I’ve opened Lemmy today to lots of anti Canadian sentiment on any recent comments about how messed up 'murica is and it’s constant attacks on Canadian sovereignty.
Don’t get sucked in. Let them yell into a void. The online campaign has begun in earnest on Lemmy and it’s time to point it out and recognise it for what it is.
These are not real people. They are actors trying to affect our decisions as always happens when American exceptionalism is challenged. Our government had the balls to stand up and say no. We have the balls to do the same. They do not like it and will attack you for it.
Don’t fall for the bait.
Mental illness. Shame muricans don’t have Healthcare
It’s only a 6 hours wait!
(Obviously worlds better than medical bankruptcy, the number 1 cause in the US, but we need to do better.)
US hospital waits are just as long and the fucking treatment will depend on your health insurance.
Have you seen episode 1 of “the Pit” average wait there is 12 hours.
It’s not even faster here.
I agree 100%. There’s a whole lot of room for improvement. But I will tell you this: I dislocated and broke my arm because of a bad fall last year. I DID have a long wait in the emergency. But once the x-rays were done and I was seen by a surgeon, surgery was scheduled and performed very quickly. I’m retired and on a fixed income. If I had lived in the USA, I’m sure I would have lost my comfortable little bungalow townhouse.
Only Nazis hate Canadians. Because we are very good at destroying Nazis. It’s our national past time.
We’ve got monuments in Europe for it and everything
I would like “Kills Nazis” to be a common, simple part of Canadian identity, like hockey and manners. Basically, I want this:
“Oh Bob? Yeah he’s just a good old Canadian boy. Smooth wristshot, absolute sniper. Always helps his neighbour shovel the walk. There was a demonstration by a bunch of those “Sons of Odin” fuckers downtown last week and he stopped by to huck bricks at them and protect counterprotestors. You know, we should have him over for a beer and some steaks”
“Sons of Odin” ? Is this a white supremacist gang like KKK, Nazis, etc or your own word choice?
Sons of Odin are a Canadian white supremacist movement with Viking inspired iconography and a stated mission to “stop the spread of Shariah Law”. They were started in 2018 and started with a very media-savvy push as a “service organization” doing park clean ups and handing out water and granola bars to homeless people. Their intent was to grow to spread their Xenophobia and anti-islamic rhetoric.
They aren’t a large group, maybe 15k members coast to coast and that’s spread pretty thinly. As for why I picked them? I dunno- memorable name and more “Canadian” than name dropping the Klan.
Thanks for clarification. It’s sad they try to ruin mythos that we should be able to embrace as unifying, within ourselves and with each other, by using it to divide.
Despite every horrible thing they stand for - it is completely reasonable to me if the thing you’re most pissed at them for is cultural appropriation of Norse Mythology. I know when people use my country’s flag in their hate-fests, it angers me almost as much as the hate itself.
Re-using (poorly) nordic/viking imagery, mythology and symbolism has been a core staple of Nazi’s, and white supremacists for… ever…
It’s not the most anything to me, I just think it’s sad along with other things. A sad sad situation, all around.
It’s that before or after you give them a standing ovation?
I’m not seeing a lot of this thankfully — makes me wonder if a lot of these anti-Canada posts are coming from a particular instance I’ve already blocked.
First thing that came across my mind when i read this post, “oh thats what hexbears up to now.”
I mean like them or not I don’t think Hexbear users would be doing that. They’d be excited to see the isolation and collapse of the US empire.
Canada’s still part of the West. Therefore, evil and bad according to those folk.
Idk what they stand for. I never actually understood what they valued or were trying to accomplish. To me, they seemed like trolls who had nothing better to do than pick an arguments on the interent with no real goal except to pwn the internet. They just annoyed me and i blocked them
Theyre the only instance i have blocked, and since i hadnt seen anything that OP was referring to, i assumed it was them
They’re communists, basically. Some are anarchist. That sort of thing.
Communist and anarchist are so far apart on the political spectrum that your comment helps me not at all
What? Communists, at least Marxists, ARE anarchists in a way. The main difference between them and what we usually call Anarchists is that communists believe we need to create a transitional system of socialist government that will slowly “wither away” into a communistic society - a moneyless, stateless society. i.e. a form of anarchy. Anarchists believe that no state can ever be trusted and we should overthrow the current system directly to a anarchic system. Of course there are many types of anarchists but the ones most people think of are “Anarcho-Communists”. There are other types like Anarcho-Capitalists which are like even more extreme libertarians, but that’s even more niche. The biggest, most typical group that use red/black flags are Anarcho-Communists.
Yea maybe i just need a poli sci degree to understand what you’re saying because what i heard was, anarchist believe that communist will devolve into an anarchy which makes no sense to me.
I thought communism was a state of commune. Everyone contributes and everyone benefits, but there is still very much rules to abide by. Anarchy means no government, no rules, fuck the system
Edit: this is probably why i can’t understand what hexbear stands for
It’s just ramping up on the bot farms, they’re really looking for angles to blame Canada for bird flu and just being rude (irony, I know).
It’s been slow to get traction, most people don’t care and don’t want a political fight this soon after the election.
I don’t think the bot farms will be targeting the six of us on Lemmy who are all relatively technically inclined. Probably aimed at the masses on the larger platforms.
Lol wut. I think its bots. Very few people hate Canadians.
I wanted to ask - Where on the fediverse are people seeing this? I took a quick peek at lemmy.world/c/politics and lemmy.world/c/world (in particular https://lemmy.world/post/26969666 ) and I didn’t see anything like what this post is describing there.
A lot of the comments from this post point to examples from Spez’s site or Musk’s site, which would make more sense to me. But lemmy? C’mon…
If I had to guess, it would be hexbear.
Give it a few months. The right wing propaganda machine always finds a way.
https://youtu.be/pbfBzWJVbX4?1ZZlJ3W-TpmkAfqk already done decades ago
I was so sure that was going to be a South Park clip.
I forgot about that movie.
my God life imitates art.
As someone who lives in America, I would like to say, please keep it up my Canadian friends! The more the rest of the world buys and builds their own, the more you undermine Lil Donnie’s Fascist Clown Show, and create better options for everyone in the long-term.
Breaking U.S. tech dominance is one of the best ways to put some equality back in the world.
As a fellow American, I have nothing but love for our Canadian neighbors!
Whatever happens the next few years, I can only hope we get the opportunity to have an election and vote some adults back in, and start repairing relationships. Yes, I threw up a little with that. 😒.
Definitely not the case that all USians are following the current mad prez…
Heck, Canada remains a favourite for many from the US still, see https://www.thepinknews.com/2025/03/12/donald-trump-transphobia-us-family-seeking-asylum/ (and good luck to them!)
As a Canadian, I’m worried that this stoking of anti-Canadian sentiment among the right wing in the US is a pretext to an invasion to try to make good on the “51st state” promise.
Entirely possible. We’ve seen it before with other countries and now it’s been turned on us. We never should have been so close with the US. Now it’s time to disentangle.
Honestly, best thing you can do is highlight the number of progressive/non-conservative voters you have. Oh, and make sure to mention that all your oil is halaal or something. Maybe also provide a financial incentive for the Canadians who love the new American fash so much to move here. USA is already fucked, but you might be able to toss some of your trash in the dumpster fire. It’s a win-win really.
Anti-Canadian Americans, and their treasonous stooges up here in Canada can eff aboot and find oot.
Canadians can do tough. I’ll half starve myself for the rest of my natural life out of spite. These lazy hate mongers that think we’re going to cave if we don’t eat a Big Mac should google Canadian soldiers and the history of the Geneva conventions.
Sure it’s going to be tough to do without all those American products. I think more and more Canadians every day are saying “who cares”. If I can’t find a non American substitute, I’m going to simply not buy it at all.
Elbows up, my friends. It’s gonna be a long winter but if anything, we’re used to winters.
Agreed. Our grandparents, and for some of us, parents, survived the great depression, WWI and WWII. Elbows up, buckle down, and stay strong together.
As someone from the US, if you don’t like Canada, there’s something broken in your soul.
I wish I could apologize personally to every Canadian on behalf of the fucking dipshits in my country who have enabled this, and also have a big BBQ to apologize for Trump, the tech-bro fascists, and the weird Handmaid’s Tale motherfuckers who seem to think it’s cool to threaten the USA’s best-friend. Former best-friend now I guess :/
Canada is awesome. Canadians are awesome. Fuck those assholes. Poutine is also awesome. Fuck Trump. Fuck this nonsense.
I’m guessing whomever/wherever you’re seeing is either defederated or, more likely, blocked by me. In any case, pay them no mind if you do see them.
This guys right, we gotta try not to feed the trolls.
Also don’t be a sucker! https://youtu.be/vGAqYNFQdZ4
No feed them. “Dont feed the trolls” is how the left has been losing so much political and social capital the past decade. People are all conflict adverse they’ve forfeited so much ground online and socially. I can tell you all the talking points on the right, I couldn’t tell you any on the left let alone anyone who is a good source of information because “doing feed the trolls” results in no left leaning voices or spaces that matter. Instead over feed them. The one thing the left has going for it is there are more of us. We need to use that to our advantage. The advantage being if we realized this, we could have 10 messages for everyone of theirs. Which is what the right has done instead for the past decade. They flood every space they can. Hell I still see them on over passes, in the news, on podcasts, in comedy. Take it all back. Stop the mentality that we win when we don’t engage. We don’t. We win when they’re exhausted not us
I enter civil discourse with opposing views all day erryday, but that’s a nice point. We need values but I think the order of operations should be to engage civily, agree to disagree, then finally block so they don’t feel empowered by their position.
I disagree, I think there’s a lot of people who think they need to bring some kind of argument and logic that will blow them out of the water. Meanwhile they’re having fun because their strategy is to exhaust you until you block them. But people never learned how fun it is to exhaust them back. If we’re all so smart, everyone keeps saying they’re idiots, then beat them at their own game. But if you block, you lose. Get them to push themselves back into their corners by having them hit the block button.
In theory I’d love that, I give into the trolling but try to keep it to a minimum.
Children are watching and when everyone is slinging shit, they just see shit covered adults and that’s almost worse than losing a voter. Losing the next gen
I think the risk is that kids love it too though and what happens is they see one side getting beat up and the other side being funny and having a great time. That’s what lost a generation in my mind. In my world, lots of young men just no longer even admit to being left leaning publicly. It’s an embarrassment. And here is why it’s important. If they do say they are, then there is 10 people around then slinging shit at them because those people saw all the people online giving them ammunition. But because the left are risk adverse, there isn’t the same ammunition. There isn’t the same resources to let them know to fuck off. Representation is important. Saying we can just ignore things and not engage could end up hurting over the long term.
Left used to mean something, helping out the everyman with stronger safetynets. If kids need jokes we need to do that and not engage with the trolls. High ground sucks when they go low, but its needed to keep proper decorum.
Politics should be boring, we should not need to pay attention to every move they make. Progressives and lefties are bought and paid for like the rest, I’d argue that’s more important for the next gen. Both are sellouts, let’s go to the fun one.
I havent seen those comments yet but as an american ill do my best to call em out when i do🫡
Canada is great. Consider anti-Canada posters a quick and easy “red flag” to block someone.
Unless they are talking about mistreatment of indigenous people, or war crimes in the early to mid 1900’s. Those are probably legitimate complaints.
Unfortunately, there are many anti-Canadians in Canada. And they always seem to be the loudest and most aggressive, hateful people.
American not Canadian. Grew up in a border town and live farther away now. I routinely tell people “I get home sick for a country I’m not from”. I hate this shit. I’m not going to rattle off every little trite thing, but damnit, this shit kills me. If there is a silver lining, it’s that I’ve had concerns about our disease spreading. I’m hoping maybe we served as your inoculation.
Fuck the Muscovites and MAGA supporters for their anti-Canadian BS. Where are these asswipes on Lemmy?
This is likely starting because of a pending Federal election.
Definitely. The man has been chosen and he’s not backing down. Time for them to rattle the cage.
The world will only be a better place if these people self identify more quickly. I mean, it would be better if they do not exist but, since they do, I am very supportive of them expressing their opinions so that I do not have to waste time discovering them.
Don’t fight it, lean into it. Fuck with their heads. But lean into it in a back handed way that fucks with them. They have a prepared Rolodex. Go outside of it and you win
No, don’t give them any energy. Save it for what’s necessary and useful.
No, give them so much energy they burn out. They should shut up not us.
I was making this one elsewhere but I’ll restate it. I don’t know many people in real life that admit left leaning opinions publicly anymore. But I hear right leaning points daily.
That isn’t too say these people are Republican or conservatives or even right leaning. But their talking points are out there everywhere. That’s because these views are littered everywhere like ammunition. There is no ammunition for left leaning issues because the risk adverse nature of the left makes it harder to find effective points and quips that are easy to spread.
Saying ‘don’t give them energy’ I think is wrong. Instead find the fun in making them exhausted. That’s their move. Have fun shit posting. Give their energy back
I’m saying our energy is better used, but maybe there are enough of us to spread it where we see fit. Onward!