We’re on Silo at the moment.
I was so giddy when I saw they were making this. The books were soooo good, and there’s even some decent fanfic. Not unhappy with the changes they made yet, it’s been pretty good so far.
Without spoiling, does it live up to the first season?
I enjoyed it.
I think so and they don’t fuck around with filler episodes to draw out the plot. It’s been great.
It broadens the world well
Good Omens Season 2. Gonna make it quick: Sadly it wasn’t as near as good as the first one. Bummer.
I thought it was really awful - it didn’t need to be made, and especially not during covid.
I’ve just watched the first episode of Silo. I read the books it’s based on a couple of years ago and thought the premise was interesting but the plotting and prose were unsophisticated. They read like young adult novels. So I’m hoping Silo will take what was interesting about the premise and improve upon the rest.
I’ve also started the first season of Westworld, and so far I’m into it.
I had the same feeling with the books, the series got me hooked tho!
I tried Silo for a few episodes and was like, hm this basically a bad version of Fallout without the cheeky self awareness
We Are Lady Parts
Two Seasons
Young muslim women starting a punk band
Great show!
Stranger Things, because I find comfort in watching the same things over and over again.
Which season are you watching currently?
I just finished the last season. I’m sure I’ll start it again before too long.
Probably before the next season is released! Lol
Last season was great, and loved the extra long episodes leading to the end.
Just started watching Imposters. Only seen one episode and a few minutes of the second, but like the look of it so for.
My comfort watch has been Boston Legal. Haven’t seen it for a few years. I love it, but jesus the main characters are terrible people.
Last night was also the season finale of Jet Lag on Nebula. (Episodes delayed one week on YouTube.) Easily their best season yet! !nebula@lemmy.world
I’m slowly making it through Dekalog. It’s an older polish mini-series about ethical dilemmas by a famous director that somehow made it to a very high spot in IMDb ranking. Turns out it’s a catholic propaganda which I could expect but somehow didn’t. Watching it for the 80s gloomy vibes now but it’s like I’m beaten with a club that has „go to church or your kid dies” written on it.
Started watching Matlock (the new one). It’s OK, but they’re really dumbing down the plot.
Oh I was rather enjoying that before Christmas. Is it back on already, or have you just been watching the first half of the season? Not super complex, but nice enough.
Don’t know why you got downvoted. I think the show it ok, just expected something a little more clever.
I’m pretty sure I’ve got a troll stalking me. Nothing to get worried about.
I’m about to finish season 2 of “To The Lake”, or “Epidemiya” as it’s called in its native Russian. Pretty good.
Mystery Science Theater 3000. Lots of Gamera content this season!
Finished “The Bear” this week. Great stuff, very intense um, cooking drama? Don’t let that influence you, watch it. First episode will tell you if you want to watch the rest.
anime called link click as it looks like crunchy roll has some unlocked season1’s going again. maybe we will see as they are inconsistant.
Shrinking. For whatever reason I forgot about the whole cast other than Ford/Segel by the time S2 came around, but I remembered how much I enjoyed S1 as soon as I threw it on. Finished the season within a couple of days. A+
Finished up Hysteria!, it was a hoot. I especially liked Bruce Campbell as the calm and rational center of the series. Really stepped out of his comfort zone for this one.
I’ve been continuing through Two Weeks to Live and I started The Peripheral. Enjoying them both.