the fuck is that party, 5 in 10 being happy with cheney
The dems having only a tiny sliver of “less enthusiastic” really drives home just how pathetically obedient they are
Brilliant campaign strategy to win over a very slim majority of the people who already committed to voting for you no matter what and literally no one else.
What’s extra weird is the whole vibe of Harris was “disgruntled republicans: voting for me is how you will teach the GOP a lesson and have them run someone who isn’t Trump. I am a Republican protest vote!”
Democrats have to be controlled opposition, even I as a kid who knew very little about politics could tell you that republicans are fiercely loyal to their party no matter what.
But this time it would be different
I now believe (allegedly) leftist parties run to the right until they get to 50/50 in fptp, and then await a coin toss. (or its labour effect on campaign, but still might hold true)
Republicans having the best response but probably for terrible reasons
Oh and Checkout being so
Must be misogyny.
My whole family is full of Reagan era conservatives who fucking love Liz cheney. The thing is: they all switched during the Obama years and haven’t voted Republican in a fucking decade. The thing that always makes me feel like the Democrats are delusional and/or taking the piss is that I genuinely don’t think my family is that far off the mark. Anyone Republican who Cheney would have appealed to is already a resistance lib, and everyone else has fully drunk the MAGA coolaid.
More importantly, it was a -7 point swing.
28% said less enthusiastic while 21% said more. Half didn’t give a shit!
So they lost more independent voters than they gained by tacking ever farther right.
the fuck is that party, 5 in 10 being happy with cheney
I read that as 50% didn’t give a shit.
The DNC has this (delusion/lie) that all “independent voters” have ideology situated exactly halfway between the two major parties.
They’re not happy with Cheney per se, they’re happy with b i p a r t i s a n s h i p.
They’ll do anything to play to the middle, no matter where that middle is. If (when) someone emerges in the Republican Party who is more cutthroat than Trump, they’ll rehabilitate him and talk about how civil it used to be in the Trump years when there was “rule of law” and we “weren’t so divided”.
Nobody but comfortable liberals actually wants this. Just the brunch squad who writes for the NYT
Myopic liberals will go with it because you can be a fairly intelligent person and still fail to identify the trajectory after seeing it for 15+ years.
There are a lot of people with a surface-level understanding of politics.
when was this data taken though? after the election people have an incentive to lie about the reasons to avoid self-blame
A new analysis from Data for Progress in partnership with the Progressive Change Institute of polling conducted in Pennsylvania and Michigan during election week suggests