And maybe 🇨🇺 but I feel like people are not thinking of 🇨🇺 doing internet troll farms.
My intention was to play into the accusations that we’re all bots and shills for Xi, Putin, and Kim. Like how image boards will automatically place a flag on the post based on your IPs origins.
If only we could get emoji for defunct states like the USSR or the GDR.
Add “Other”, with the UN flag.
🎶 The UN is a waste of time 🎶
(Cool Grenadian song about how UN talks big words and doesn’t actually DO SOMETHING about all the injustices being committed daily)
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I was thinking of the regular version, because it would really piss off the antisemites obsessed about “globalists”.
Interesting angle. I love it.