I don’t play these games, but my kids do. And I am thinking (as a man), why wouldn’t I want my character to be a hot girl. If I an going to spend hundreds of hours staring at an ass, I would rather it be a hot girl ass.
That’s legit the reason why Lara Croft is the star of Tomb Raider.
Right, because when Tomb Raider first came out on PS1 almost 30 years ago you could totally make out Lara’s hot ass from the seven or eight polygons that formed her entire body.
I played 3d peron games (not online). Always picked girl for that reason. Never mattered because i’d end up focusing on the game.
Well shit… 🤯
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If your main goal is just to create a character that looks as lewd as possible, that’s a little sus in my books. Preferences and all that, I know, but do we really need to add to the already prevalent objectification of women?
Edit: God forbid you actually question your actions, thoughts, and beliefs
I’m was right there with you a few years ago. My daughter plays, and I was sure to point out how it was catering to male fantasy and all that. But then I took her to some conventions she asked to go to. Do you know what I saw. More women then men.
And there was a space of computers that people could stop and play genshin and the like. Again more women then men. And the women were all playing genshin while the guys were playing games with more zoomed out interactions. It turns out that women are a big part of the reason for the intricate costumes on female characters and such. I still don’t know what really to make of it all, but I do know my first impression of a game just objectifying women for male pleasure is not accurate. And don’t get me started on the female cosplayers at these conventions.Regarding Genshin’s large female audience, (1) there are a lot of hot male characters, (2) its two sister games have a lot of gay / lesbian characters, and therefore a large LGBT fanbase, and (3) the Genshin community is (relatively) friendly and casual, since there is no PvP.
Thanks for taking the time to write out a response. I think it might depend on the game and some games are probably “better” examples of what I meant. As long as it’s equal for both male as well as female characters, I don’t mind at all since that would be equality then. But in a game like Monster Hunter, some armour sets are just quite… exposing. Like, you’re fighting giant monsters, dragons and what not, but it’s probably a good idea to run around with an exposed chest and legs whilst the rest being covered by armour. The definition of armour is really loose then, I feel like.
As long as the armour/outfit fits in with the game world, I don’t mind too much since you can come up with lore reasons for why a certain piece of clothing or armour is designed the way it is. However, there certainly examples of both where it’s quite obvious that they’ve been designed for the male gaze first and foremost.
Totally agree. Viva la dirt does some great and hilarious videos about female armor in games. And some games really go overboard. I just found that it wasn’t as one dimensional as I originally thought.
Thanks for not just downvoting, appreciate it.
For sure! It’s a tough line to walk sometimes. I guess I’d rather be a little more cautious personally. I wasn’t trying to attack anyone - just voicing my thoughts. Didn’t excpect this comment to be received as negatively as it was.
Happy holidays 🎄
Eh sometimes people just see a downvote and they all pile on. I thought your comment was very reasonable and added to the conversation so I undid one of them, even though I don’t necessarily agree with it. Keep doing you friend. Happy holidays!
Appreciate it. Care to share your thoughts?
I’ve always thought we should have two types of vote. Agree/disagree and something about quality. I like to see opinions I don’t agree with. It is valuable info and makes things less of an ech chamber. But the internet is the internet.
Happy holidays to you to.
I agree with you as well. Thought your comment was sane and reasonable. No clue why you were being downvoted to oblivion.
And then the bloke who says he’d rather create a female character, because he prefers to stare at her arse for hours.
Man, like, if one is that horny you’re better off climaxing to something else—if you catch my drift.
Happy holidays bud!
Exactly! Why does everything have to be sexual at all times in games? Male gaze is a thing, and it’s kind of shocking that people are so seemingly ignorant about it. Just go watch porn lmao
It really was just a joke. But at the same time it doesn’t have to be about being horny or climaxing. Aside from any teenagers present most of us don’t get a hard on just from seeing a pretty girl. It can still be more pleasing for us to look at a pretty girl (if that is what we prefer) without getting horny.
If I have the choice, I like to have my protagonist as a woman because it’s just you know different from the norm. Like I chose a female shepherd in Mass effect and now I can’t see that character as anything but a badass woman.
Dude, I feel you. I did the same. I didn’t do it for the looks tho, which is what I was pointing to specifically.
Where did you get “create a character that looks as lewd as possible” from “hot girl ass?”
Yea sounds like quite a stretch, but the criticism fits on most shitty gacha games which admit stupid customizations.
I will be one of the first people in line to call out someone for objectifying women, but these are cartoon women. I really don’t think it’s a big deal. I really think it’s okay to ogle a fictional ass. It’s not my thing, but it doesn’t hurt anyone. It’s a victimless crime.
Xiangling (the character OP is playing) is (in)famously meta, since she is easy to get, easy to play and very overpowered. All National and International teams revolve around her, and even random teams splash her because she’s just so good.
Except… It’s not a woman, it is an object. It’s not real.
Your inability to separate the real from the make-believe is more than a little sus.
What if I liked to make my female character as funny as possible because that’s what I find attractive, Is that objectifying them? What if I made them red headed for that reason, is that objectifying them? Objectifying is to treat a woman like an object. Liking a particular type of woman is your preference, not an objectification of women.
Found Anita Sarkeesian.
G.I.R.L. Guy in real life
In college, I played Diablo 2 as a sorceress and a dude was hitting on me because my character was hot?
Like dude, all sorcs in the game are ladies. Wtf.
I had this same username on Reddit for awhile and I got hit up by guys a few times. Like, dudes - it’s a fucking Kids in the Hall sketch. I am not an actual chicken lady.
Do you love life?
Pfft. In this economy? Best I can do is not kill myself.
No, I am just acquainted with life.
Should have gone with cabbagehead . True story, no one likes him because he has a cabbage for a head.
I played a female character in Metin 2 when I was somewhere around 12 or so. The game was ultra p2w and I got some dude to pay for all the good stuff for me. Later I blocked him because it got really creepy.
G.U.Y. Girl under you
Playing online games after 35 be like.
Literally why is that a weird thing? People over 35 grew up with gaming, it’s pretty normal.
Best ad for genshin
As a Qiqi main, I support your life decisions.
People don’t even bother to ridicule me.
Do people really hook up in games 🤨? I mean… you have tons of other apps for that, why use game chats.
People hook up everywhere, plus if you meet through a game you already have a common interest and a lot of stuff to chitchat about Win/win
- Mutual interest
- Games often require talking and supporting each other well to beat the task at hand
- Probably into more games and hobbies together
Indeed, it’s a win/win
Do people hook up on lemmy?
Lemmy is like Reddit, but with an even greater concentration of Linux and FOSS nerds, so the likelihood is extremely low.
Open source relationships it is then
Now there’s a kind of open relationship I can get behind!
Hey there 😏
Am man
Sorry, I heard asbestos was toxic
It’s not toxic, it’s practically inert. That’s what makes it carcinogenic
The fibers are so small and sharp the they can cause physical damage to dna.
The most toxic asbestos fibres have widths 250nm-10nm, and this toxicity is “physical”, which could mean either mechanical or optical: Tangling with chromosomes is a •mechanical hazard occasionally reported, and fibres <100nm wide would probably be most knife-like.
Any pic from a Reddit meetup was enough to convince me that trying to date via Reddit was a no-go zone.
No, because lemmy is actually just me, and then six dogs pretending to be like 400 other active users.
Woof, I mean yeah
Hey cutie 😏
I’m a 40 year old man.
Did I fucking stutter?
Holy based
I would relly appreciate to hook up on Lemmy because you have to be a nerd to be there. But I m French so I suppose its unlikely
Jk I’m French Canadian even worse.
We can certainly make this work. I’m a couple swims into France.
I m French
Well there is your problem
What’s your country?
But it’s only a booty call, a hookup, and he/she is upfront about it, why does it matter if we have common interests or not.
Republicans don’t get orgasm assistance from me.
I invest a little extra effort to make sure I’m not misallocating my sex.
This is sage advice: Sex misallocations often lead to extensive long term losses.
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I was talking about hookups, cuz clearly that’s the case in the pic.
If people can find true love in WoW, they can find hookups
In runescape you can buy gf, in dating app you no can buy gf, do the maffs
Depend on app friend
Runescape.com is not a dating site.
Then explain this
Checkmate atheists 😎
11yr old me would have disagreed
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It’s an instant common denominator. What’s the difference than meeting at another hobby?
You know if someone is a 40 year old man or not
₊‧.°.⋆˚₊‧⋆. communication ₊‧.°.⋆˚₊‧⋆.
Commun… Communica…- you must have misspelled communism, cause I’ve never heard this word in my life. Fellas! I found a commie!! /j
This was clearly about a hookup only, why does it matter what she’s into… or what you’re into?
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I met my fiancée at a training thing for work. Everyone canceled except her her, me, and the teacher, so we had a lot of time to talk lol. We are getting married in a year and a half.
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And games are made to keep you playing, not find partners.
Regardless, this was just a booty call, my experience is that they’re great for that.
Cause those apps suck unfortunately.
I would say the exact opposite, they’re great for hookups.
Maybe it’s the thing about some people being shy IRL (which I’m not), so making conversation is difficult for them.
There was this mean thing people would say back in like the 90s, that the people complaining online win every argument because everyone who had success was busy being in a relationship.
Maybe… that may hold some thruth as well. Or maybe just doing things IRL that people that were more engaged online, didn’t.
It is a fact that our online lives take much of our every day time.
Man, I’ve met partners I dated for years because of random shit. Reddit, random interactions on discord, and a few more. My parents met because of a convention my dad organized for a show that was off the air for a few years at that point.
Humans are social creatures and they do be socializing.
My parents met because of a convention my dad organized for a show that was off the air for a few years at that point.
Doctor Who
Yeah, but the pic is clearly about a hookup only. Dating apps are great for that, you just specify what exactly it is you’re looking for and you’re golden within a week or two.
I have this friend, he litelarly didn’t go out with us for 2 straight years because of dating apps. He once did some math on how many different hookups he had over those 2 years, it was well over 200. He’s not handsome or anything, not particularly anyway, or hung or anything like that. He’s just friendly, funny and outgoing. Women sink into that, just be friendly and funny and that’s basically it.
It’s not that hard really, even if you are not as outgoing and funny as him, you could still score once every 2 weeks or so… if sex is what you’re looking for.
Oh, and the main thing, don’t be a picker. Pickers go home emptyhanded.
Nah, I don’t think that’s common. A lot of men swipe right on every woman, get a match with something like 1% of those, get a chat response with 0.1%, arrange a date with 0.01%, and have 100% back out of the date. At least that was my experience for a couple months of using dating apps, lol.
That is true, but only if you’re looking for a relationship. Yes, women are picky when it comes to relationships (well, men as well, now that I think about it). If you’re honest upfront and just state that you’re not looking for something serious, just fun, trust me, women are a lot more open to those one night stands than relationships. Why? There are no strings attached. She gets off, you get off, hell, you don’t even have to buy her dinner or anything, just go over to her place or a motel, whatever, and just have a few drinks, smoke some weed, whatever, to get in the mood. After that, you/she leaves and that’s that. The idea is that there are no strings attached from the start, and that’s what’s attracting about this scneario. You don’t put too much effort into it. After that, she can go about her dating as if nothing happened. You bump into her at the store, you pretend you don’t know her… she gives you scared look maybe, like “please, I’m with my bf here, don’t ruin it 😬” and of course, you don’t. Why? Cuz she might break up with him and give you another booty call. Plus, it’s not fair, she was just trying to blow off some steam, so were you, what’s done is done, no need for everyone to know that.
Oh, and don’t mingle with married women… unless they’re some cockold couple or something like that. In any other case, married women are off the table. They usually have jelous/controlling husbands and you’re just asking for trouble fixing up a hookup with that woman. Always ask upfront if she’s married. She might lie, but hell, at least you asked and if you ever get that late night call from her hubby, you can always say that - I asked, she said she wasn’t married 🤷. If she’s married, drop her. That’s litelarly the only time you say no to a woman wanting a hookup.
The upper paragraph is for single men only. If you’re married, the ONLY women you actually want to hook up with are married ones. Why? She’s got as much to loose as you do if she decides to reveal the affair… so you both keep quiet.
Hmm yeah I’m pretty good looking and can’t swing this kind of thing. Back to the gym I guess.
Yeah, I get it… some people are just not witty or funny enough, or maybe pick their sexual partners… that’s cool as well 👍 😉.
But trust me, if you’re witty, funny and can strike an interesting conversation, even if it is just for a hookup, she will call you back. Of course, be good in bed, that also counts, but even if you’re not that good, she might still like just to hang out with you, and who knows, maybe at the end of the evening, you hook up again 🤷.
I am very good in bed. I have terrible self-esteem issues, so if there was any doubt there I would think I was the worst lover in history. And people definitely find me witty and funny. I’m just shit at reading people, I would tend to assume people aren’t interested rather than the opposite. I am getting laid at the moment so I shouldn’t complain too much, but I’ve always struggled between (admittedly very attractive) partners. It’s very annoying.
What’s a picker?
Yeah, now that I think about it, the correct term was choose, choosers 😂.
cum in bum
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I personally connect with people easier through games. For me, it removes the feeling that I have to entertain someone through some branching conversation. There’s less pressure knowing we’re focusing on the same task or goal and conversations feel more natural based on what we’re doing or observing. It’s also helpful to see how people approach obstacles and how they handle/display their emotions.
Yeah, but none of that matters for a booty call, and it was just that on the pic, nothing more. She/he wanted a sex partner and asked the first person that was online in the game/app she/he was currently on.
I haven’t played online games in literally decades, but in the 90s, when I used to play MUDs, people used them to hook up (or just do the cybersex thing) all the time. I’m guessing the only big difference now is voice and video are in the mix.
Really? Had no idea to be honest.
At least he is honest about it
Fucking lmao
I feel personally attacked. I have endured ridicule as a Keqing main for many reasons, but not age. Can’t wait to meet this guy! ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ
Same lol