Could a tariff war erupt between the United States and Mexico? A top Mexican official said his country might retaliate if the Trump administration placed steep tariffs on Mexico.
Racist America voted for inflation to rise. This is what people wanted. It will happen. The fat orange pumpkin will annoy so many American allies and destroy the US economy. This is what people voted for.
The only part you left out is that they did it specifically to do the opposite. Which only a moron could believe would’ve panned out
Exactly. They thought the criminal serial liar wouldn’t lie to them. Have they not learned that trump only cares about trump? Clearly not.
They can’t intimidate little shitler, he doesn’t even understand the meaning of the word tariff!!
Always remember: the cartels don’t pay tariffs when smuggling drugs.
The border between the US and Mexico will be transformed into a military zone. It will be interesting to see how they handle all the private land at the border.
ImminentEminent domain probably. Then they deploy the military and spend ungodly amounts of money there instead of in Afghanistan.Eminent Domain. It is imminent though.
Yep… sry
Do you really think that would happen? Trump was already president and he couldn’t do shit about the border. The Republicans hold now the government, do they could pass extra funding, but I doubt it.
What extra funding? The US just completed Afghanistan mission that cost billions. Now they only need to deploy to the southern border… it will be cheaper. Plus if it really needs extra funds… if there is anything the US always had funding for is the military. So yes as a non Americans I see them turning the border into a Korean style border. Possibly declaring a zone around the border as a special territory to make an end run around posse comitatus.
That war was funded with debt, that the next generation will still be paying down. It’s not like there was a magic firehouse of money that just needs to be redirected.
But didn’t you hear? With the tariffs, trump is going to be raking in so much money, they are going to be paying down the debt! And you got to have it…
Also remember… All Mexicans and iLlEgAl immigrants are criminals.
I mean, true for illegal immigrants, obviously.
What does the US export to Mexico?
Edit: mostly building materials, chemicals, machinery, food, and oil
And soon to be people, millions of people. I wish trump would keel over.
In all seriousness, there are women in Texas who are escaping into Mexico to receive reproductive healthcare.
Bo matter how he dies he will be a martyr to his people. His death will fix nothing.
You’re absolutely right and I hate it. Once he finally dies, prepare for neotrumpism, which is the same thing but more quiet and headed by smarter, prettier, younger people. And it could happen sooner than people are prepared for. Vance will be a heartbeat away from the presidency. Who do you think will be in his inner circle?
Hopefully there’ll be a power vacuum and all the politicians currently sucking his dick will fight for control of the base. This will hopefully splinter them and they can quietly fight amongst themselves.
Conservatives are generally hierarchical pussies. Whoever is high ranking and assertive about being the new leader will be the new leader and everybody will line up to be his footrest. Even without a decent choice, they will push somebody into the position even if they’re bland garbage. Source: the shit show that was them searching for a House Speaker and settling for Mike Johnson.
The ones with the balls to break away from the party only did so to follow trump, and they now control the party because eventually the cowards got in line like good little followers. I think that trump losing this time may have convinced enough to steer the party back to a less extreme position, but his win taught them that the country is ready for full on christofascism, and there’s nothing to be gained from the inevitable failure that would be an attempt to fracture/mutiny the party. They’re more evil than dumb.
Who cares, he’d be dead
They already think whatever they want evn when it’s proven over and over to be false, lies and made up bs
It feels like the beginnings of North Korea. Great leader, if he does die in private they will keep him alive for months by continuing to tweet in his name. The current GOP is absolutely insane.
Only if he and his butt buddy are in the same car and crash together. Otherwise one will just take over in the other’s absence.
People looking for affordable health care.
Mostly electronics, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment. Honestly though, that’s probably just a matter of convenience because we import most of that stuff.
I see interests colliding in the future and I’m curious to how it plays out. Mexico is clearly going to be much less diplomatically available for Trump, so long as he keep his same rhetoric and plans going. This significantly lowers the leverage US auto makers have in lobbying Uncle Sam to use diplomacy to keep Chinese EV plants out of Mexico. Trump certainly seems to be driving Mexico toward China, and his economic moves in his first term drove China to Mexico, these bridges are already built, many of the Chinese goods that he kept out of the US simply went south.
I hope every country does the same.
Honest question: how does hurting consumers even more solve the problem? Is it a deterrent to the original tariffs or something else?
It’s a retaliatory tactic. If the US is reducing the incentive to do trade with Mexico, why should Mexico continue to allow trade with the US without penalty?
The US isn’t in the same economic position as it was 10-20 years ago, and countries have seen the crappy tactics Trump used last time he was in office. I’m sure they’re more willing to respond in kind or even cut ties this time if their relationships becomes more abusive.
Still, trump couldn’t really put tariffs on Mexican imports without doing something about our free trade agreement.
I’m sure he’s willing to mess with that too. Everything is transactional and subject to change with this guy.
In addition to the other answer - it isn’t about hurting consumers. They don’t think that far ahead. They’re toddlers who can’t think past their immediate feelings.
It’s been proven time and again that republicans don’t care about the reality of a situation, only the feels they get about it. So making tariffs is a retaliatory maneuver that has absolutely no follow through - IOW, if you make tariffs against Chinese electric car imports the wise thing to do would be to boost US manufacture of the same with tax incentives or similar increase US buyers and manufacturers’ uptake of home-grown EVs. But that’s not what trump does.
That’s not what the people who voted for him want. They don’t govern. They want to punish everyone that ever slighted them, perceived or real.
They just lash out without a plan in an act of spite and revenge, and when the consequences come home to roost, like price hikes and increasing inflation, in true narcissist fashion, they yet again blame others and lash out more.
Don’t worry. Trump will just blame Mexico for not being a team player, and his base will eat it up.
clutches pearls
Consumption tax for everyone! Unless you all want to go to work in a shoe factory.