My cat had her annual check up today. I’ve had her for just on a year now. She has taken a long time to warm up and relax. Unfortunately today I think she lost a bit of trust in me. She saw the cage and just knew what was coming. It was an experience getting her in the cage.
And the hisses she gave the vet during a clip of her nails were impressive! This was after the vaccination and general checkup of spine, joints, eyes, ears and belly so I guess she just had had enough. Totally understand.
So after some alone time she will now come to me for scritches but not close enough where I could pick her up. And her side eye game is impressive.
Ah well… Three steps forward; 1 step back. I’ll take it.
This is Mavis.
I have cats that were literally born into my hands do the same thing, let her be pissed. She’ll get over it
Hi Mavis, you are brave and beautiful. 😘
Mavis is beautiful! Time for some Trauma Treats. Churu and temptations stat!
You’re very cute Mavis ❤️
Good girl Mavis. You’re lovely
Mavis is gorgeous ⚫️⚫️⚫️
Mavis has seen Things. Poor voidling 🖤
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More alcohol than I planned, but a good night
Cheers AJ 🍺
I am little. I should not have had this much
Just make it home safe ok.
Is fine. Short walk. I have arrived
you be careful
Limits learned. 1 pint fine, 2 is too many
Tonight’s wave.
Also random doggo.
And that my friends is how you make conversation.
You are welcome
Greetings from the most beautiful place in Victoria: tidal river. Ignore the bins the site selection was limited.
My favourite place in the whole wide world!
Clearly you’re segued into holiday mode
I should get down there one of these days see what the fuss is about
You won’t regret it.
Ginger weirdo or black psycho? And we’re not able to photograph the torti as she’s busy climbing walls in another room.
Zucchini is a really underrated vegetable. So fast to cook, so versatile, so flavoursome. And pretty. Just straight up sliced and sauteed in olive oil with some onions and oregano = 👌🏽
I acknowledge the reality is completely different when you’re drowning in a glut of garden zucchini.
I think one of the most delicious things I’ve tasted was after straining a heap of them in bulk for zucchini slice. Just drank it as is.
Also tempura zuccs get a solid nod from me.
Who’s underrating the zucchini? Gimme names. Best veg out there.
Potato laughs at you
Pfft. Potato’s still cooking man.
Me. They taste of nothing and mush. Except for the yellow ones raw in salad.
Ditto Eggplant 😝
Sorry 😿 I don’t like eggplant or mushrooms either. I was a very inconvenient vegetarian.
Oh this is getting worse.
I eat, on average, a zucchini a day. Love 'em.
Mine aren’t giving a glut :( I think the pots are too small, weather too hot and not enough fertiliser
you can also pickle it a treat. Comes out a bit sweeter than cucumber, delicious in burgers
Now cucumber is a fake vegetable I could happily do without for the rest of my life.
And I love them. Go figure.
I thought I liked you
Edit. I thought U said zucchini sorry, we can be friends still. Cucumber is lame
Cucumber is lame crunchy water, zucchini is the superior cucurbit of deliciousness 🤝
I survived the crack head party next door last night.
Wasn’t keen on having weapons tucked under the bed and mattress, but it is what it is for now.
My neighbour’s a hacker. As in every morning he hacks something up. Who knows where it lands.
sky pretty
Stuff it, going to the pub
Here for this energy!
People often ridiculed me for having so much tape… They could well be wrong.
The boardies will live on I have high hopes for this. You can’t have 4 different tapes and just give up on sunset swims.
Let’s hope the tape holds up and your ball bags don’t get snagged on something in the ocean. 🙏
don’t you have a stapler?
Client with 100+ day overdue invoice finally paid me. Chasing him to pay was a pain in the ass but we finally got there. The ugly side of my business venture - getting slimy people to pay me. Soon I’ll be able to take upfront payments and this person will need to pay everything upfront for future services. Burn me once, you don’t get a second chance.
Now one more person with 100 day overdue invoice to pay me, also a slimy person. I’ve been lucky that most people I do work for actually respect and value what I do and pay me on time. I hate being a debt collector.
many years ago when my husband was doing freelance IT consulting he’d get stiffed all the time
ended up putting in time bombs in code so that if he didn’t get paid it would shut down the program until he gave them the pass word. It was illegal but so is employing consultants in bad faith.
Working as a freelancer for a while made me realise just how often people consider accumulating accounts owed as legitimate cash flow management strategy. If they want extended payment terms we can talk about it, but waiting until the owed party gets angry enough to finally cough up is a cunt move.
I sometimes resent a little the disparity between what the clients pay for my services vs. my salary. Without exaggeration, I take home a little under 50% of what the client pays.
But at least I spent 0% of my time wondering about this. Plus I get paid leave (sick/holiday etc). I know my employer is still making a hefty profit, but I’m not sure I’d want to go the pure consulting route. Stories like this put me off. I would hurt my family if I had to routinely deal with chasing up the money.
The monthly revenue of the clients i manage is close to $400k. It stings when we don’t get bonuses when my co-worker and I bring in 6 figure projects and don’t get a bonus.
In my industry the norm is a salary which is around 1/3 of the fees you’ve brought into the business, so near 50% is pretty good!
I’ve been lucky to not encounter this issue too much yet. Some people are slower than the 14 days I ask for invoices to be paid but it’s like an extra week or two, not several months.
If it makes you feel better I’ve been chasing a client here that owes the company $350k for 7 months.
They finally agreed to pay $65k this week lol
It’s an unpleasant aspect.
I had chase up invoices once in an industry where it’s easy to fall behind. Never forget calling someone who was visiting their wife in hospital. (I know that some people lie, but it was pretty evident in his voice.)
I don’t know how people do it for a living.
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Utilising the utmost of self control to not watch today’s episode of Severence until after I get back from dinner out with some friends/work contacts this evening.
Because if I watched it earlier I’d just be thinking about the episode all evening.
Ok fuck it. Everyone is talking about it. Time to hit the torrents lol
Edit: got season 1
Do tell me how it goes. I am equally as intrigued.
It’s a very interesting show.
I went into it knowing nothing about it and the mystery and intrigue kicked in after a couple of episodes and I couldn’t put it down so I binged all of it.
Now the weekly torture of waiting for the next episode.
I am watching now as a result of this thread, I’m up to date and hooked!
Done deal!
Please enjoy each episode equally
I look forward to your thoughts when you’ve caught up ☺️
I’ll be watching it tonight hopefully!
You made the right choice. Just watched it. It’s a ‘HOLY SHIIIIIT’ level episode. I’m gonna be hitting the online dissections for the rest of the night.
I’ve just got home and I’m wondering whether to watch it now or wait to tomorrow morning…
… fuck it I’ll watch it now and be up till 2am reading dissections. I did hear that reviewers who had advanced access to the whole season said THIS was the episode everyone will be talking about.
Another 2 resignations today.
And so it goes.
Indeed lol
How many left standing?
It doesn’t matter. Everyone ive spoken to is either interviewing or about to resign lol
I have so much work I’ve started triaging what work is a must.
Fuck em.
This is just wild.
How is the company even operating?
There’s enough money coming in from other sections to keep them afloat for now.