Imagine being able to travel back in time and have a conversation with your younger self. What words of wisdom or advice would you share? What experiences or lessons learned would you want them to know about?
Don’t sell your Bitcoin.
Alternately, buy more Bitcoin.
Save as much money as possible;
Short AA at the end of Aug 2001; you’ll know when to cover.
In Oct 2001 buy AAPL
In 2008 buy bitcoin… keep buying, and WRITE DOWN YOUR PASSWORDS, until it hits $100. Don’t worry about it; just do it.
You aren’t a fuckup because you weren’t smart enough to protect yourself from getting hurt by others. Your parents are supposed to be looking out for you and they are not. They are to blame, not you.
- kick out the drummer
- she’s not worth it
- she is also not worth it
- save every last dollar you can
- don’t smoke that cigarette
- forget BlackBerry, put it in an index fund instead
Omg BB 🤕
“Convince someone to buy bitcoin for you and hold on to it”
You’re trans, idiot.
Buy Bitcoin then use your fortune to help fix global warming or something else for the good of humanity.
Are you me? It would have been so much easier if I’d come out like, 10yrs ago. At least I would have been on my parents insurance.
I’ll throw in “stop being afraid of the furry community you fucking dumbass; they’re a hell of a lot nicer than your current “”“friends””“”.
I don’t think I’m you, and I think it would have been harder for me to come out 10 years ago. The trajectory of my life would be completely different if I had, and my family that’s cool with it almost certainly wouldn’t have been as cool with it then.
Still, wish I could have gotten on estrogen WAY earlier for more effetmcts U.U Oh well.
Literally wrote my comment and then scrolled down and two of the points I wrote are exactly what you wrote, thats crazy lol
Sadly some of us don’t realize we’re trans until well into adulthood.
Sadly some of us don’t realize that Bitcoin (while awful in many ways) is worth a fortune until it’s 10 years too late. 😂
Do not like alcohol that much
Invest in you old age: Superannuation or some other savings device. You need to put on as much as you possibly can as soon as you can but this needn’t mean you plow all your income into it straight away. Transfer or invest as little as $20 per week initially, you’ll never miss it and after a few weeks or months keep increasing the amount till you’ve reached your ceiling. Reinvest your earnings or dividends, compound interest is a beautiful thing.
Take a hard Look at your partner, this is the best you’ll ever get. Dont fuck it up. Listen to them and go to fucking therapy.
I’m not sure I would. If I could have avoided the bullshit or done the things that would have optimized my income and wealth, I don’t think I would have ended up where I am now. The risk doesn’t seem worth it, I would be a completely different person with a completely different life.
Don’t fucking join the Army
Don’t become the person you think you’d hate to become haha.
Get treated for ADHD and depression sooner.
Don’t stick your dick in crazy and whatever you do, don’t get married or buy a house together.
I would probably tell myself not to bother with college and suggest I go to a technical school instead. Apparently degrees aren’t worth jack shit around here.
mainly I would give him a hug and tell him he’s a good and worthy person because that is what he needs the most