I support eliminating billionaires.
I’m not having kids because billionaires have bribed, lobbied, and misinformed this country, and by extension the world, to the brink of ruin
Yeah but they are still having kids lol that’s just what they want
Why report on that guy’s opinions as if they matter? He’s rich, not a voting rights expert.
He’s a fascist, too, which people conveniently ignore because he’s rich and some of it might rub off on them.
For the same reason the opinion of someone like Rupert Murdoch matters. Its not about their viewpoint directly as an individual, its the fact they control massive platforms that can and do sway public opinions.
In murdochs case he’s had an influential impact on British politics over the last 40 years and has used his media empire to act as a king maker.
Musk isn’t as savvy or as intelligent as Murdoch but that doesn’t mean is influential position should be ignored.
I don’t like Elon Musk, but can you explain what makes him a fascist? I feel like people are really throwing that term around a lot and it’s kind of concerning.
I think eliminating voting rights for citizens without children is a fascist policy. Fascism is about enforcing a “correct” or “natural” hierarchy in society. Historically this has usually been about race, but has also included other factors (for example, disabled people were the first group targeted for extermination by the Nazis). For some of us, not having kids is a choice (and imo a valid one that shouldn’t be punished by the state). But this sounds like an easy way to discriminate against same-sex couples, and all fascist systems have a history of doing that.
Did Elon say whether I can vote if I adopt a kid?
Do I get more votes with more kids?
Also, if I had a kid and it died of cancer, would I also lose my voting rights?
I personally find Ur-Fascism by Umberto Eco a good read. Fascism is really hard to pin down because it’s quite a wide category due to the different tendencies in history.
The War on Everyone by Robert Evans is another good one for our current situation, he draws and builds from Ecos definition there
It’s a fair question, but you’re probably getting downvoted because you “feel like people are really throwing that term around a lot and it’s kind of concerning”. People are throwing the term around a lot because of all the fascism, and the fact that you find the term more concerning than the actual fascism is a bad look.
I disagree with his fundamental premise that people with children can see the interests of society better.
I don’t have children, but I have heard from every possible source that once you have children they become your world.
How is a person expected to reason clearly about the interest of millions of people when they are running an ancient biological program focused on the interests of a tiny family unit?
edit: I once saw the argument that having family doens’t make you a better person. Having family makes you a ruthless user and taker on behalf of your family. Most of the stories you hear of people giving in to corruption, happen because those people can’t afford to lose their jobs, because they have mouths to feed. Once you have kids, you must choose whether you value your kids over your civic responsibility, or vice-versa.
People with children won’t have the time to research issues too deeply, and they will be sleep deprived for several years.
They make better sheep.
I support eating the rich; one bite at a time.
In french a bite is a…, well this sentence is funny to me.
Welcome to the rise of aggressively pro-natalism billionaires, because it’s 2023 and we’re not imploding fast enough.
Remember, you won’t have a seat on the transport to Mars. And if you ever get there, it will be to work the mines.
I feel like these people are using the Handmaids Tale as a guide at this point…
Is this guy literally having a psychosis?
His actions lately (I say lately, loosely) have been absolutely batshit bonkers.
I’m enjoying the show none the less
How about we stop caring what that clown has to say?
I find it especially egregious the people who (rightfully) bash him, but continue to support his products such as Twitter and Tesla. Stop supporting him. Especially on Twitter. Advertisers have fled the platform. Some users have as well. If even 1/2 the people who claim to hate the guy just stopped using Twitter, the entire platform would collapse. Instead you people prop up that site by going to it.
People whine about how shitty the API has become and how shitty tech support is and how there’s no one to talk to when they run into bugs - yet they keep paying Musk $42,000 a month for that privilege.
why republicans always find a way to deny voting for some random group?
Ah yes, “I don’t want to say gay and intersex people shouldn’t be allowed to vote, but I do want it to happen.”
Anyways I’m sterile and drive the most fuel efficient vehicle practical, don’t eat meat, and have made other sacrifices for future generations to have a habitable planet. Musky here has a private jet and at least one of his kids hates him
To think that not so long ago, this authoritarian, grifting man-child was hailed as the real-life Tony Stark. If the mask slips any further, even his remaining fanboys are going to find it difficult to defend him.
Wait till he finds out, that parents are an ethnically much more diverse group than the general public.
Is he racist or are you racist?
I don’t know about the person you replied to, but he’s definitely a racist.
I mean he grew up with money earned from blood emeralds . He grew up thinking apartheid was great.
If it were legal he would definitely own black slaves.
Judging by how he treats his wives, he probably even wants to repeal women’s right to vote.
Immediately read this headline and thought “Next, only married people should be having kids so realistically only the husband needs to vote since his wife should align with him”. Followed by some good ol SA-style apartheid for the minorities.
FrEe SpEeCh
Just stop giving this idiot attention, it’s what he gets off on. You’re all getting him off. If that’s what you’re into, fine but, if it’s not, you’re being taken advantage of.
Not surprising anymore. The guy (like his father) has a insane breeding fetish. And never forget that his father groomed his own adopted daughter (that he know since she was a child) and has two kids with her 🤮.