I had a dream 15+ years ago where I walked onto a school bus holding a 5ft long tube of fudge striped cookies over my shoulder and Peter Jennings looked up and said “Nice strip of cookies.” I was so confused, I woke up and laughed.
Was jennings the driver or a kid on the bus?
Hah, he was just a passenger!
This is may be the best thing I’ve ever read on Lemmy.
I’m glad you got a kick out of it. My wife still says the line to me a few times a year.
“I picked a helluva week to quick smoking crack cocaine.”
Who is that man and what were the news?
A serious answer. That’s Peter Jennings, he was the new anchor for ABC world news in the 90’s and early 2000’s. The picture in question if from 9/11. I remember because it was weird to me as a teenager to see someone smoking on live TV. Later, he died from lung cancer, and he gave a statement about it when he was diagnosed talking about how he smoked for many years and that he had quit for a long time but, in his words, was “weak” on 9/11 and smoked a few cigarettes. I don’t know how old you are, but if there was ever a time to be like “Whelp, might as well burn one.” it was 9/11.
Thanks for the explanation.
Yep… 9/11 especially for people in the USA was hard to live.
“Smoking causes cancer”
Cigarettes do not relieve stress- they only cause harm to the smoker and to those around them. Smoking is bad. Don’t smoke.
Edit: Wow, we’ve got a lot of smokers here on lemmy.
Yes dad
What? Smokings bad for you? No way. I think they would tell people about it if that was true.
No shit. Feels fucking excellent every now and then, though.
They do relieve stress though, at a biochemical level. Also they cause harm and you shouldn’t smoke. The harm isn’t worth it and they cause physical dependency, including elevated stress when you don’t smoke that can only be alleviated by smoking, furthering the dependency. Don’t smoke.
But lying about the short term benefits is just like DARE equivocating marijuana and hard drugs: people wind up trying it out anyway, realize they were lied to, and disregard the actual beneficial warnings because the first one was obviously a lie.
Cigarettes don’t relieve stress.
At least not until you’ve smoked long enough to get addicted.
I’m told by 2 coworkers they relieve stress but the effect Is so temporary you have to constantly smoke. So it’s not worth it.