Measles and mumps would be lower if more people accepted the vaccine.
Worm for a brain-Kennedy will make numbers go brrrrrrr
Watch RFK wash it all away.
Yep. They’re coming back in a big fuckin’ way.
Now compare to autism diagnosese…
…and see no correlation.
Even if there was, I’m much happier being autistic than I would be dead.
I’d much prefer my children alive and autistic than dead (or debilitatingly disabled) too.
There’s something weird about people who seem to think the other way around.
You don’t know that
Given that the term autism didn’t exist before 1911 it probably wasn’t being diagnosed a whole lot before then. But I would guess it went up as understanding and awareness of it grew, but there were definitely descriptions of people who met the criteria for it long before then.
I was wondering about that as I was furiously typing out my scathing sarcastic bullshit with a shit eating grin on my face.
Would be neat to see deaths or hospitalizations pre/post visualized this way too to really drive home the point for the “measles weren’t really that bad” crowd.
Antivaxxers: Hold my Ivermectin and watch this…
Seeing the raw numbers is impactful and I would also like to see these figures as percentages of the whole since they’re comparing different times with different populations.
I was gonna say. The US population was 207M when I was born. It’s now 335M. I would expect percentages to be far more telling.
You sent me a private message earlier. I would like to talk to you more however I’m not comfortable showing my face to anyone.
No I’m not. I tried sending you a private message but it told me I had to download something