I’m a researcher. to my knowledge pji is a type of law firm or legal fund, unconfirmed.
Pro Tip: MAP means minor attracted person or to be clear a pedophile… MAPS are PEDOPHILES… If Alberta is becoming a welcoming place to pedophiles then perhaps we should collectively shun Alberta…
Pro Tip: MAP means minor attracted person or to be clear a pedophile.
Thank you.
It’s frustrating when someone uses an acronym without first defining it.
Any given three letter acronym could mean multiple different things depending on the context.
Don’t know if it’s also a thing up there, but I know there have been attempts in the states here for MAPs to try and join themselves with LGBTQ+, which thankfully has failed. Hope it isn’t happening up there.
Also, giving themselves a sort of cutesy name to avoid being labeled as they are is absolutely disgusting.
Ohhhhhh ok.
So this is satire then, right?
As in it’s pointing out the hypocrisy in UCP policies that claim to protect children, but are actually harmful to them?
… Shunning is your strategy of choice?
No shunning is something I can say that won’t get me banned. You are feel free to replace the word shunning with whatever you choose and I might agree with you.
What are MAPs?
I think it’s “minor attracted person”. So pedophiles who went all out on: its not me that’s the problem, but society…
I believe the original purpose of that phrase, was to differentiate between people who act on those attractions, and those who understand it’s wrong and refrain from doing so.
The issue is using the same kind of language as like “Person of Color”, as if pedophilia is an identity rather than an illness.
If we truly want a neutral clinical name, we’d say something like “Minor Attraction Disorder”. It’s something that’s only permissible if you are actively seeking help and self control like any other disorder that’s prone to harm.
You’re conflating pedophilia with MAP, which is the very thing they’re trying to combat.
The difference between MAD and MAP would be if you’re referring to the person or the condition, obviously. And I’m sure you can see why nobody wants to be referred to as a MAD person.
That’s the thing, you shouldn’t be identifying as a person attracted to minors. You don’t say “I’m a Person of Depression” you say “I have depression”.
If you’re serious about outlining the minor attraction as a problem you have to struggle with, don’t declare it like an identity to be proud of.
And if you don’t see it as a problem, you’re just enabling pedophilia. The people inflicted with it need to admit they have an illness to get treated.
a bunch of assholes trying to equate LGBT people to pedos.
false flag operation, or actual pedos? both.
They wouldn’t do well in prison, Mister Geek.
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It could be satire, might not be. TBH, If Alberta is doing all of this, then yes, they’re actively making it easier and more likely that children will be abused. Opt-in sex education is one that’s especially pernicious; that’s one of the things that give children the knowledge that what is happening to them is abusive. Without that, they may think that it’s ‘normal’, that it happens to everyone. Teaching children correct anatomic names removes the ability of child abusers to use coded language.
Yes this is all happening. We have an election coming up too and it’s looking like it might be what a majority of albertans want.
Please tell me this is some sort of satire/irony intended to wake up the people of Alberta
MAP as an acronym is 4chan trolling to link pedophilia and LGBT. This is bait for idiots and conservatives to circlejerk over.
“Sport gender checks for minors”??
Is this exactly what it sounds like?
What does removing child capacity mean?
In certain circles, people asking for this are fishing for a doc willing to perform a lobotomy on a child
What the fuck? So they want less child rights?
No, they want less child brain…
This sounds like something that doesn’t happen. What would be the purpose of that? Do you have any more information?
It was good enough for the Kennedy’s
Capacity to consent if I understand correctly
oh no oh no oh no no no nooooooooooooo no no please no
Since this is blacked out can you confirm this is not a parody group intending to make a point? The pedophiles are actually this delusional and blatant (look up Prostasia) but need to check.
The name is blacked out so I’m going to assume it’s a UCP MLA.
Looking forward to the trump tariffs forcing people to reckon with how our government is incompetent as fuck. Maybe then people will be able to see through the facade of fake economic populism to the demonic ghoulishness at the core of this party’s policies.
Best I can give you is blame Trudeau.
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Read the comment i was responding to. Im trying to say that the Trump tarrifs will not make people reckon with the shite politics of the UCP instead they will just blame trudeau.
I never knew South Park was in Canada!
Bot bullshit, lmao. MAP is literally a troll acronym made by anon and only fascists pretend to believe it to push their narrative.