Please keep talking about this Elon. This is radicalising people against you better than any communist could
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Who cares, it’s gold, we should spread it around everywhere anyway. God knows they’d be doing it if the shoe was on the other foot.
Did he really say ‘CEO:s are responsible for the balancing act of generating profits for shareholders while also generating profits for shareholders.’
You missed out 'and making sure they keep a tight hold of those profits because they know the Poor’s are always begging for an opportunity to take it all from them ’
“It was brought to my attention”
Bitch you live on twitter, you saw all the posts, stop playing. You’re just mad everyone, even your pet right wing accounts, were celebrating.
Fuck you keep making me check if these are real (they’re not)
Dangit I was fooled!
As funny as this would be, I’d prefer him to fall victim to one of his “creations”
The sooner the better
I hope so too, but I also think that there is a reason he hasn’t been in one of his rockets?
It would be the Murder on the Orient Express of rocket failures
I mean, part of that is the physical fitness required to survive a rocket launch, which he certainly lacks.
Ah, didn’t think of that. Very true.
how do all these profits get generated by the ceo despite middle management and their staff being lazy
Don’t forget greedy, unlike the virtuous CEOs
Every manager (But one.) I’ve ever encountered that comes anywhere near the shop floor is a micro managing twat that is desperate to bollock or belittle you, so it’s interesting that they’re also lazy.
I mean most middle managers, especially in white collar corporations are incredibly lazy. Not as lazy as the CEOs, but theyre allergic to doing actual work and so justify their position by sticking rheir nose in everywhere and interfering with the people actually getting shit done. It might be different in manufacturing where the lower level managers actually worked their way up, but id bet the higher up you go, the less the managers actually do/contribute to productivity. Culminating of course in the most pointless of positions, the CEO. The micromanagement and belittling isnt a sign they arent lazy, its more a symptom pf their laziness in that its their way of avoiding actually doing any work, and a desperate attempt to justify their existence.
Very true that.
The world would not function without ceos because without us how would shareholders make money
I’d rather the world not function than be beholden to these irritating fucking people for the rest of my life. If they’re the alternative, give me destitution - for me, and for everyone else.
Also: what does it even mean for this world not to function? His version of functioning means genocide in Palestine, price gouging on bread and insulin, and ‘mass’ producing child-killing cyber trucks.
If I were a legislator I would create a law that all persons with a net annual income above $300k or with a senior role in an organisation above $500k should have to post two unique social media posts per day on their platform of choice. Let their voices properly be heard and they’ll radicalise more people than you or I could dream of.
Damn. I had no idea CEOs are such a relic of human society. /s
I guess Sargon of Akkad was just looking out for shareholders when he conquered Mesopotamia.
Holy fuck I want someone to healthcare CEO the part of my brain that knows about that egotistical, insufferable British TWAT who used this name as his username
Like that eternal sunshine of the whatever movie
Did this dumb fuck really just try to tell us that we can’t manage without dipshit, silver-spoon-sucking, mindless-follower CEOs?
Give me a fucking break, Elon!
He said it’s middle managements fault.
So basically blaming the middle and lower class.
Blaming you and me.
“Ceos are responsible for making this world function” yeah dude, that’s why we want to get rid of them
Smartest billionaire
If some unknown CEO getting shot brings this much cheering, what do you think would happen if Musk got shot dead? I think I’d throw a party. maybe a parade.
Tbh I don’t think Musk impacted the personal lives of as many people as the horrific US healthcare system has. Working class rightwingers celebrate Thompson’s death and I don’t think they’d celebrate Musk’s death the same way. Still, there would be more happy than sad people if Musk is killed.
That’s probably true. His impacts are more indirect. Making twitter a right wing cess pool definitely has a lot of negative consequences, but it’s not the same as denying a health treatment.
Got it. Doing shareholders after CEOs.