For me it was Titan AE, Treasure planet, FF spirits within, chronicles of riddick and pitch black and iRobot
This means I’m cool.
I also watched a lot of Cars but only cos my brother liked it.
There’s this shitty horror movie about giant spiders called “eight legged freaks”, when I was a little one spiders were my special interest so my parents plonked me down in front of it one stormy day and I just kept rewatching it.
Also early Red Dwarf (I’ve an embarrassing memory from my childhood of watching Polymorph getting to the bit where Rimmer complains about the name he’s created for the protest group “on the other hand the abbreviation is CLITORIS”, completely missing the joke, and assuming that clitoris meant cluttered and awkward and using it that way at school the next day).
And for some reason, the film remakes of the Dr Who serials “Dr Who and the Daleks” and “Daleks’ invasion of Earth 2150 AD”.
Did you ever watch arachnophobia? I remember really liking that movie
I remember watching it once or twice as a child, but I didn’t, like, play it on a loop like eight legged freaks.
Total Recall (1990). My folks were kinda negligent
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
good shit
It’s a great family movie. Exciting and action-packed, but not violent. There’s no on-screen deaths. And there’s an amazing happy ending that feels earned.
My parents are Trekkies and had all the 80s movies on VHS, the whole collection together looks like the Enterprise. Pretty cool.
So much nostalgia in that little collection! I truly believe that there were no bad TOS movies. They were all great in their own ways. We go from high-concept classic slow-burn sci-fi, to a tense naval battle between brilliant captains with major consequences, to an exciting adventure story for the sake of friendship, to a family-friendly non-violent fun romp through time, to a slightly silly story that’s straight out of TOS but also has some fantastic moments with our main trio, to an action-packed mystery thriller that gives our crew a heartwarming send-off.
I would re-watch any of those movies happily. Yes, even #5. It’s only “bad” by TOS movie standards. It’s way better than any TNG movie or any episode of Discovery or Picard. Sybok’s actor deserves a lot of credit for his work. He’s that best and most interesting kind of antagonist: someone who thinks he’s the hero of the story, and who thinks he’s doing the right thing to help others.
I remember my grandparents had a vhs recording of an hour long loony tunes skit movie.
They also had Disney’s robin hood.
The land before time 1 and 2 back at my parents place.
One of my friends gave me a 3 disc rip of the matrix reloaded, and the middle disc started at the burly brawl and ended after the car chase. That got a lot of play
Had a lot of old vhs’s so a ton of the og star wars, animated hobbit, original willy wonka. I also watched the shit outta chronicles of riddick/pitch black/irobot, so even tho the movies are probably kinda poopoo in retrospect, your cool status is confirmed
VHS’s I watched countless, countless times at my grandma’s house: Jurassic Park (Funny in hindsight considering how violent that movie can be), Small Soldiers, Air Bud, this one Ren and Stimpy/Donald Duck shorts/Pokemon tape (Separate ones), a litany of typical Disney movies (Lion King. Aladdin, Little Mermaid) and not-so-typical ones (The 3 Caballeros, The Aristocats, The Rescuers), the old 70s Charlotte’s Web, Grease, Spice World, The Mask, Brave Little Toaster, this one animated Little Engine That Could tv movie, to name a few lol
Ah shit small soldiers! I completely forgot about that one. Kicked off my obsession with toy based media leading to me playing all the army men games.
Look Who’s Talking
the movie with Bruce Willis doing voices for a baby’s thoughts. Kristie Alley, John Travolta, Olympia Dukakis, Abe Vigoda.
straight up, I could open a notepad doc and type up like 75% of the screenplay cold.
Gremlins 1 & 2, Ghostbusters 1 & 2, a bunch of 90s Disney movies and some more obscure stuff because we didn’t have that many VHS movies. Anyone remember that there was a Jetsons movie made around 1990? Yeah, we had that.
Oh yeah, original Star Wars trilogy too, first the original versions recorded off TV, then retail VHSs of the CGI crap special editions.
Gremlins caused me deep fear.
The Mask, and I turned out just fine
My parents bought a VHS of My Neighbour Totoro, I loved that shit
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You watched the final fantasy movie? Did you like it?
The hill i choose to die on is that its a good movie
You’re the second ever person I’ve known that likes it. The first is Max from life is strange haha
Cos max is cool like me
Star wars movies, especially 4 and 6 (this was before the prequels) 6 more because my sister loved seeing Jabba die (she associated him to my father which is probably something) and the ewoks.
And Disney movies, especially little mermaid, and Bambi, and Aladdin. Edit, and the original TMNT movie which I missed all dark overtones and just liked the turtles being bros and didn’t get the second movie but I did totally get the third and it was radical. Also I may have a profound attraction to women in yellow jumpsuits holding microphones… Do not look into this.
Day after tomorrow.
Ah yes a classic
Sad to feel like ‘dont look up’ does it so much better now.
Veggietales on VHS was on rotation on my house a lot. From time to time, Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000) was also on, a fever-dream of a film that has a coked-out Alec Baldwin, a too-depressed Peter Fonda, and an in-her-prime Mara Wilson. I watched a lot of Cars as well when that came out.
I also watched The Brave Little Toaster a bunch whenever I went to my grandma’s house, at the same age when I enjoyed Barney. That probably explains my distrust of clowns and messed me up a little.
I was around when the VHS to DVD transition happened, I remember Blockbuster and small-time movie rental places, and then as I got older I remember when Netflix came in the mail
. My family would get The Next Generation on DVD and it’s kind of incredible just how little information was on those things, just 3-4 episodes of prime TNG in standard definition.
Fukin love thomas the tank engine, worms its way in my brain its so friendly yet so uncanny.