Tell me more about these “spells”, which occur in limited numbers, are capable of long-range attacks, deal explosive & powerful damage… and can only be performed by someone who has the proper equipment and spends time in advance preparing them for use? :-D
Is this an American remake of lord of the rings?
Skip the whole two tower nonsense by Gandalf shooting Saruman in the dick.
Saruman probably: That’s not the sound of a man who was shot in the dick.
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Yeah! Thanks, you were a bit faster. :-D
I’m waiting for people to just mod a fucking .45 Caliber into Baldurs Gate 3 so I can blast Gortash in his fucking head the first time I see him
Try Arcanum if you havent
Shoulda checked like 3 weeks ago. They had you sorted already.
I am so much ready for Artificer dlc. I am ready with every fiber of my being
sighs Pulls out D&D character sheet.
5E’s semi-official gunslinger uses wisdom instead of intelligence, so unless you have a GM willing to let you make a wis-casting wizard you might want to go cleric instead. I think that swapping casting stats should be allowed in a lot of situations anyway, and not only because wis-ard is a funny pun, but I’m aware that this isn’t a universal opinion. Forge cleric would let you make your gun magic and ask god for ammunition with only two levels though
Wizard with a gun is fun and all, but praising blessed ammunition tickles a different set of fancies.
I think pathfinder has at least 3 ways to build wizard-with-a-gun
Shouldn’t a gunslinger be a Dexterity based class?
For the most part it is. But it uses wisdom as its secondary stat, so if you pick a non-wis caster class you’re going to have to split your ASIs up a lot
I’ve heard about a spellsword would this be a spell rifle?
7 shot, with a septagram carved on the barrel
I vote for Wizgun.
Wingardium leviosa real quick
Damn, Harry Dresden is not aging well.
Casts Shield
Like that is going to matter
You shall eat lead!
Elminster took one level of Fighter for a reason. Even without the 3 levels of Cleric, or the level of Rogue, that one level of Fighter helps every Wizard once the enemy is too close to safely cast. Automatic proficiency with all basic and martial weapons is useful at close range. Especially if one happened to pick up a Vorpal Keen Katana that one happens to be proficient with.
Oh, and taking a Pseudodragon Familiar gives the Wizard the Improved Evasion Feat, so you just kinda became almost immune to other wizards because if you fail a DEX check, you take half damage, and almost all of the Wizard direct damage spells require a DEX check.
I didn’t understand the title before the pic loaded so here it is
Shit llepsretnuoc
Project Warlock 2 looking pretty good!
This would make a great back tattoo.
Be the change you wanna see in the world