my plan is to take all the fascists and read them Harry Potter and explain how they’re the Slytherins and liberals are the Gryffindors
meanwhile you tankies are the death eaters
hardcore goth vibes hell yeah
This is why we won WW2 by showing massive screenings of To Kill a Mockingbird
I always enjoy reminding people how actual nazis were treated by liberals i.e. with kid gloves.
cw for the link: mentions of bbq’ed nazi and a lot of handwringing about sorting the fash into harry potter houses instead of actually judging them for their crimes:
so cool that the timewall is gone, I’ve been looking for that post
thanks and thank you to the devs
I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so.
Holy shit lmao
They just need to watch one movie and they will stop hating jews, gays, blacks, women, etc.
It worked for Kanye. Has anyone tried showing them 21 Jump St?
Nazis fucking love American History X. They look up to the main character, see him as a badass.
AHX is a terrible film to deradicalize someone with. It doesn’t actually even begin to address why the viewer should not be fascist.
it’s also beloved by neonazis lmao what a peak
Considering how 4chan liked the movie, i think we can agree that it didnt work
lol don’t fashies love American History X because “omg look at the cool badass Nazi putting that [n-word] in his place”
Yes, and the director realized this at some point, tried to use the Allen Smithee name to get his name off of it, but it was too late.
100% this.
My dad was a neonazi and American History X was one of his favourite movies (along with a locally produced movie about neonazis which follows along similar lines to American History X, although it was made decades prior) because he saw it as representation of his views.
He didn’t give a fuck about the moralising twist at the end of these movies. He literally just enjoyed the fact that he was being represented in movies.
He was completely unreceptive to “the message” of these movies. It did zero to change his views.
Fucken libs, man… they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. Just because they received a particular message from a movie that resonated with them doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the same for everyone.
This is classic LibBrain bullshit. They do the same thing by universalising their attitude towards government or their experience of society and just assuming that everyone feels the same way and has the same experience of things that they do, based on zero real-world experience and investigation.
I have said it before and I will say it again: one funny black guy making a neo nazi not racist anymore is the lib equivalent of evangelical media portraying convincing others to convert to Christianity as easy.
Libs: Listen man all we need is like 10,000 Daryl Davis and all this shit will be smoothed over
How authoritarian to make someone watch a movie
That’s what they do in North Korea, they make you watch the movies that Dear Leader made with kidnapped movie stars and if you don’t clap at the end, your seat flips upside down and drops you into a cave where you’re forced to mine popcorn the rest of your life
mine popcorn
jfc, what I would do for a popcorn mine. I would go there for a week every month with a wheelbarrow of chocolate and some pillows and my pickaxe, and the world would be a better place for everyone.
big rock candy mountain vibes
You’d die at 30 from the popcorn lung