Damn, the CEO made a deal with Trump to censor Palestine stuff
Literally the whole reason why dems wanted to ban tk is because of it being pro-palestine like it’s so mask off.
friendship ended with tiktok
xiaohongshu is my friend now
trying this out for myself. just commented “free palestine” on the first video that popped up when i searched “palestine” which was about how trump secured a ceasefire and is taking almost complete credit for it. funny how that was also the first video to pop up.
edit: yeah they immediately removed it
fuck trump fuck israel death to amerikkka
I’m in the US. I’m trying this out for myself as well, and posted “free palestine” on the first vid that popped up when I searched “palestine”. My 1st result was some Zionist witch talking about cartels and legality to enter Mexico and trying to relate that to Gaza, which was of course bullshit.
Actually I put “Zionism is terrorism” along with “free palestine”. I’m waiting to get banned.
shit for that one they might just come right to your house and kill you
Well I’m definitely on the list, at least.
the Michael Reinoehl special
I tried it and my comment has NOT been removed after a few minutes. I’m also in Europe. Perhaps it’s only happening in US?
i was curious if it was just a US thing or what. could some more outside-of-the-US homies try this out and let us know? also did you check your inbox to see if there was a message saying it was removed? i didn’t get notified or anything, i left the comment then waited a few mins, then went and manually looked at my messages and i had a “system notification” from immediately after i posted the comment that said my comment was removed.
Yep, no message in my inbox. I’ve had past comments removed, so I know what to look for.
Someone could try VPN to outside the US and see if that changes things.
interesting, hoping more people try this out and report back
I tried this and was seeing lots of critical comments of Israel. It was a daily mail video though. It included free Palestine.
I’ll reply if its removed.
just tried it in australia, posted on like the first “political” thing that came up, no removal
and I usually face a lot of removals, i know you get the notification near instantly
I hope the enshittification of TikTok incentivizes people to stay on Xiaohongshu. Heck, the fact that Xiaohongshu makes it easy to enjoy the platform without getting addicted to it should hopefully encourage people who approved the TikTok ban because they didn’t approve of its addictive algorithm of slop to go on this platform instead and never look back.
Unfortunately it will not. Westerners will live and die by their teats at all costs, especially the hundreds of millions of apolitical existing users
Xiaohongshu has been actually really enjoyable for just seeing some of the daily life stuff that the Chinese folks do. Everyone there seems so happy compares to the States.
my favorite accounts are the ones that are just promoting the minority ethnicites and other stuff like historical outfits and shit
I found a guy who just puts firecrackers in stuff in increasing intensities. We truly are one people.
i found that one too!
That’s something I’d be interested in. I’ve seen some but not a lot so my feed alg hasn’t figured it out for me yet lol. I did see a badass woman using nunchuck adjacent type martial weapon(I am not super familiar with things lol) in her living room the other day and was like “their culture is just so much cooler than ours.”
Okay here’s some interesting cultural stuff I’ve found.
Let’s start out with this person who is into dance and ballet and stuff. https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5e19e116000000000100aaeb That top pinned video (the green dancer) enchanted my wife and I. I’m not a ballet guy but it’s the first time I ever looked at a ballet type dance and was able to see artistically exactly what was being represented while doing zero translation of the Mandarin.
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/60a21029000000000101d847 Brother here has some cool videos showcasing some traditional clothing throughout chinese history.
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5aee8dcee8ac2b49367e893c Sister is doing same as the brother above.
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/64f71bca00000000040271a6 Daur minority promotion
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5fbc52e50000000001005f22 Zhuyin / Bopomofo photographer?
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5c2ed2c30000000007003f5d Yi people. The women’s outfits and hats look like they could be out of haute couture. Like it’s modern except its not. These are traditional. As a side note I showed one of these to my wife and she got teary eyed. She was literally taken aback by how stunning and beautiful the clothing and women were (I think it was the hat one which is towards the top). That is kind of what I love about a lot of these types of pages centered around promoting the peoples around China and the historical outfits and such; so many of them are such good photographers and editors that they really know how to capture and edit striking photos and videos to really wow you and make you instantly be interested in them and their history and their clothing and so on. Quite effective.
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/5c1512dc000000000702858d This channel seems to be centered around “Chinese horse archery is pretty fucking lit, right?” I can get behind that.
Some I have no idea what they are about but they have great historical outfits and such. I think some are just re-enactors or enthusiasts about historical clothing. Either way, it’s a treat for my eyes because it’s stuff I haven’t really seen before outside of the occasional movie or whatever.
and lastly
https://www.xiaohongshu.com/user/profile/61af7b37000000001000c16d These are my grampas they just don’t know it yet.
Well that was a great way to start my morning. Thanks for sharing all of this!
Funny how a dictatorship of the proletariat does that
Yup. Like I know a lot of others here get it but it’s nice for those those that were still under westoid propaganda to have their eyes open a bit. Curious to see if this has any staying power.
But on the other hand, I’ve had a few arguments with dorks on TikTok and such about what dictatorship of the proletariat even means so idk.
Given the “reasons” TikTok was banned them censoring and adjusting the algorithms for anything relating to american politics is pretty expected.
It’s horribly obvious political theater.
Ban and force an even greater right-wing favorability and paint the GOP as the big heroes who saved the treats.
Most American politics is just theater(at the electoral level). Trump not really having any hard alliances, working with Meta, and seeing that the ban wasn’t super popular it was probably easy to unban hoping he can get them to sell, but even if they don’t he still comes out on top. All the millionaire geriatrics in the house, congress, Biden, and supreme court just thought “China bad” would be good enough to either kick them out or get them to sell. Most of the time that would work, but younger people are not on the same program (yet).
I don’t really think it is some GOP conspiracy or long con by Trump, all this just seems like taking very obvious opportunities and capital just moving along.
Another platform captured by US hegemony
Idk why I keep pretending like you can use the internet to get away from the same phenomena they’ve used to propagandize, destabilize and destroy thinking humans who question the empire’s legitimacy
When people tell me how the left is in control of the narrative, I will always remind them that TikTok was seen as a problem and not /pol/.
If you are still on it, time to wreck it. Troll the fuck out of it and destroy it.
I brought back the TikTok the beautiful Tik…Tok.
Now everyone is commenting about FREEING THE MELONS
…beautiful melons. We love our melons don’t we folks. We’re going to have SO many melons. We’ll free them all.
So is tiktok going to be shitty for everyone worldwide or just in the us? Like is a palestinian going to get banned for wearing a keffiyeh?
That’s Freedom of Speech™ for you
This makes me sad, but I didn’t expect much better from the situation
I tried to look this up to see if people on reddit noticed, and the only example I found was someone getting warned for saying Free Palestine three months ago. So I don’t know if this is actually new? (Maybe it is, I don’t tiktok)
Verified just now when trying to post a “free palestine” comment on one of my own videos:
Got a comment taken down for saying “cracker” but nazis get free reign as usual.
Hope this shit isn’t applied to other regions
I’m seeing a lot of critical messages in Palestine videos. Including free Palestine. I just left a comment, so far nothing. I’m inside the imperial core.
I’ve had many many anti Zionist comments removed on tiktok