kindly commented that wifi network names of you and your neighbour can be used to locate your address, so please be aware to avoid betraying your privacy. Peace!
My 5gHz is “Hot Signals in Your Area.” My 2.4gHz is “Mediocre Signals in Your Area.”
But technically the signal strength of 2.4 goes farther than 5, so this one hurts my brain. Perhaps because when I think mediocre signals… I think mediocre signal strength. 🤷🏽♀️
Speed over strength. It doesn’t need to go further, just faster.
Oh, behave.
Should be “Old Signals in Your Area”
So maybe more like “Hot Signals Near You” and “Mediocre Signals In Your Area” to signal the difference in distance
It hurts when IP
Hahaha regional dialect!
I use 17Hz WAN IP
Saw a 5Ghz one called “COVID Vaccine”
I called my 5Ghz “Virus Distribution Centre”
It confuses the hell out of Macs and some Linux stuff refuses to connect.
I had Zoidberg “(\/)(,;;,)(\/)” for awhile. And, yeah, not all devices liked that.
I like you
Omg I love it
Mines been named “WiFiArtThouRomeo” for, like, 20 years. Don’t know if it’s funny, but I think it’s cute. 
Mine is named Connecting… My guest network is Reconnecting…
Mine is “Searching…”
Our neighbors grow weed, so my brother set one up as DEA Surveillance Van.
When we moved into our new place there was, “FBI Surveillance Van 1” and a “…2”!
Lord of the Pings
Man is it that slow? 😅
Had one named “FBI Surveillance Van #3”. I know, not so creative even 10-years ago, but read on.
Guy at the end of the street sold weed. He was telling my neighbor to be on the lookout, there was an FBI van cruising around. Being at the end of the street, my signal faded in and out like it was moving. Dude was freaked the fuck out.
When I use my phone hotspot it is named RCMP Surveillance Horse #69
LOL, you’re even more country-fried than I am! Maybe I should name my mobile spot, “Fish & Wildlife #23”.
I had one with my countrys version of the “Van”. Then ubiquity had a zero day exploit become public knowledge back then and someone renamed the SSID “NotThePolice”. Didn’t do anything else. Just that.
Martin Router King Jr
Router I hardly know 'er
5G Covid Test Tower 37692b
Damn you, I snorted a bit in public.
This inspired my “CSIS Surveillance Goose #247”
The craziest part is that you live in Florida.
Mine is ‘the LAN before time’
I set my dads as LAN Down Under
The Promised LAN
Guest and private networks respectively: This LAN is your LAN. This LAN is my LAN.
still rocking 802.11b?
Mine is “GetOffMyLAN”. Then one of my neighbors changed theirs to “GetOffMyLan69”. I’m not even mad.
Reminds me of when our street had an Area 51, new neighbours moved in and immediately set up Ayy Lmao.
User name does not check out
Hide your kids, hide your wi-fi.