Everytime 😭
Yup 😒
Little peace accords between species this morning. Someone hangs out a seed mix that’s the neighbourhood buffet breakfast
Multicultural Melbourne ♥
I heard what I can only assume was an ibis warbling, sort of like a magpie, coming out of the cemetery lake colony this morning.
Omg that is an amazing photo!! The one male house sparrow being eyed off by the lorikeet 😂
I love pigeons, legit my favourite bird. I just love their shape, their cute coos, and how funny they look when the males try to dance for the females.
Fun fact: Rainbow Lorikeets can live for 30 years!
I’m back with pizza!
Looks like pineapple and some green capsicum and something leafy.
Breaking News
The Surprise Pizza, formerly known as The Mystery Pizza, has landed. The most anticipated pizza all day. Enjoy lucky Winner. Enjoy.
👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
The banana is hiding underneath.
Yuck! Banana should never be within 5km of a pizza!
Well, the crust looks pretty nice. And the cheese
All in all it was pretty nice.
I was happy with it all things considered.
Staying up laaaaate because fuck it, why not? I’m and adult, I’m allowed to relax with no commitments tomorrow!
In fact… I’m going to have chocolate ice cream.
Cried for like the first 1.5 hours of my work day. Awesome.
Oh no. 😔
Sending you a nice warm hug 🫂
Thank you <3
😞 is calling it a day and going home sick viable?
Sadly would have made the situation worse. Gah.
so many gentle hugs
Thank you <3
How are you doing now? I hope the day managed to be a bit kinder to you after this morning. Please feel free to vent in here if you think it might help.
Thanks. It’s tough because I know that I really just need to get a new job. I’m not cut out for this one and that’s okay, but I keep fighting it which is just detrimental to myself.
Goodnight everyone ❤️
Night night!
Earlier I was going to go out to buy some coffee on half price.
Walked out the door dressed up and gave up and went back in.
Having of those days today.
Nearly called it a mental health day from the shower this morning. It’s deffo going around!
I dug (another) hole!
This one will be dedicated to potat and only potat. Should be twice as big hopefully by the end.
Was also about to start the chillo patch on the left there (which looks awful for now). Not stressed have a month to sort that. Disconnected the water but apparently I left it on and it went off just as my head was right near the drip line was aimed at my face.
I sounded like thisWhat kind potat?
So I’m reading up on varieties atm…
Desiree will be in there.
Guess I’m hoping for 3 types. 1. Good for mash 2. good for salad and 3. good deep frying. hrmm.
Kipflers. Ridic expensive, easy to grow. Can fling you some seed potat if ya want (i also have purple ones!)
I’m trying to update my bank account details on my work’s payroll software and it’s not letting me do it. So I sent an email to payroll, and almost signed it off with “Retards” instead of “Regards”. Just one of those days.
It’s my birthday in a month.
It’s rare that I’m excited for it, but for the moment, Im looking forward to it.
Also, tuna pasta sauce doesn’t last as long as I thought, as I found out today…
I planned on a nice relaxing day today but the man is here and it’s hard to relax with the energizer bunny hopping around asking if there’s anything I’d like him to do. Yes, go outside and don’t come back for a really long time. I know that’s mean and I know I’m lucky but he’s been bopping around since 8 am and I’m tired watching him now.
I completely understand. ‘What can I do to help?’… sit there and pretend you’re not here because I’ve got stuff to do.
Yessss! That’s pretty much what happens. I say to him “I love you and I love having you here but I’m gonna pretend you’re not here because you’re messing up my system”. 😂
Tell him the dog needs a walk. That’s what I did last night!
He already has.
Teach him to use the vacuum cleaner … he’ll find something to do real quick.
He already went to do that and I said no. He’s currently outside cleaning the fan.
send him over here, we got lawns that need mowin’ and our resident ADHD is off taking his referral diagnosis to a gp to refer him a psychologist who can approve his referral and refer him back to a GP to prescribe meds
Make him do the cooking and clean up.
When Mickey is dozing on my chair he is always in the mood for kisses. He starts purring like a tractor when I kiss his belly, and he starts rolling over more to make sure I kiss it all. It’s the only time I can touch his tummy without losing an appendage; hands and arms are absolutely no go, only face!
Pic of him rolled over after I kissed his whoooole tummy, I stop when he stops purring 👀 I’m not gonna push him with my eyes so close to his claws lol
fluffy belly boi
The best stress relief is found by burying your face in cat belly and breathing in deep.
If that is not an option, I find cat flank to be reasonably effective as well. Especially if said cat is purring
Laneway Festival ticket acquired. Friend and her friends got some too! So now we are going together as a big group and I have something to look forward to :)
They must’ve sold a fuckton of tickets in that presale, there were 13k people in front of me in the queue when I joined at 10am when it opened.
Hope you all enjoy your festival!
I reckon they did. 35k in front of me. Bananas.
Hope you get tickets (if you want to go)! :)
That 35k is going to avg more than 1 ticket per person in the queue which is madness for the first presale.
Yeah got ours, we were on the fence as we have no interest in the lineup, but we go every year and love festival vibes so yah know.
I do miss it being held at Footscray Community Arts Centre though :'(
Yeah that is madness.
Did you go when Tame Impala were small and playing in it? It’s crazy how some artists have blown up since they played at Laneway.
Yeah I was there in 2017 :D
Seeing artists blow up is my jam, I prefer catching them when they’re playing local dive bars though or just dropped their first track online; it makes seeing them at a festival all that more awesome. It’s just a shame they stop remembering you.