This might be the perfect amerikkkan treat synthesis of corn & dairy
It is a small comfort that the American treat based reality of mormonism prevents it from becoming a world religion
It’d just be the Jehovah’s Witnesses 2: mostly known for annoying proselytizers
“Hot drinks? No siree, that’s the devil’s temperature!”
So it’s like a rootbeer float except you just use coffee creamer instead of ice cream? Or like an iced latte or murican coffee-sugar-milkshake but replacing the coffee with soda?
Seems like a 2/10 on the mormon depravity scale
Italian soda with the sugariest possible soda base.
I was gonna say, this is just
but with trashy Mormon flair
Yeah, this is why so many places are doing “Dirty” sodas
They believe the success the product has seen in the Mormon states will transfer nationwide
And unfortunately, they may be right
Sugar syrup coffee drinks, but replace the coffee with cola to get more corn syrup and fewer antioxidants? Oh yeah that’s gonna go over great with the treathogs
Verily I say unto thee Allah will smite these infidels
this is diabetes personified
I feeling a bit unhealthy after a workday and only 20 k steps put in. Sipping on a really hot Lumumba and eating popcorn for dinner. But yea damn im a fucking role model for healthy living!
I found a YouTube link in your post. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy: