I’ll go first. I love watching Over The Garden Wall every October, either on Halloween or a bit earlier. What about you?
I’ve been rewatching at least one of Michael Flanagan’s horror series every year. Haunting of Hill House is my fave, but there’s also Haunting of Bly Manor, Midnight Mass, Midnight Club, and Fall of the House of Usher. And a movie or two of his.
I try to make my own version of some popular fall food or drink. Like pumpkin spice whatever, apple cider doughnuts, sweet potato pie.
I don’t get trick or treaters, so I like mooching off friends. If someone has a super low key “party” where I can throw some candy at kids with fun costumes that come to their door, I’m there.
Hill house was BRUTAL. Definitely the scariest among his stuff, though i havent watched house usher yet.
I would also recommend Doctor Sleep if you haven’t seen it. It’s a wonderful sequel/tribute to the Shining and so, so dark.
I definitely read the book, which was an ok spooky adventure novel more than the moody horror of the shining.
Cabin in the Woods.
I try to find a person who doesn’t know about it an force them into watching it to watch their reactions. Almost as entertaining as the movie, and the move is great.
Add Tucker and Dale vs Evil to that category.
I gotta say: I love this. It’s super late, but I’ll come back with a story or two. 🕸️🐈⬛🦇🖤💀🌚🎃👻
I eat a shit ton of candy.
The movie Trick 'r Treat, scaring the neighborhood kids, and blowing out all the jack o lanterns at 12:01.
And leave out a bowl of milk and a tray of candies for the demons/fairies overnight.
My roommate is obsessed with Halloween and does one of those little model villages every year with tiny spooky buildings that light up and stuff. I sometimes sculpt or 3D print parts and props for it. It’s fun to see how much joy he gets out of it, and how it grows a little each year.
halloween was imported into this country by a costume shop in 1997. this is common knowledge and the shop itself is very proud of this fact. because of this it is an explicitly consumerist holiday, and it is younger than me by a good margin. i do not know anyone who celebrates.
What country?
and I went back to check, it was imported by a costume shop in collaboration with hard rock cafe in the early 90s but the decision from the board of business to encourage people to spend for this holiday came in 97.
Here in Costa Rica we don’t usually celebrate Halloween because people back in the 90s said it was satanic and stuff.
Eventually the tradition died down
As in the tradition of calling Halloween satanic died down?
Nah, Halloween died down and we celebrate Mascaradas (another tradition) instead in that same date.
They used to say that black shirts, heavy metal, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokémon and even Winnie the Pooh were satanic too as well
Not sure about Yu-Gi-Oh, but Winnie the Pooh is definitely satanic.
Since owning a house my partner and I have really embraced Fall/Thanksgiving/Halloween decor from mid-September until early November (we’re in Canada where Thanksgiving is in October). I like fancy/pretty shit so we have a bunch of blown glass and porcelain stuff, candles, some skull/haunted-like figurines, wreaths and vases with faux flowers/black branches. The last two Thanksgivings my partner bought me a bouquet of orange/yellow flowers for the dining table too.
I bake at least once for Thanksgiving and once for Halloween. We also watch Halloween Baking Championship every year, and try to squeeze in some horror flicks too.
We also listen to a very wide variety of fall/Halloween music throughout the season. This year we particularly enjoyed the Nemos dreamscapes compilations (example).
We went for a nighttime walk in the woods and read “Tell-Tale Heart.”
i make it a point to do both halloween & dia de los muertos just to extend the halloween spirit a little bit longer and give me a 4 day weekend. lol
Costumes for sure. I just luv pickings things to wear. I also love watching spooky movies like Halloween, Nightmare Before Christmas, Casper The Friendly Ghost ect… ect… And some Halloween themed episodes of shows like Treehouse Of Horror and the American Dad Halloween episodes.