hi so i forgot to message the person who was next (sorry HelltakerHomosexual) so i’m just gonna talk about a thing i like

Shadow the Hedgehog is a character that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. Characterized by his sharp wit and strong sense of purpose, Shadow is a recurrent arch-rival of Sonic the Hedgehog, whom he resembles and shares many abilities. He is a major supporter of trans people, as evidenced by his catchphrase, “Trans people are cool!”

^ this is all from the wiki btw

I like Shadow a lot. His first appearance in the series is in a game where him and Sonic are both fighting the government and destroying these multi-million dollar gunships. Sonic is doing it because he loves communism but Shadow is doing it because he has a blood feud against G.U.N., who are like the global government death squads because they killed this girl, Maria, who he was best friends with.

Maria basically had an incurable illness that Eggman’s grandpa was trying to cure by creating an immortal lifeform, which is actually how Shadow was born. Also, Shadow has a copy of Maria’s soul I guess? Seriously, look it up. I’m reading all this shit for the first time right now and that sounds kinda trans to me.

Anyway, she gets shot by the troops and despite Maria telling Shadow to be normal and happy, Eggman’s grandpa is pissed off about it so he starts psyopping Shadow into wanting to kill everyone on Earth. Eggman’s grandpa successfully does the psyop and locks Shadow away until Eggman finds and releases him.

With his newfound power, Shadow starts being evil and helping Eggman find the Chaos Emeralds because he sees him piss on the moon or something. This goes on for a while until he gets back on the space station and remembers what Maria said, deciding to finally be normal and happy.

He switches up, goes Hyper Shadow and helps Sonic defeat the Biolizard which is basically what it sounds like: a giant lizard who wears the space station like a little jacket and shoots lasers from his mouth. Also, that thing was the prototype Ultimate Lifeform before they decided on the optimal form of existence: a little bipedal anthro hedgehog.

So they beat this lizard up, I guess it dies and then the space station is hurtling toward the Earth. Shadow takes a Chaos Emerald and, with the help of Sonic, does one last Chaos Control on the space station, returning it to a stable altitude. Sonic finds himself back on the space station as he flies into the atmosphere. After this, a big semi-translucent Shadow appears on top of the Earth and everyone can see it.

Why would I lie about that? Here it is.

Anyway, a bunch of shit happens after that but I don’t care about it. If someone else wants to talk about Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) feel free. What I really wrote this out to justify talking about is the moon in Sonic games. Like I said before, the moon gets pissed on and destroyed with the help of Shadow,

and then in the next game it’s just fine but evil now(???)

and after THAT it’s not evil anymore but it’s fully intact:

What the fuck? Why? How? I watched it get blown up. Who put the moon back together? Anyway, we’re getting in the weeds here. Welcome to the mega.

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  • gaystyleJoker [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    hi, does anyone wanna make the mega in the upcoming weeks? if so, reply to this post and i’ll add you to the list!

    the list as it stands:

    Hestia (11/25 - 12/1)
    SwitchyWitchyandBitchy (12/2 - 12/8)
    HelltakerHomosexual* (12/9 - 12/15)
    GayTuckerCarlson* (12/16 - 12/22)
    AshenWolf*  (12/23 - 12/29)
    Eco* (12/30 - 1/5)
    oscardejarjayes* (1/6 (The Darkest Day in Our Democracy.) - 1/12)
    EstraDoll (3/2 - 3/8)

    ​ * after name denotes someone who has posted before and will be skipped by first-time posters

  • Azarova [they/them]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    I found a 114 year old case for t4t in a translated copy of Die Transvestiten, translated by Michael Lombardi-Nash. From a so-called ‘John O.’ from San Francisco, labeled Case 13, who describes herself as “…physically a man, mentally a woman”,

    Technically misgendering, though it is the language of the time

    "If ever there is a total freedom of dress, then the effeminate people will connect with female society, just as the man-women will befriend the so-called stronger sex. When there is no longer a dress code, the woman-man will grow into the feminine and be attracted by the man-woman, because by nature both feel right for each other, he as a woman and she as a man, and they will live as happily together as any normal married couple of today.
    “But if two get married, one of whom is a woman-man and one a man-woman, then he is the feminine and she is the masculine part, and they will be happy; for, no matter what the sex is, emotionally they still are, indeed, opposite sexes, just as nature made them.”

    Same person also makes a case for letting trans kids self identify and transition (socially, as medical transition was yet to come),

    Descriptions of transphobia, and technically misgendering

    "I am convinced that when a boy becomes 8 or 10 years of age and shows preference for girls’ clothing, girls’ work, and girls’ games, then the mother, for the benefit of the child, should let him have free choice. The boy is, then, namely, only sexually a male, but mentally a female, and when such children are raise according to their feelings, then they are so much happier than when people punish them, mock them, or even abuse them to produce boyishness.
    "But, if he is raised as a girl, then he will lose all doubt and wil become more stable in his girlishness, so that he then never will ever want to become a man; if he is forced to behave as a boy, then he will feel destroyed and will yearn for the time when he can make a living as a maid or something like that.
    “I will agree that up to the fifth year, perhaps, many children can still be raised in their sex, but then mostly not, and if the girlish characteristics appear much stronger than the boyish ones, then it is much better for the child to be raise according to its mental sex.”

    Again, this was published 114 years ago, in 1910. hirschfeld

  • Eco [she/her, he/him]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    applied for a cleaning job at my local council’s office and the form asked for me to fill out my entire employment history, give a personal statement and two references lmfao

    fuck off it’s a fucking cleaning job who’s gonna bother with this form for a 15 hour a week job

  • LeylaLove [she/her, love/loves]@hexbear.netM
    4 months ago

    Finally sharing about that hitler-detector experience I had at work yesterday,

    CW: Nuclear transphobia, dysphoria (dysphoria isn't the main focus, but this situation has made dysphoria manifest)

    So I got asked to stop using the women’s restroom at work yesterday. This is already transphobic, but with where I live I was expecting this honestly. I’m also not very far in my transition so wearing typical work clothes just makes me look like a dude with long hair. Really getting depressed by those twink death memes I’ve seen rn because I was so much cuter when I came out.

    Anyways, the point where it goes from uncomfortable but bearable to pissing me off to the absolute extreme is when the manager said “We have minors that work here so we have certain liabilities”. I straight up responded saying “You just implied that I’m a threat around minors and I don’t appreciate that”. Instantly backpedaled and gave all the normal lib platitudes. I’m still fucking pissed, because why else mention the minors in that conversation? Unless you think I’m unsafe around minors, you wouldn’t mention minors. I don’t even work with the minors of the restaurant, they’re all in school while I work the mornings on mostly weekdays.

    I also know that certain staff don’t like me now based off this, because it was some staff complaining. I’m gonna start being the person I want to be at work, and I’ll just fucking deal with it. I’m going to lose my shit at these people next time they’re blocking my station doing jack shit because I know it was them. They won’t even look at me. I was super nice this whole time, but I’m done being nice to people that secretly hate me all while depending on my labor.

  • EstraDoll [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    wake up

    drive 2 hours round trip to build an axe with another trans woman

    drive home feeling dysphoric as all fuck

    get home with a bottle of liquor

    landlord pulls you aside with a fucking eviction notice out of the blue and a flimsy pretext for it

    hop on the voice chat with the gamers

    you can hear your voice played back to you over someone else’s mic, it’s noticably improved despite not training, it feels really reaffirming

    get piss drunk, then angry about your alcoholism, then get possessed by the spirit of a 19th century abolitionist and go off on a drunken screed against the evils of alcohol

    black out, wake up the next morning

    day in the life of a hot girl doing hot girl shit

  • gaystyleJoker [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
    4 months ago

    okay, i have decided to say something:

    bragging about feelings i guess

    i have been so happy these past few weeks. i’m back in letter writing mode and it’s because of one very special person. it is genuinely so fulfilling to have something like a mind-meld with someone who sees me so clearly and respects me so deeply. i didn’t expect this at all and i feel so so lucky to have it. lol i’m pretty sure fae is going to read this at some point actually… it makes me happy to imagine that. 💜🌹

  • Yor [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago
    cw: slurs in silly gaming moments

    transphobes don’t get to call me a tr*nny if they can’t even clutch the game winning round shrug-outta-hecks

  • ashinadash [she/her]@hexbear.net
    4 months ago

    I know only dweebs and losers use Goodreads now, but I was bitching to my better half about how Goodreads doesn’t have seperate gender and pronoun settings.

    So I went and checked myself, and sure enough Goodreads now has this. Its gender settings are “male”, catgirl-disgust “female” catgirl-salute and “Custom”.

    I now have a custom gender catgirl-peace I didn’t set any cool pronouns but I did enter my gender as something rude with “dyke” in it, which rules.