He was literally the one in power when Roe was overturned. It’s like the US gives you two fantasy lands to live in and you’re treated like the problem when you point out reality.
You’re bringing Roe back next term, Joe?
Why not do it this term? Why are you holding women’s bodies hostage for your election?
Because the president can’t actually do anything sweatie, why don’t you retake civics 101? Don’t you remember Biden’s famous 2020 campaign slogan: “I can’t do anything [except arm Ukrainian Nazis, attempt to start WW3 with Russia and China, sign oil drilling permits during climate apocalypse, undo all covid protections (except for the ones which protect me), and shrug as the right undoes Roe and Affirmative Action and god knows what else].”
US politics is like a TV show where anything progressive gets undone by the end of every episode.
Oh no the proles might just win this time, just kidding.
Nothing will fundamentally change.
that sub always gave me strong astroturfed vibes
the entire website is astroturfed