Both sides are trying their best to throw the election because both sides know what’s coming
The infinity-debt-bubble is going to burst the instant the rates get “emergency” cut which will likely be at the next FOMC meeting (This is coincidentally ONE day after the election is decided). 2007 / 08 / 09 look IDENTICAL to what is currently happening.
- Spam: “wow we fixed the markets” (which to them, is the same as the economy)
- Cut rates (This will be an “emergency” cut that “nobody” will see coming)
- Hyper-inflate the USD (Furthering BRICS’ claim to the new WRC)
- Drive people into foreclosures
- Consolidate wealth on the (very large) dip
- Ask for another gov bailout at the expense of the tax payers
I wrote the following 8 months ago:
Step 1. Tie up russia w/ Europe so they can’t help their allies in the middle east (implode Iran to “protect Israel” seems like most libs will accept that)
Step 2. Destroy trade routes out of china through the middle east
Step 3. Naval fuckery against China to lock them out of trade entirely.
Step 4. Buddy up with any SA country dumb enough to provide cheap slave labor to pivot out of China (Such as bringing FABs to Mexico/Argentina/Arizona)
The good thing is; however, their plan will not work (but it does explain why neither party wants to win). The bankers/1%ers win regardless, and the puppets in the kayfabe show know that “their side” of the uniparty will get far more donations during the period that they aren’t in charge.
This is entirely why the US is charging head-first into Iran while blaming Israel/Zionists/Jews. The American markets need the boost to the MIC or they’re going to lose the WRC
Enjoy the fall
Can we not do this weird conspiracy-future-prediction social media trend? If you’re sure rates will be emergency cut and the USD will be hyperinflated, then go make mass profit with currency/bonds/shorts etc. Your “predictions” from 8 months ago prove literally nothing and make me wonder if this is just a bit.
This is not r/wallstreetbets.
I agree its some weirdly specific predictiona being made just wanna point out not everyone even has money to invest. Even if i could see the future idk how much money id make investing the like 10$ i could scrounge up rn lol.
I 100% agree (and have been in that penniless position 90% of my life). But the user implies they have very good predictive abilities since at least 8 months, and it’d be surprising if they hadn’t had some chance to capitalise massively on these short-term realisations. A loan and some smart shorts / currency trades would two or three-fold your money in a matter of months based on this.
Is it something everyone could definitely do? No. But it raises major red flags for the veracity.
Ya thats true lol. I wish i had more to be doing stuff like that with i actually did one time when they gave us all that covid money, and i managed to turn that 1200 into like 10k via some investing its what got me thru the pandemic had to spend it all on food and rent tho. That was easy times to predict stuff since the pandemic kinda dominated everything. I just rode the bitcoin wave up from like 7k to 55k. If i hadnt gotten lucky with that id have probably ended up homeless during covid.
The “just bet on it” crowd in here screams that they have money to lose in the capitalist game of funny numbers
Just because it mentions the markets you’re considering this advice to invest?
Fuck the markets, I’m saying the economy will crash
Which is why a short would net you huge gains. A short is betting on a crash.
This isn’t advice to invest.
Fuck your neolib funny lines
You ain’t gotta be butt hurt over it; I was just explaining a short since others had mentioned it
I understood the other 3 accounts pushing to bet on the millions of homeless citizens as well, trust me 🤷😒
“If I don’t fund the baby-crushing machine, someone else will”
You can make a lot of money with the right bets when the market crashes
This is entirely why the US is charging head-first into Iran while blaming Israel/Zionists/Jews. The American markets need the boost to the MIC or they’re going to lose the WRC
<— about to do so much Bomb Libel
If you think this is impressive check out what I made 8 months ago
The infinity-debt-bubble is going to burst
2007 / 08 / 09 look IDENTICAL to what is currently happening
i’m getting the sense you don’t know what you’re talking about
Cuts in 07 Crash in 08 Bottom in 09
Same 3 cuts in 24 Crash in 25 Bottom in 26
But again, fuck the markets, don’t bet on neolib numbers you dorks
There’s been a post like this every year since like 2017. Sorry, but
Enjoy the fall comrade
I follow and she makes a million more convincing and well sourced arguments than you do, and for as much doom and gloom she posts about the financial markets,
Libs gunna lib
Enjoy your bets alright bro, wheres the fall? been a month after election.
There hasn’t been a change in administration yet?
But if you had to ask, as if you were expecting the sheer news of Trump to crash it, you’ll be one of those suprised the most 😂.
you said one day after election
Cuts in 07 Crash in 08 Bottom in 09
Same 3 cuts in 24 Crash in 25 Bottom in 26
But again, fuck the markets, don’t bet on neolib numbers you dorks
And w/ today’s cut, you’ll see mate
It would explain a lot if neither faction of the state party wanted to win. But then again so would them being a bunch of arrogant failsons of failsons who have been sniffing their own farts for generations.
Why not both? Seems to me the only serious contenders trying to be POTUS this year were/are those trying to avoid prosecution (Trump, Biden) and those foolish and egotistical to want the throne again (Trump, Biden, Kamala).
If you’re right about what they try to do (I certainly think they are gearing up for exactly that, though like you I agree they won’t succeed, and fingers crossed as to if they dare- they probably will) on the upside, the silver lining to all their atrocities they are committing and will only increase- it will go catastrophically bad for them (IMO).
Russia won’t be tied up, and Europe will freeze
They can engage in piracy as they always resort to in the end, but it will cost them- hopefully everything in turn (and I don’t think it’s out of the question). The Asian vassal states and rogue entities (Japan, SK, Philippines, rogue Taipei) as well as Aus/NZ will similarly have a world of hell headed their way, even if it’s just economic, and the entire region will be rightfully pissed and IMO by-and-large understands exactly who is not only behind it all, but fundamentally, existentially, incompatible with the peaceful development and prosperity of Asia. Even India which tries to play both sides and would love to see China trip up is going to see this as yet another slap in the face, after the regime changes in Bangladesh and the ongoing issues in Pakistan no less.
Honestly I don’t even think they’ll be able to properly “implode Iran.” Any troops trying to enter Iran may as well be stepping into a meat grinder, and I think that the spirit and structure of the Iranian revolution (highly flawed as it may be) is well defended. If they try to implode Iran, Isntreal will go down immediately (and even then Iran will still be around- extremely pissed and with some real damage, probably with nuclear fallout whether it be from Isntreal launching the nukes, targeting nuclear sites, etc, or even the west directly acting on behalf of their puppet).
And hopefully, all of this will be the perfect storm, as the landmass of Eurasia (the decent parts anyways) finally and fully are forced to break free of the west and all of humanity starts marching to a future without it. I don’t think the bankers/1% will “win” (they’ll remain oligarchs in the west or wherever they flee, sure, but their fortunes will be greatly reduced), the political establishment/theater will be even more doomed and precarious than before, and- this is assuming that they don’t go full on MAD- the end result will still hopefully, very possibly, destroy YanKKKeestan’s viability as a settler-parasite upon the rest of the world once and for all, and with it its MIC, its (and the collective west’s) world economic system, etc.
Maybe the DNC doesn’t want to win, but I can tell you no one in the party got the “Don’t try to win” memo. Definitely not Next-gen America, or America Votes, or the state Democratic Party where I live, or any of the dozens of campaigns texting me for money…
Use Occam’s Razor: It’s so much safer to just do the same shit you did four years ago. It’s risky to try new tactics. Dems must have polling and/or their donors are driving them do move Right and try to appeal to those mythical “middle class swing voters” while ignoring anyone left of Reagan.