I’m a 38 yo straight dude with a potty mouth and a bad attitude. I love sewing. Idky and I’m terrible at it but it gives me the good feels so I practice as much as my brain will allow.
Also a dude, sewing is fucking great! Thinking back, I’m pretty sure I learned to sew long before I learned any other forms of making, childhood me makes lots of felt toys and crafts for friends and family because materials were cheap, accessable, and pretty easy to work with. I love being able to take a pile of fabric and make it into something functional, or at the very least mend my clothes to get more life out of them.
I made a kick ass cover for my smoker for pennies on the dollar and a higher quality custom fit than anything I could ever purchase. All my favorite cloths look far newer than they actually are, as well. I recently learned how to properly do Zippers and now all my winter cloths have brand new hardware saving me god knows how much by not needing to buy new cloths.
I’m a 38 yo straight dude with a potty mouth and a bad attitude. I love sewing. Idky and I’m terrible at it but it gives me the good feels so I practice as much as my brain will allow.
Yeah well you’re also part of what we fight the patriarchy for. It’s sad that people don’t thing someone like you might enjoy sewing
Also a dude, sewing is fucking great! Thinking back, I’m pretty sure I learned to sew long before I learned any other forms of making, childhood me makes lots of felt toys and crafts for friends and family because materials were cheap, accessable, and pretty easy to work with. I love being able to take a pile of fabric and make it into something functional, or at the very least mend my clothes to get more life out of them.
I made a kick ass cover for my smoker for pennies on the dollar and a higher quality custom fit than anything I could ever purchase. All my favorite cloths look far newer than they actually are, as well. I recently learned how to properly do Zippers and now all my winter cloths have brand new hardware saving me god knows how much by not needing to buy new cloths.