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    2 months ago

    25.01.2025 - A Saturday Test

    • Brush: AP Shave Co. Snakeskin handle w/ 26 mm Silksmoke Flattop/Fan hybrid knot
    • Razor: KAI Captain J-7 kamisori shavette; RazoRock Cyber Medium w/ RR Bamboo 316L handle
    • Blade: KAI Protouch MG; Rapira Platinum Lux
    • Lather: Los Jabones de Joserra - Masala Connection
    • Post-Shave: OAM sensitive skin toner; Alterra men natural ASB

    -> 2 passes on the dome with the safety razor and 1 around the doorknocker on the face with the kamivette. Very enjoyable shave and no bleeding!

    For some odd reason, I had a craving to use my kamisori shavette again. As this doesn’t lend itself well to head shaving, it was time to trim my stubble into a more suitable beard style to try it out. I have to admit, working with very short stubble complicates shaping a partial beard a lot but I managed. Despite that, I only went with a single pass to ease my face skin back into shaving (and honestly, the zero gap trimmer did irritate my skin already). I haven’t used it for a full shave of the cheeks in ages, but I am satisfied for now with my technique. I went for a rather narrow goatee with sharp edges and that’s where shavettes shine: clear & defined contours.

    Masala Connection is a great soap. It’s yet again a soap where you can barely make out individual notes, but José seems to be living by the mantra that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. This in particular is such a beautiful blend of almost all notes that I enjoy in wetshaving and fragrances that I really regret that he doesn’t do toners/alcohol free balms. The base is really creamy once you load like a madman (note: that’s how I mostly roll anyways) and despite the cinnamon in it, it gives me no skin irritation - just a very slick shave, perfect for razors like the kamivette.

    NSR: had a big dopamine rush going into this shave since I finally managed to nail a lesson on my bass course that was giving me trouble. It took some elbow grease, but the feeling of finally conquering it was awesome. Deliberate practice is a real game changer!