site’s back, time to party
i read that Kurt Cobain egg theory post again, and…
they didnt tattoo their skeleton with “I AM TRANS” so they’re definitely cis. Sad shit, all around.
Read this for the first time because of your post.
Had me in tears all morning.
I’ve never read this. Can you link it?
That’s such a wild post.
When I read the title, I was like, “yeah fucking right. Okay, so I guess whoever you want to be trans is trans, then”
But then I read the post and was like
Yeah. Like all the evidence is circumstantial, but there’s SO much of it. Makes you do a big
Yeah, the core point of that post is that we assume people to be cis by default, even when it seems a lot more likely that they’ve actually been eggs. Sure, Cobain could very well have just been a really gender-nonconforming dude who just happened to also struggle with a fuckton of things that are typical symptoms of repressed gender dysphoria and also may have just happened to have said and written a ton of really eggy sounding stuff to challenge patriarchal ideas of masculinity, but let’s be serious, it’s more and more of a reach the more you look at his life. Like, when you move past “i think he wore dresses on stage sometimes, i guess?” and take an actual, close look at the tons of material that are out there and connect the dots, everything screams egg - if you’ve been there yourself. Cis people don’t get that, they cannot connect to that kind of experience, but what do they know? Transness is something that completely eludes their understanding even if they’re queer themselves, staunch trans allies and into gender studies, they never fully feel it because that’s just not how they perceive identity, their body and having to fit into gendered expectations. To write off the idea that Cobain was trans actually means to ignore the more likely explanation because of a societal tendency to doubt and erase transness and to make cis people, the people who know the absolute least about gender, the arbiters of who gets to be a real, valid, true trans person.
GOOD post
I noticed we are using mm/dd/yyyy like a bunch of amerikkkans. Please fix this mistake
I wish my sister was a mad scientist who turned me into a girl so I could relive my high school experience tbh
sounds great
I like the username.
finally got to my upper lip during electrolysis this week. pain is just dysphoria leaving the body, right?
that upper lip (especially near the nose) pain is like temporarily entering another plane of existence