At the suggestion of @ploum , I have started to use @thumbkey by @dessalines and I love it. It’s a bit of a struggle after having used qwerty and azerty screen keyboards for so long, but I’m already going quite fast with it, while doing less typos. This is very interesting. I have the french layout but it’s also quite easy to use for english text. Here is the toot that inspired me
edit: it’s on fdroid of course
Glad you’re liking it. It’s pretty mature now thanks to a lot of user contributions.
I already spent dozens of hours learning dvorak, what’s another esoteric input method?
My journey on desktop keyboards was from qwerty, then dvorak for like 5 years, then halmak for many years now.
It only takes about one painful week to get back up to about 80% of your speed anyway. Much less work than trying to learn another language.
I have some vague memories from around when I started dvorak that there were other, yet more efficient keyboard schemes but I don’t remember looking much into them… Let me google halmak!
Edit: Oh shit! I typed that on the default google keyboard…
@f4grx @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines thanks for this. Installing on my phone now.
@ryokimball @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines beware the learning curve 😆
@f4grx @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines I have let that stop me before, usually with gadgets that I spend too much money on to just sit on a shelf (my TapWithUs strap is sitting across my office on the floor right this moment…). But I’m still willing to give it a go
@ryokimball @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines it is surprisingly easy to use !
I now refuse to go back! It took time but now I openly express pain using qwerty on a touchscreen :) Probably the first thing I’d install on my phone (after f-droid to find it naturally) :)
Interesting! I’m not sure which layout I should pick for french, tough.
@TomViolence I selected french 1 as I said to myself that any single one would be as good as the others since it’s a complete relearning. I also decided to use the same layout for all languages, fr or en.
En fait j’hésite avec le layout “split” qui a l’air intéressant. Ou plutôt un genre de split, parce que celui proposé donne le V en accès direct, ce qui ne semble pas optimal du tout.
@TomViolence j’aurais dû explorer les layouts avant. Maintenant je m’habitue bien au fr 1 et j’ai pas trop envie de changer :)
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@louisvgn @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines aucune idée ! Comme je débute, pour moi ils sont tous équivalents. j’ai pris français 1.
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Jesus Christ, it’s $20??
@cornshark it’s completely free in fdroid. Where are you looking ? ?
I searched for thumb key on the play store. Screenshot looks like this. Not sure what fdroid is. Some kind of third party market? My phone only seems to have the regular play store.
@cornshark same. install fdroid from the apk on their website, of course you wont find it in the playstore.
i love this idea of a playstore tax, tbh ^^
That’s just a way for ppl to donate to its FOSS development if they like. Its free on the open source app stores.
@f4grx @ploum @thumbkey @dessalines It’s nice but I still heavily depend on Hacker’s Keyboard…