That is what Viagra is for, no? We fuck every morning regardless of plans, but husband will take a Viagra (not that brand , I think it’s the Cialis technically) a few hours ahead if he knows we will be out drinking and dancing or whatever and will want to have sex afterwards.
Overall, more makes more for us, there is no fasting from sex, it doesn’t make it better for either of us.
I mean if she’s into dudes blowing huge loads and lasting 2 minutes sure, otherwise, fuck no.
idk we don’t really plan much when it comes to sex aside from when it involves other people.
we just fuck if we want to fuck, we fap if we want to fap. we usually tell each other and sometimes we do it together or have sex instead. we just had a month of having sex almost every single day so it isnt as much of a special event as you make it put to be.
But if we plan something I might bring toys etc.
I would masturbate shortly prior event in order to last longer…
As an older fella, yeah, might make sure I’ve got a day of rest in before the main event, but as a younger guy, when I could get a rock hard erection on demand, nah wouldn’t bother.
If you do that, i suspect that you might come too quickly
I would obtain and plan on the first round not lasting long but providing a huge load. Then the subsequent rounds lasting much longer.
Yeah I’d save it up and give her a giant creampie, then 10 minutes later I’d fuck that gushy little puss again
Nah, more of it is more better