Sending a million large adult sons to stand in the hot sun and sweat
I guess it’s an improvement if it’s them standing around in Texas instead of Iraq.
Can we not make jokes about working-class soldiers being assigned with conducting war crimes in some unliveable desert hellhole populated entirely by ultra-religious maniacs, enforcing the brutal will of the imperialist overlords?
But enough about Texas.
At least it’s not during holidays for pr like half the times they did it last time he was in office
Friendly reminder that most people illegally in the US overstayed a valid legally obtained visa and that planes exist.
next you’ll tell them there’s not actually a big line in the ground between the countries
smdh spoilsport
US Army commissions giant roll of masking tape
Vote for me and there will be! Good Ole nuclear trench.
there’s a real actual big wet line for a large portion of the US-MX border, isnt there?
They watch news that hyper focuses on a few large corridors. Then think that the whole boarder looks like that because there’s no critical thought in America
Someone should invade Alaska while this is happening. Idc who, Russia I guess.
no thank you
Only ball now
pls noh
To establish a defense buffer like its ally is currently doing in the Middle East? It’s a strategy the US seems to condone, so they should be fine with this done to them.
Mexico should flex by requesting America sell them anti-infantry weapons.
This is like that time from a few months ago where American troops kept accidentally shooting themselves and each other while trying to guard the border. Even funnier was how they were complaining about the lack of food or places to sleep.