It’s like a 30-way tie between all Jackie Chan movies.
Jackie Chan: The man who is also a genre
I can only think of a single scene, and it’s the dancing mice at the end of Coraline. Was actually amazing seeing that scene in 3D back when it rereleased in theaters in 3D over the summer(?).
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off telling everyone to leave already
My first!
22 Jump Street with the teasers for the next 20 sequels
The one at the end of Monsters Inc with the bloopers. I wish all the other Pixar films had it, it was so much fun!
Bloopers?! They made a whole musical version of their own movie!
Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!
So help me!
She’s out of our hairrrrrr
Was watching Toy Story this weekend. They had bloopers too!
Deadpool 2 where he abuses the time machine.
Howard the Duck at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m still holding out hope for that reboot…
He’s featured in an episode of What If…? and he makes a cameo in the GotG3. It could make for a great holiday special.
He is in the crowd in Endgame too, but don’t think he has a line.
The Running Man. It wasn’t a full scene. it was the gameshow announce guy giving end of gameshow type schpeal about the home game, sponsor deals, how to appear on the running man. It made me giggle.
I watched A Knight’s Tale religiously for years, loved that movie. And the leading lady is fine AF!! I crushed on her so hard growing up. Years later I was dating who was to become my ex-wife, and I just left the movie on when the credits started rolling. Listening to the faux period ‘rock’ music and cleaning up dishes after dinner on the couch. And then… I hear voices in the living room… and I dropped everything.
For a decade and a half I’d watched this movie, maybe even twenty years… idk. And I had NEVER let the credits roll. It was a damn romantic action comedy. In what world does it warrant an after credits scene?!?! And lo and be behold… there it was all along; “Lichtenstein”, I’ll never forget that song.
I just finished watching the latest Ari Shaffir comedy special. In the end credits he gives actual credit to so many of the people listed. It was really nice to see people appreciated like that.
Bambi meets Godzilla is about 15 seconds long. It’s opening credits and closing credits are about 10 minutes total.
Bucky staring at the video of himself in the museum exhibit at the end of CATWS
Only the one from the movie of all time.
That one made my brain implode.