I ordered two large fries and all I got was a HUNDRED FUCKIN LITTLE ONES
I shouldn’t eat ANY French fries for my health. Fortunately, my health isn’t a consideration when I’m having fries. Sounds like they found a good way to use grant money for lunches, though!
Ok, you’ve convinced me that I need a shitload of fries. Off to the airfryer I go!
I read it as hairdryer at first
Ok, you’ve convinced me that I need a shitload of fries. Off to the hairdryer I go!
Not the FASTEST way, but if you have a really powerful hairdryer I guess you might be able to reheat a few fries? 🤷😂
As long as you can do six.
honestly it’s so overblown, you can eat fries it’s fucking fine.
what’s important is that you also eat some damn vegetables, don’t eat tons of sugar, and go for a at least a 5 minute stroll every other day.if you really like fries, get an air fryer. they make perfectly fine freezer fries with fewer calories and no mess from oil.
Serving sizes are always a fucking joke.
Nutritional stats per 100g is the only way
Reminder: Pam Cooking Spray is zero calorie, zero fat, and zero carb
Because there are 746 Servings in a single can of Pam. A serving size of 1/4 a second - which is small enough I’m not sure most people could do it. Just enough to round down from a tiny fraction to zero.
Not a great example. Cooking spray is for making a pan or cover non-stick. You ingest very little of it.
You’ve obviously not spent enough time around gym bros. I have on multiple occasions overheard conversations about using it as a butter substitute because, "…it has no calories. "
Tell them it is just expensive canola oil and have them switch, knowing that canola has realistic serving sizes.
Tic-tacs say they are “sugar free” even though they’re almost entirely made of sugar, they’re just small enough that they fall under the report regulations.
So what would be the serving size of a baked potato? Because a single potato can make more than 6 fries and usually when you have a baked potato, it’s the whole potato.
Baked potatoes aren’t cooked in grease which adds a bit of calories
Right, you have to add the butter, cheese, and sour cream afterwards
Or have it plain. Really no wrong way to eat a baked potato. Put whatever you want on it
Plain is the wrong way.
There is no wrong. Only what you like
Maybe a baked potato is a special case because you arent using oil to cook it?
Yeah. I wonder how that affects it. I have been airfrying potatoes when I want fries this last year, feel bad because they are a lot of carbs, but at least there is like a teaspoon of olive oil split between them. Gotta be a little healthier than directly dropping them in a frier basket.
I can’t believe they didn’t include the unit. Are we talking 6 small, medium, or large fries? There’s variation on where you get them from too. That could be so many fries!
football fields most likely
6 Waffle Fries.
I eat 6 fries at a time. There are probably ten “servings” in a medium fries at McDonald’s.
a small french fries at mcd is 71g, or 2.5oz, a medium is a bit over 4oz. various sources from a quick ddg place u.s.d.a. serving size for french fries at 3oz.
I’ve never had a problem with having more than 1 serving at a time before and I’m not about to stop now
I see the Scottish Tory Six Chip Twat has got a new sideline as a Harvard professor.
Probably for the best because he’ll be out of work by the end of the year.
Scottish Tory Six Chip Twat
Hey, I can also string together words in a way that’s never been done before in the entire history of mankind, here goes… (cracks knuckles)…
Cowabunga Kerfuffle Rocketry Wiener Salad
…You’re not gonna believe what I had for dinner last night
How did you know my password?
Thank you for this.
I’ve given up eating at fast food places … it doesn’t make any sense when you think about it over a lifetime.
You’re buying unhealthy food that degrades your health and the food is being prepared and handled by people being paid as little as possible while these same workers more often than not don’t like their job. The average person looks down on the fast food worker job and we make fun of them … but we all think nothing of expecting them to make our food. Even the food itself is not food as it’s scientifically engineered to be as addictive as possible, not make you immediately sick and produced with as cheap an edible food product as possible … many of McDonald’s items are known to use a cellulose food filler made from wood pulp … basically sawdust.
And we pay a premium for it.
The more I thought of it, the more reasons I had to not buy this crap let alone eat it.
Yeah, but I’m hungry and want burgey now!
Ok we’re talking about fries. Deep fried potatoes. Places like in n out literally make them in front of you. You aren’t going to do it any cheaper or healthier at home.
The “average” person doesn’t “look down” on fast food workers and who tf is this “we” making fun of them?
And what exactly is the problem with cellulose? It’s an extremely abundant plant based protein. It makes food have a better texture and doesn’t effect the taste. Do you not eat salad because it has cellulose in the lettuce leafs?
It’s an extremely abundant plant based protein.
Cellulose is a polysaccharide. Not a protein.
Oh… ok my bad. Thanks for the correction.
The oil is the big thing that makes french fries unhealthy. That and salt. Potatoes in general are pretty nutritious (more so if you leave the skin on). You can air fry them at home, go easy on the salt, and they’ll be much better for you than fast food fries.
Its used because its cheap and people barely have time or energy to take care of themselves in the daily grind that is modern life thanks to capitalist exploitation.
deleted by creator
but borgir tasty
There’s no such thing as cheap food.
Heard that in a TED talk and they’re words to live by.
I’m gonna be honest, the more wood pulp they can put in there, the better. I’d eat fast food more often if it was worse for me but had less calories overall. We are always making tradeoffs when making any food decision and the calculus I’m using when I’m at a fast food place is hedonist.
If I wanted something nutritious, I wouldn’t be ordering multiple crunchwrap supremes. Give me an option to make it Al Serrín instead of Al Fresca, and I would choose that as long as the flavor is there.
it depends, at least here in sweden most fast food is honestly absolutely fine as long as that’s not the only thing you eat, and you get sugar free soda, and workers are generally treated okay (if not with great pay).
just stick to eating fast food when you really want it, like a couple times per month when you’re out and about and really can’t be arsed to cook your own food.
Just go for the really chunky Belgium “pommes frittes” (something which the Dutch call “patate
s”) to follow the letter of the rule but not quite the spirit of it.Also, they’re amazing!
Edit: turns out the Dutch call them “patate” (also friet and frieten) which I incorrectly pluralized in the French way because I also speak French so it just sounded wrong to me in the singular form and I assumed I recalled it wrong. Thanks to all that corrected me and explained it.
(something which the Dutch call “patates”)
we do not
That’s how were called in Dutch the delicious chunky, soft french fries that came with a big serving ot mayonaise, which I used to buy back whem I was living in A’dam.
Maybe I incorrectly pluralised it from “patate” or we’re both thinking of different kinds of french fries?!
Patat. Just Patat. One Patatje maybe.
It’s patat or friet in Dutch. I think it depends on region mostly?
I was under the impression that the plural of that word in Dutch was “patates” since it’s originally a French word so the plural is done the French way rather than the Germanic-way (which would yield the word “pataten”).
That would be patatten. The Dutch call fries friet or patat (always singular), we (Flemish) call them frieten (plural). The Walloon probably call them frites?
That one showed some of my main problems with the Dutch language: if the word sounds French I process it in French (so patat being singular it just sounds wrong to me, hence it “must” be plural ;)) and when to use double consonants or a single one (I have the same problem in English).
So cheers for taking the time to explain it all.
I understand it can be quite confusing. There’s a lot of French loanwords, especially here in Flanders, and there’s a lot of regional differences, both between Flanders and the Netherlands, and within Flanders. We can pinpoint the province, sometimes city of most native Flemings even if they don’t speak true dialect but generic tussentaal.
Like the other commenter said, we generally use the singular form. Though I have heard plural, usually to refer to Vlaamse frieten or Flemish fries. I believe in those cases it’s generally meant to be a fun thing to say though
Yeah, 6 per bite is really optimal. One at a time can be fun, but 6 is much more satisfying!
Fine. I’ll have 10 servings then.
I know how disastrously unhealthy french fries are, I also know how delicious and addictive they are. So I’ve learned to just not eat any at all. Because it’s impossible to eat just one. or six.
I’ll take 40 servings of fries in one plate please.
If it were up to scientists we’d all eat leafy greens and water. Because that’s healthiest.
I don’t think such a diet would actually be considered very healthy to be honest, wouldn’t one at least need a protein source?
Yeah you gotta add some beans and rice with occasional nuts
And hot sauce, maybe wrap it in a tortilla
Greens are a source of protein, most whole foods are. But if you ate only greens I highly doubt you’d be able to eat enough calories, and you might run into other issues like mineral toxicity. Calorie bombs get a bad rep but the human diet revolves around them, the problem is many get them in the form of refined sugars and fats.
While it’s obvious you are exagerating, no scientist would say that unless it’s a “scientist”. The right balance of nutrients as an average over time is the correct way.
Yeah. Actual scientists at NASA learned that eating the same gruel every day affected mental health, so folks on the ISS have a pretty varied diet. Even though todays coffee is yesterdays coffee.
Which I think is a good enough excuse to eat more than six fries as a serving.
eat more than six fries, but also make sure to get a burger with vegetables on it and don’t make mcdonalds the only thing you eat
Cows have four stomachs and rechew their food for hours for a reason. Leafy greens are not proper food. (Plus, they’re full of toxins, both from pesticides and from the plants trying to kill anything that eats them, and tasting as horrible as possible to dissuade animals from eating them.)
The only edible parts of the plant are fruits, which are intended for animals to eat them so that they’ll spread the seeds.
If you live in the Pleistocene, maybe. The rest of us have domesticated plants.
Still made of undigestable cellulose, toxins, and whatever chemical horrors we’ve sprayed on top to kill any insect that has managed to evolve a resistance to said toxins.
Fruit is also made of cellulose. All plant cells are.
You’re a loony
Fruit is mostly sugar and water. That’s the food. The cellulose is just the container; you don’t need to digest that, you just shit it with the seeds.
lmao what the fuck? leafy greens are fine, great even because they’re basically just fibre and vitamins which most people need way more of.
yeah, you’re not going to get your caloric or protein requirements from spinach, but you should absolutely eat as much leafy greens as you can stomach alongside the spaghetti and meatballs.