When the Christians were being killed off in old Rome, even then the courts didn’t accept anonymous tips, as plinius the young wrote to a priest.
Didn’t think the USA could stoop down this far.
least fascist bethesda consooooomer
doing this to anyone is evil but doing it to someone who spends their free time trying to make your treats more enjoyable is just fucking wild beyond measure
It’s a good a hobby as any and makes more people happy than most
Unbelievably scummy. As sad as I thought it was, I was understanding of wanting to step back due to increased responsibilities, a common issue for mod projects. But no, some sweaty gamers called fucking ICE on them? And then, moreover, broadcast what the lead dev clearly wanted to remain quiet? What terrible people to put that tip in, unforgivable.
Now, I’m not a violent person but I believe that these nerds should be crammed into lockers until dead
Has anyone doxed these nazi losers yet? We need some names, addresses and faces
I just want to talk to them
I mean, turnabout is fair play
If they want people to live in fear, I say we give them something to fear
Like that guy who said “your body, our choice”
He’s whining about being threatened now. His body, my choice.Yeah except he’s getting away with it every day
Every day so far…
Like, with pneumatic pressure
I submit to you that they should fave the horrible fate being forced on others, and every time they suffer it should be live-broadcast online to others who think like them.
Joe Biden and democratic majorities left in place all agencies necessary for the Trump administration to be doing stuff like this with 10 days of inauguration.
I didn’t know what the contexts behind all of this was, but after reading a bit it was all because of a stupid mod.
Holy fuck, only some sick fuck does this over a stupid videogame.
But the main lesson here is to never share any personal details to the internet. That’s how they were able to SWAT him. You never know who is trying to fuck with you.
People are shit.
Will ICE reports become the new swatting?
swatting was always just ICE raids that could target white people
Not surprised. G*ming is a cornerstone to american style burger neo-fascism and G*mers are their ideological foot soldiers (my name joke aside).
Does anyone know why they called ICE on him? Just because he had a Hispanic sounding name?
ICE-ing may be the new SWATting
And damn, that’s a depressing sentiment
I’ve spent a little bit of time today trying to doxx this loser. They had been kicked off the Tamriel Rebuilt discord for being a bigot so now they’re trying to “get revenge”. They’ve also been a menace in the fallout modding scene for years. Literally what they’re originally mad about in this instance is that the mod kept getting put on hold because it “didn’t have clear vision” and that the modder used some assets from other mods, that was enough for them to call in the gestapo.
I hope you find them. Or that someone does. Disgusting people.
I made some progress but I stopped digging last night when I confirmed there were no ICE arrests at a house in Tucson the day they were claiming the discord messages were from. And as of a couple hours ago the supposedly deported Dev was posting on Discord.
That’s a relief. Thank you.
Gamers get the wall
Libs: "Heh, in evil East Germany, your neighbours would sell you out to the stasi "
Also libs: "So anyway, I sent the ICE Gestapo to a cool mod creator because I’m a racist piece of shit "
Wasn’t that account made specifically to harass morrowind modders?
Damn this is legitimately evil
Gee, I wonder why so many companies are getting ‘woke’ and don’t care about the opinions of GamersTM
What the actual fuck