese villages while also bombing their routes of escape and civilian infrastructure, similar to a terror tactic used widely in Gaza.
Northern Israel is currently under military censorship to hide their losses, so we get very little information other than what the Resistance provides and what videos and images get through the censors.
I don’t know if Israel will dare a ground incursion soon, but it seems fairly likely in the coming days or weeks.
Please check out the HexAtlas!
The bulletins site is here!
The RSS feed is here.
Last week’s thread is here.
Israel-Palestine Conflict
Sources on the fighting in Palestine against Israel. In general, CW for footage of battles, explosions, dead people, and so on:
UNRWA reports on Israel’s destruction and siege of Gaza and the West Bank.
English-language Palestinian Marxist-Leninist twitter account. Alt here.
English-language twitter account that collates news.
Arab-language twitter account with videos and images of fighting.
English-language (with some Arab retweets) Twitter account based in Lebanon. - Telegram is @IbnRiad.
English-language Palestinian Twitter account which reports on news from the Resistance Axis. - Telegram is @EyesOnSouth.
English-language Twitter account in the same group as the previous two. - Telegram here.
English-language PalestineResist telegram channel.
More telegram channels here for those interested.
Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists
Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict
Defense Politics Asia’s youtube channel and their map. Their youtube channel has substantially diminished in quality but the map is still useful.
Moon of Alabama, which tends to have interesting analysis. Avoid the comment section.
Understanding War and the Saker: reactionary sources that have occasional insights on the war.
Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don’t want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it’s just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.
Simplicius, who publishes on Substack. Like others, his political analysis should be soundly ignored, but his knowledge of weaponry and military strategy is generally quite good.
On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent and very good journalist reporting in the warzone on the separatists’ side.
Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.
Pro-Russian Telegram Channels:
Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage. ~ DPR’s former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR’s forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist, but all socially reactionary. If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster’s telegram channel. ~ A big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia. Produces interesting and useful maps. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a ‘propaganda tax’, if you don’t believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.
Pro-Ukraine Telegram Channels:
Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.
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What does “go all in” look like to you? Is emptying northern Israel a nothingburger? Is bombarding Israeli airbases to the point they have to fly missions out of Cyprus just an afterthought? Does the fact Hamas continues to decimate armored Israeli convoys constitute a silly little footnote?
Also what is this “Hezbollah (what’s left of it)” nonsense, do you seriously believe Hezbollah a 100,000+ army with hundreds of thousands of missiles, mountains of munition and all the social support of the most powerful political blocs in Lebanon was held together by a dozen individuals?
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Love when my just propaganda move hurts the economy, creates a 250k+ internally displaced situation that further strains local economies as well as further divides the settler population against themselves.
Love when my just propaganda move does that 🌚🌝
Now you’re gonna tell me I’m denying science or some shit, right?
Copin’. The west foots the bill for everything; no about of dropping shipping businesses closing will matter as everyone still eats. Any angst or conflict within the settlers will be sublimated through more wanton killing of the other; the government’s support has not been higher.
The strains and inconveniences aren’t and won’t prevent the killing of all the Gazans. The conflict continues precisely because it provides pretext for the ethnic cleansing.
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If it’s hurting the economy then it’s not simply a propaganda move, it’s also a demographic disaster for Israel
And relying on Cyprus instead of their own airbases defeats the whole “unsinkable aircraft carrier” point of Israel
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stfu why the fuck are you using all of this as a fucking gotcha? really all of this and you type a ‘i told you so’?! go fuck yourself
It’s not a ‘gotcha’ it’s literally what has happened and we should be allowed to point it out without being shouted down. That’s my whole point. The News megathread should be a place where criticism is allowed.
Healthy criticism is one thing, being self righteous about it and tagging people specifically goes way beyond it imo
The person I tagged in particular was giving me a really hard time about it, and not constructively.
Aside from the tagging, I do actually think you’re right in this comment at least. I like to think I’m fairly consistent - anybody who’s seen the pro-Resistance side on media has seen how they went on and on about how all the news that Nasrallah was assassinated was actually a massive psyop to get Nasrallah to reveal his location and that he was definitely still alive. I was willing to humor it, but did not believe it.
One should be able to bring up how they were simply incorrect, no ifs, ands, or buts - Nasrallah was in fact killed in the attack. Going “Now’s not the time, look at what just happened!” is understandable, especially for people here with strong ties to Lebanon or the Resistance - mourning is perfectly allowed here, communists are not emotionless Vulcans that only spit out logical analysis - but if they talking about how it was just a big psyop, then it’s not honest. This doesn’t apply to users like LargePenis obviously, who said as it was happening that things were looking bleak based on their sources. If the “bloomer” side fails to produce good predictions here and there, then we/they have no place to lecture the “doomer” side just because they also have had bad predictions here and there.
I am anti-defeatist, but I am far from delusional. It is true that Hezbollah has a strong organizational structure that prevents assassinations from crippling it. It is also true that there’s been some extremely visible fuckups in Hezbollah that cannot just be dismissed as a mere unfortunate cosmic accident. What the hell was Nasrallah and a high-up Iranian official doing near a residential building in Beirut on the eve of war? Similar cases for the other martyred Hezbollah officials lately. If it was entirely out of nowhere in a world where October 7th didn’t happen and there was no war, then a lapse in guard is understandable, but good leadership is valuable and should be protected to the greatest degree reasonable even if it is ultimately replaceable; and Israel was already bombing Lebanese cities, Israel had found a big way into the supply chain and any device could be an informant, so you have to be VERY careful! It’s not paranoia if they’re actually out to get you!
I am absolutely willing to see reality. There’s a very big reason why I refused to believe the rumors, even from officials, that he was alive, and maintained neutrality on it! We all saw this before, with Raisi!
Thank you, I appreciate your honesty. I’m not trying to troll and I’m genuinely against Zionazism, I’m just a little frustrated that when someone says something critical of Iran on this website they get lambasted. Iran is not even a socialist country.
What are you pointing out? people are dying? we are seeing evil at work, there is no point you are making, other than wanting to be vindicated. This is what you have to say, to offer, in times like this?
terrible, the world is ending and I can only hope god saves them, they are stronger than you in every capacity. Your criticism means nothing because it critiques nothing. Saying, oh the axis should go all in, is not insightful. Being self-righteous about something so crude looks badly on you comrade
What do you think they should have done differently? Be honest.
why should I say anything? what I think they should or shouldn’t do means nothing, read my responses, I’m not telling you to show unbreakable faith in iran, hexbollah, or hamas, or to not believe that we are witnessing a loss.
I called you out leaving such a ridiculous message during this immense tragedy. @cleveroleg left this message and he is right.
I don’t think your analysis is correct but when you use a moment like this, to harp on about that? It’s stupid, it’s asinine, it’s miserable especially when we have people here who have family in lebanon. I’m going to have to go to prayer and see people weeping for their lost families, friends, their country. Get a grip comrade and don’t fucking worry about having ‘a point’.
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Comrade none of us have any idea where this will end, if you can decisively say this “was the wrong play” then I hope you’re putting your gift of prophecy to better use elsewhere, instead of just posting “I told you so” about things that haven’t happened yet.
man ur totally right israel assassinated the secretary general of hezbollah, that means the resistance has lost! wait… getting word… they already did this 30 years ago. also you tag people with learn how to use the site learn some manners.
You tell me.
You don’t understand, Hezbollah is no more. They literally just vanished overnight. Spooky stuff.
Oh well eternal God-king Hegemon of the Middle East Israel is reality now we just have to accept it.
Leadership is when 1 person
History is when great man
Get with the Scientific Dialectic™ times
You’re still doing it- why am I not allowed to point this out? It’s a problem and downplaying it isn’t a healthy mindset. If socialism is to be scientific it must be a truth-seeking enterprise and must continually improve its knowledge base. Socialists should learn from the failure of the axis of resistance to better future resistance efforts. Now is the time to analyze what went wrong and what could have been done better. I posit that Iran holding back was a huge mistake and it enabled Israel to do what it has done.
The point being made is that “the rest of the entire Hezbollah leadership” has not been wiped out, and Hezbollah’s structure has been developed to specifically mitigate a strategy of assassination. Every person who gets killed has a competent replacement before the day is out.
But to answer your question: I would not be surprised if Israel has gone harder than the Resistance expected. Perhaps they imagined that Israel’s reluctance to meaningfully attack Lebanon after so many months meant that they were too afraid to make big moves out of fear of reprisal. Therefore, the sudden severity of the attacks may have caught them off-guard. If that is the case, then over the coming days and weeks, we will hopefully see a course correction by Hezbollah and friends towards more daring moves - it is hard to boil a frog if it’s hopping around and splashing that boiling water over you as well.
I don’t think recent events have substantially shifted the conflict, we’re still mostly in the same lane towards the destruction of Israel albeit with some significant speedbumps.
They must have expected a reprisal. The resistance strategy of “boiling the frog” deliberately makes the status quo for Israel untenable. If Israel is forced to choose between conceding to the resistance, breathing through a pillow, or terrorism, it is going to choose terrorism every single time.
Everything about Israel’s behavior is predictable. They will take any opportunity to assassinate their enemies. They will kill as many civilians as possible in these assassinations. Nothing about their modus operandi has changed in decades. They have been projecting their intent to do this for months. People might not have been prepared for it to happen at this specific moment, but there is nothing unexpected about it.
Has “the entire Hezbollah leadership” been wiped out? News to me.
However if that haven’t happened I would call what you are doing “dooming”. And also a lie. And not very scientific.
Israel has claimed there were 300 people there. That might be untrue but we know it was a high level meeting so other leaders would undoubtedly have been killed
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Bruv you’re actually posting Hasbara propoganda on Hexbear unironically. Please reevaluate.
It’s not hasbara it’s Scientific Dialectics™
That’s what we’re calling it now.
I suggested that the Hezbollah leadership had all been killed and was challenged on it. Is it true or is it not? Are all of the people in that image dead, yes or no? If yes, stop challenging me about whether or not the Hezbollah leadership was killed. They’re either dead or they aren’t.
I don’t know if it’s true, but I do know that the Israelis always always lie about who they kill and consistently spread propaganda to demoralize their enemies. I’m not doing their job for them, and I don’t think you should either.
Don’t answer the question then, fine, but stop challenging me about it if you don’t have a response…
Why do you consume and apparently believe this hasbara garbage?
Maybe you should ask if it is accurate first. Does that picture even show the hezbollah leadership accurately? Has hesbollah really not replaced martyred people or did the entity kill all of them in one fell swoop? Hezbollah should be headless in that case. Doom is upon us as nothing stands in the way of thousand year fourth reich! Might as well surrender.
I won’t waste time debunking zionist lies.
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thank god we didn’t have the internet during WW2 or you people would be posting Nazi infographics and whining that Nazis have won
I am more broken up over Nasrallah’s death than I was over my own grandmother. A lot of people here are just finding out the news and are distraught. Whether your analysis is correct or not, maybe not the best time to crow about how right you were and start calling people out, eh?
This was all just a game to the crackers in the end, I stopped replying to someone who was actually trying to fucking dictate liberation to western Asians and what a regional war in western Asia looks like.
Some of the people on this site really don’t realize that speaking about our lives with regards to a regional war like that farquaad sacrifice meme let’s us know you really don’t value our safety or humanity.
Not everyone on this site, but a few.
fuck you, using this tragedy as a ‘gotcha’. you would have been so sure the USSR was going to lose ww2. your armchair general ‘iran shud just go all in brah’ is contextless, detail-free, and completely useless ‘’‘analysis’‘’. i’m sure that the laws of physical materialism or whatever have proven that resistance is futile and that wealth hoarding and genocide are the superior social organization methods we will never be able to beat without triggering nuclear armageddon. we should probably just fucking give up on resisting a genocide. and maybe like get a single other source before posting zionazi propaganda as gospel ‘hezbollah leadership is entirely gone’ shit, iran is not going to trigger nuclear worldwide armaggeddon because you whine on a niche leftist internet forum. ignorant dunning kruger effect idiot that thinks ‘just launch nukes bruh’ is sound and comprehensive strategic advice.
As resident doomer, strategically hezbollah signed for this outcome (getting bombed and goinf underground) when isntreal invaded gaza proper like in december. Humanely, isnrael killed 1000 people to get one dude, they are little eichmanns (or good students of usa, but i repeat myself). On another, also empathetic level, they likely won’t read my genius strategic insight, and they are the ones ricking their lives out of decency. Something not found in the whole west (with like 2-3
notable exceptions). so pooh-poohing on them feels very wrong, and i try to stop myself.
Iran are just hoping to get deal out of this probably, but that was obvious all the time
So those of you who were pooh-poohing my concerns about the Pan-African revolutionaries a week ago, how are you feeling now that Sankara and the rest of the AIP leadership has been wiped out
I don’t know if you caught this, I will assume you mean well. your comment very much leads like gloating in the face of a tragedy and feels like a cynic’s mirror of exactly how the Zionists are celebrating right now. It’s tasteless. You’ve got to remember we are talking about real fucking people, real lives here that are made worse by the barbarity, and these people don’t have the luxury of being able to engage in this sort of detached armchair analysis from afar.
It’s like hemming and hawing about the strategic mishaps of the indigenous population during Manifest Destiny, like
You’re comparing socialist revolutionaries to non-socialist revolutionaries and in any case it took decades for the Pan-African revolution to recover, which is pretty much my point that this is a loss and should be treated as such without being told you can’t call it what it is
showing up to the funeral of the murdered guy like hey what’s up y’all took an L objectively
also I genuinely don’t care much at all for the distinction here in this context. Okay, then let’s compare it to the execution of John Brown. the struggle for the liberation of oppressed peoples is the struggle for the liberation of oppressed peoples. To me, this is armchairism
it’s the sign of someone who has no real connection to the struggle whatsoever, they don’t care about the human factor at all, this is just them trying to prove a point that literally holds no weight or value to anyone but themselves
I demand that crackers stop lecturing western Asians about how our fucking liberation should look like.
I know you don’t value our lives and safety just by how you armchair general the resistance. The caucasity and arrogance to tell western Asians how our resistance is failing us without seeing the bigger picture that things. Can. Get. Worse.
No, we are not in a regional war. Yes it sucks that gazans and Lebanese people are fucking dying, those are our people how can we not see that?
And yes, it can get significantly worse. Millions could die across the whole region, we can suffer in ways we never thought was possible if a hot war erupts.
Iran especially knows this. Iran doesn’t want to spill the blood of western Asia in the name of tit for tat strikes that would jeopardize the future of liberation and the end of colonialism.
But absolutely westoid crackers! You definitely care about us whenever you attack Iran for not leveling a city in the name of optics.
I’m so tired.
I wasn’t aware that the hexbear news megathread was a funeral for Nasrallah. Honestly this is just odd.
jesus christ shut the fuck up
Your ignorance is astounding, I wish my heart and head could be as empty as yours 👏
I’ve been here a long time and don’t want to say anything to you that gets me banned but you aren’t a comrade without empathy.
Edit: they’ve been banned, go fuck yourself you tragedy tourist
I don’t think you meant too much harm, but as others have said here there is a time and place and even form for all criticism to be effective. Even if an analysis is correct, and does come at the right time, if lacks tack then it isn’t effective. It can come across as callous when said too soon. This isn’t meant to say that the criticisms people share here are also criticisms of you, but they should be seen as criticism of the form the message you made take. Essentially even an analysis must have tack. It can’t ignore the human element. And that human element is very strong here.
You said that you didn’t realize that this is a funeral for Nasrallah, you have to be empathetic and note that for many people this isn’t just an armchair interest, but this is something that is actually impacting their day to day life. For these comrades, the martyrdom of Nasrallah has an impact in their day to day lives greater than what that Westerner comrades (and I am one) can fully relate to, even if we are supporters in all our good faith. So in ways, yes, it is a funeral. And your message came across as callous just like it would during a funeral. It isn’t to say you can’t convey criticisms, but they have to take an appropriate form to have any positive impact. The emotional dimension is every bit as real as any other, and ignoring it weakens criticism.
Also, you mentioned comparing socialist revolutionaries to non-socialist revolutionaries. I don’t think that is a useful distinction here whatsoever. Imperialism is the principal contradiction, and just like we have the term Actually Existing Socialism, I think we should have the term Actually Existing Anti-Imperialism. And Hamas and Hezbollah are actual real movements of people that are fighting imperialism. They are no less valuable than explicit socialist movements (and God knows there are a lot of useless orgs here in the West calling themselves socialist)
they are more concerned with labeling things as losses, this
is more important to them than anything else, they ignore anyone bringing up the real issue, fuck off, these issues are more than just a scoreboard. this is a matter of human lives, grow a spine and some empathy
While you’re right about quite a bit, how are the resistance supposed to go “all in against Israel” without risking nuclear war, and/or a NATO - Israel bombing campaign that would eviscerate Lebanon or Iran? Unfortunately we live in a world where both options are a very real possibility.
Just going to edit to say that the way you are addressing this is not constructive. People are mourning the loss of a leader, some people on here have family in Lebanon and this kind of response lacks tact.
What they’re facing now is already the evisceration of Lebanon… Honestly I don’t see how escalation could be worse. Gaza might as well have been nuked; look at the satellite images. There’s nothing left. It’s awful.
It can always get worse
Yeah, you’re right and Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran are all wrong. You, sitting back and going “I told you so!” as thousands of people die in a genocide, surely have the perspective that everyone else is missing. A perspective that happens to line up with Zionist propaganda.

hey seriously go log the fuck off, using the death of a martyr to score gotcha points and then embracing great man theory and israeli narratives.