Mine is Gengar
Charizard FTW! 😊
Bulbasaur. Years ago, I mentioned he looked like a garlic bulb so my kid gave me her plastic toy Bulbasaur and now he sits on the windowsill as the patron saint of my kitchen.
Bulbasaur. Sweet little onion baby is number one in the dex and number one in our hearts.
Mimikyu is adorable!
Likitung!! He’s always so happy!
Ho-oh. I don’t know why but it’s been my favorite ever since I first saw it
I think Clobbopus is pretty great!
Charizard! Basic but ill never forget my mom handing me that red box when I was younger
Munchlax, Drifblim, and Beedrill. and i, much like every disaffected child in the 2000’s, wanted Entei to be my dad.
Snorlax. He’s just so relatable.
Bidoof is the best, sweet little guys. Who only gey dunked on nearly as bad as Magikarp.
Sylveon, but I’ve got a soft spot for the Gen 1 starters too.
Psyduck! C’mon, he’s a duck with a headache.