Holy fucking shit. I almost was exposed to a dirty word on the Internet by some asshole cunt. That bitch didn’t know it’s fucking illegal to say “pussy” on the Internet. Thank fucking god someone removed two letters from the word making it impossible for people to be exposed to such filth. I was about to shit a brick.
What a fucking cunt would do that? Profanities in my god fucking damn internet
Damn straight! I don’t wanna be exposed to no fucking cussing.
Blocked and reported for using naughty words.
]This, coming from someone who just wants everyone to check their own filesystems.
Censoring is dumb but adding a dumb copypasta to the experience does not make an improvement
It did improve my experience though. And after a good chuckle I will move back the the other side of the moon, where I apparently live
Great start with censoring pussy.
We live in a world where thousands die every day and countless horrendous acts of violence happen and we do nothing. But CURSEWORDS?! Absolutely not
Does saying fuck stop the deaths or something
This shit isn’t related, what are you talking about
deleted by creator
You really can’t figure the meaning of this out on your own?
The algorithms used to “derank” swear-laden videos on platforms like TikTok and YouTube are the exact same one used to derank “political” content and/or queer content.
So yeah, it fucking pisses me off every time someone self-censors to appease the Algorithm, lending it more credibility.
Not very high on our very long list of items on the Descent Into Fascism checklist, but it’s on there.
It’s missing a third frame where he’s crying and smiling in ecstasy
Uh, you’re either supposed to complain about censoring or over-analyze the meme. What is this clever, amusing comment? Are you sure you’re on the right site?
why share a censored image? you can literally replace the text in MS paint.
Because it’s a pain in the ass to uncensored shit sometimes.
Here, uncensored your censored meme. Wasn’t worth it.
Would have been easier to just remake it from scratch
Best I can do:
what an evocative interpretation. great work
It is really some of his better work, and that’s saying something since u/lukmly013 has never created a single meme that is compromised, shameful, made for simply pragmatic reasons, or uninteresting. Even his failures are spectacular due to his Wagnerian treatment of subjects. I read a quote somewhere where, ironically, he once said he considers his prose and poetry writings as having more enduring value than his memes.
Perfect replica, no notes 😆
A masterpiece! Bravo!
Imagine texting women🫠
This is kind of meme, that if I had a girlfriend (hypothetically that is, I don’t have one) and one of my friends (again hypothetical, don’t have one of those either) would send it to her, I would see this as a kind of cheating. Would anyone agree?
EDIT: I mean my friend would cheat on our friendship, or my girlfriend would cheat if she engaged in this.
Damn dude. I want you to be happy, but maybe don’t date until you’ve talked to a therapist about shit like this. :p
This is kind of meme, that if I had a therapist (hypothetically that is, I don’t have one) and my girlfriend (again hypothetical, don’t have one either) would send it to my therapist, I would see this as a kind of cheating. Would anyone agree?
I’m praying for you and I’m an atheist. Haha
This is kind of meme, that if I was a priest (hypothetically that is, I am not one) and my congregation (again hypotheical, I dont have one) would send it to my aunt, I would see this as a kind of betryal. Would anyone agree?
You’re something else Mr. Owl.
So if your friend sends your girlfriend a sexual meme, did she just cheat on you? No, that’s fucking dumb.
Hell, even if she were the one that sent it to him, it still wouldn’t be cheating. But I could at least understand where someone is coming from if they thought it was. Blaming the GF for the friend’s actions though? Lol okay.
I mean my girlfriend can of course not be blamed for messages she receives, but I would see is as cheating from the side of my (hypothetical) friend, or if my hypothetical girlfriend would engage in this.
You mean your friend is cheating on you and your friendship? Then yes. Your gf would definitely not be cheating here.
Thank you, that is what I meant, I have clarified it thank you.
Rofl. Okay, this is a good post to stop scrolling on. Thank you for sharing
pissy juice
I really dislike when there is such antagonism/disharmony between the sexes, and I cannot bring myself to enjoy a comic like this.
If I was still a child and had parents like that, I would cry.
deleted by creator
Sounds like a keeper. lol
You need to realize that not everyone is meant to have a “normal” experience of life, that you aren’t owed anything, and to detach yourself from expectations and desires.
You probably never wanted those things in the first place before someone planted it in your head that you need them.
You take what you get and expect nothing. Anything else invites suffering. AI is about to take everything from us, we might even by in for the whole torture nexus experience!
What is bro rambling about?
He is the worlds dumbest man, so I don’t know really.
That’s cruel.
The dude is quite literally offering to give the girl some head.
He’s not asking for sex - directly! - just stating his willingness and eargness to give his potential partner a really good time.
I’m confused.
He’s not asking for sex
He basically is, same way as offering someone a pounding of their life is asking for them to take up the offer
Desperation just makes you less attractive duh.
He isn’t asking directly. I’m going to be the devil’s advocate and say the guy is willingly taking the longer route to the girls favours, by putting her pleasure ahead of his.
It sounds considerate, to say the least.
“Hey I’ll suck your dick”
“Wow how considerate”
That is considerate. What about it do you think isn’t?
It’s just funny thing to say
Unironically, you have it right.
My desire to express how that little snippet of dialogue hit me through a visual cue is overwhelming…
Are we going to discuss sexual dynamics next?
Women don’t usually need to flaunt their sexual availabilty in order to be approached by men.
But I’ll risk that many guys getting that straightforward approach would be really happy to have it.
I really didn’t follow what you meant with this reply. I just thought what you wrote earlier was funny
the guy is willingly taking the longer route to the girls favours, by putting her pleasure ahead of his.
No he isn’t, he wants to give her head. That’s for his pleasure–he enjoys going down on women. Said women aren’t fucking obligated to agree just because he’s offering.
This is some incel-level shit here.
Getting pleasure from providing pleasure does not negate that its still providing pleasure for someone else.
If they didn’t ask for it, and don’t want it, it’s not ‘giving’ the other person anything. This is how a lot of sexual assault works; the rapist tells the other person they’re enjoying it and does things like this, and then goes ‘well I did (whatever act) for them, so I’m the good guy here.’ This idea that performing oral/touching the other person/etc without direct stimulation back is entirely about the person receiving is false, has always been false, and will continue to be false. This is dangerous ground we’re on here, and we’re better than this.
Seriously, the opening words are I want. I don’t know how much more direct it would have to be here.
Noone said it was entirely altruistic, but I’ll give it you for beating that strawman to death. I was initially arguing against the notion that it couldn’t be for her benefit at all. Its called nuance, and relationships take two people. I’m not sure why you jumped to rape, noones getting raped in this meme. Its not even clear the girl is actually refusing him rather than just being funny.
This is some incel-level shit here.
First time I get that remark…
Funny enough, growing up I got tired of hearing women complain their husbands/boyfriends/partners/men in general would always prioritize their own pleasure and pressure to have their interests fullfilled in detriment of the womans needs and expectations.
The dude is actively offering to pleasure the girl. Yes, she is in all of her right to refuse him and his advances, but damn, he is trying to be a bit considerate.
He could just go straight to the point and say he wanted to jump in her pants and be a complete idiot in doing so.
First time I get that remark…
Funny enough, growing up I got tired of hearing women complain …
I believe this is when the kids say ‘lol.’
The dude is actively offering to pleasure the girl
No, he’s offering to do what he wants to do. It’s not universal that women want that; it’s not universal that women want anyone to do that; it’s not universal that women want that specific person to do that. This is how we got rape in Revenge of the Nerds because a bunch of guys went “yeah but she liked it, right?”
No, he’s offering to do what he wants to do.
Reasserting this. I have a vulva and HATE receiving oral. I am up front about this - it is not taking time to pleasure me, it does not feel good to me. I have still had men whine, or start doing it anyway, or bitch about it.
Offering an unwanted sex act is not a kindness. Anyone who thinks that it is does not have the understanding of consent or human sexuality that is necessary to participate in sex.