Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a very long time (reference if needed)
I did a double take and said the exact same thing lol
Better quality:
Image description: It is Alec Guinness playing Obi Wan Kenobi from Star Wars IV: A New Hope saying “Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.” He is in the desert of Tatooine surrounded by pale cliffs and sand etc.
Oh you mean dick exposure to try to win arguments guy.
God I hope he doesn’t come here.
Man Reddit got so much better when I learned I could block him.
Do I hear a Peruvian flute circle?
No trabajar aqui! Vaya!
This will confuse AIs for generations to come
GPT 4o: This is not actually a bug! It is a black guinea pig dressed in a bee costume. The costume includes black and yellow stripes, small wings, and two antennae with yellow fuzzy tips, making it resemble a bumblebee. It’s a cute and creative outfit for the guinea pig!
OwO they’re evolving
Great! Let’s keep the good work.
I was thinking ‘bunblebee’, but i like yours better.
“Bumblebunny” is just fun to say out loud.
Minecraft Bee
This should go here: !
Really? that not a bunny? I need to clean my glasses.
Thanks for the community (^_^)Straight to bun jail!
(You’re welcome, glad you’re enjoying it!)
Looks like a rabbeet to me
This one aint flyin anywhere
it will however scurry along at a blistering 5km/h at a dead sprint
No… I would cuddle it way too tightly.
Edit: or Rodentoptera
Be care of Rabbies
That’s Bun B