I thought fascism was a Republican thing 🤯
Its been 3 years of a casual stroll and a year of genocide and a mad dash to the right.
The Duopoly is fascist and they have hordes who will dutifully do whatever their masters tell them to.
Alabama got rid of slavery in 2022.
This is factual, I double checked because I found it surprising.
Buuuuuuuuuuuut…How would they fight wildfires?
Won’t anyone think about the wildfires?
/s (To be clear)
Alabama still very much has slavery / a few slave labor camps running. Not as many as California tho.
Huh, I wonder what led to this failing? The source doesn’t elaborate.
Probably related to this
Ah, yes. Hurting the homeless. Of course. Silly me.
Prisoners’ rights are deeply unpopular in America because the vast majority of Americans still believe in the “justice” system making the right choices. Most of the people I campaigned to told me “if you don’t wanna do forced labor, just don’t commit crime”.
“if you don’t wanna do forced labor, just don’t commit crime”.
a poor education and ignorance (willful or other) are a key factor to why they have that sentiment.
an educated and informed person would realize that “punishment” does not benefit society. they would see how other countries approach the topic and realize that treatment and support are what criminals need ( not all of them obviously ). an informed populace would also look internally and realize prison-enforced slavery incentivizes increased incarceration of petty crimes, which only pushes people into more crime, not to mention private prisons and the 13th amendment make for an evil combination.
to quote SOAD:
All research and successful drug policy show that treatment should be increased
And law enforcement decreased while abolishing mandatory minimum sentences
Yea I can only educate so much at someone’s doorstep before they ignore me. I’m all ears about what you think the best tactic is.
Edit: but I don’t promise to listen, apparently this forum is infected with hateful bots that want to see my community become more divided and destroyed.
California would literally burn without slave labor.
Lol what? Do you have worms in your brain?
One of their prison labor programs is for fighting wildfires.
He’s referencing the slaves used as firefighters while enslaved that are denied employment fighting fires if they survive and are released.
You know, that insanely fucked up practice of endangering incarcerated persons in the most dangerous job possible simply to save money since they’re compensated less than $0.25/hour.
They’re forced to do it, as well, or risk serving their full term and lose the basic human dignity that US prisons treat as though they were privileges and niceties.
How Kamala Harris Fought to Keep Nonviolent Prisoners Locked Up For Labor
Pfft, America has a Center-Right part and an Extreme-Right party. Just because Republicans call Dems “the left” doesn’t make them leftists.
I am sure they are very concerned about slavery in China though
People are really getting sick of things like side shows, smash and grab robberies, car breakins. Small businesses are closing because of this. The Alameda County DA doesn’t want to prosecute offenders, victims feel they are not being represented. So given all that, it doesn’t surprise me at all that voters aren’t eager to do any favors for convicted criminals.
You know what the most ghoulish shit is about libs? Y’all stopped pretending cruel and unusual punishment was only for rapes and murders and now stealing a sandwich is enough to get you to pay with your life’s time for a few years.
Maybe demand all the media, agriculture and tech billionaires y’all have to stop wage theft, antitrust practices, rent/food gouging and outright contracting prison slaves and you wouldnt have so many homeless people that still have to eat and inner city youth desperate to make a dollar any way they can to escape their police-occupied communities.
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There’s a reason your position lost so badly in the polls: it’s divorced from reality. Painting every criminal as a poor hungry oppressed person just isn’t true. All the stores around me have closed because they were being repeatedly robbed by organized gangs. Anything I leave outside gets destroyed and I have to spend weeks cleaning up after sideshows pass through my neighborhood. The people doing that have plenty of money for fancy cars and expensive fireworks. They aren’t starving, they’re just shitty people who get off on making other people miserable.
Also, nobody in my neighborhood is hungry, I work with the county food bank to make sure of that. It’s hard work but it’s the least I can do.
Yes, slavery is wrong. However I gave up on expecting subtlety from the average voter many moons ago, and right now the population is desperate to express that just bending over and taking it from shithead gangsters is destroying low-income neighborhoods. They are tired of being lied to by people like you living in a nice rich neighborhood and imagining noble hungry people that were never the problem in the first place.
They are tired of being lied to by people like you living in a nice rich neighborhood and imagining
I live in Latin America you absolute dumbass lmao. Now who’s imagining?
I don’t care about your fascist talking points and make believe gangsters pulled from thin air, statistically, poverty is by far the biggest driver of crime and California, like all of the US, has a whole lot of it. And rather than fix it, y’all make it worse for everyone because you’d rather get your little vengeance for some kid fucking up your lawn. Americans pretend giving to charity is enough because y’all don’t want to own up to the fact that your society was built from the ground up as a settler colony only interested in enriching the rulers. The rest of the world sees you for what you are, and Trump makes it undeniable.
That’s what libs hate about him, because his policies are the same shit but dialed up a little, with no lipstick on the pig.
¿Entiedes que es un “sideshow”? It’s a part of my local communidad que tú no ves y es un shitshow of hateful destructive people.
I worked so hard to try and protect my brothers, I don’t deserve this treatment from some internet armchair idiot. What is wrong with you? Do you even know what you say when you call me a fascist? My life is in danger after the regime change because of my active mutual aid and this is how you treat me?
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It doesn’t matter where in Latin America I’m from because all of it has been various levels of fucked by the US in the same way the corporatocracy started to fuck most of y’all since the last depression. My grandpa wasn’t even born when the US was already stealing our shit at gunpoint. Malcolm X was already saying in the 60s that all the horrors unleashed by the US would in time be unleashed within it, and here we are. Good for you for campaigning for prop 6, doesn’t make your reasoning for why it failed any less fascist.
Trump supporters voted for him because they think migrants poison the blood of the country. Citing made up Nazi shit doesn’t mean everyone else has to address it like it’s true, jfc.
I’m a Nazi for campaigning door-to-door to end slavery?
Yup, .ml is doing just fine I see…
I know american adults have the reading comprehension of other countries’ 8 year olds but I guess the democrat playbook of performative martyrdom when presented with criticism is easier than introspection.
The_Slavery_Enjoyer has logged on
I’m making an observation. I didn’t say how I voted, now did I? But go ahead and downvote me. ML folks.
why are you scared to say you think incarcerated people deserve to be subjected to involuntary servitude? feels too slimy to say out loud?
No one cares how you voted, your views are reactionary.
Anytime someone says “small business” I know they’re full of shit. Define “small business” it’s just like saying “middle class” fuck off.
Banning slavery is not ‘Doing a favor’.