My parents: “Adoption is amoral. Those children come from godless families.”
My sister can’t have kids, adopts two.
My parents: “Adoption is God’s way of making sure every child can grow up in a loving home.”
🤢 As someone who just went through a very lengthy adoption process to rescue my niece and nephew from the system, that first line makes me feel extra sick. How the fuck can you be so full of nastiness towards parentless children who got into the system through life circumstances they couldn’t possibly help.
Well it probably happened to you because you are a sinner or smth. That is how they think.
Religion is a cancer on society. All religion. You cannot changemty mind.
My only real argument against it is that religion often isn’t the reason for the views; It’s simply the cudgel being used to attack the “others”. People who aren’t already predisposed to racism, sexism, classism, etc likely won’t embrace those parts of religion. If they do end up being religious, they’ll land in the more liberal sects, like Unitarians/universalists…
But if someone is already predisposed to that bigoted mindset, religion will absolutely be used to justify it. Because the views of some 3000 year old goat herders is apparently meant to apply to modern society.
It’s a sort of chicken and egg situation, where it’s hard to say whether or not religion is causing the fucked up worldviews, or if it’s simply a phenomenon of people seeking out a religion that confirms their own worldviews.
Religionblind hatred for anyone not in your spiritual fraternity and hypocritical self interest is a cancer on society. ftfyPeople are afraid of dying and what may or may not come after, so we make up comforting narratives to ease the existential dread. And those narratives double as a cultural identity marker to make people feel special and in a community. I would be okay if it just stopped there. Where most religions here in the west go wrong for me is the constant threats of eternal damnation if you aren’t part of the club, like the concept of hell and eternal punishment for finite usually-not-that-bad crime is just so awful on a practical and philosophical level it must have originated from the human mind and our deep seeded desire for the ultimate form of vengeance. Imagining the people who wronged you burning in hell forever really does bring some people a fucked up sense of comfort I guess. That and most versions of God being kind of a overly controlling petty dick who despite being benevolent and all loving will absolutely torch your ass for all eternity if you don’t constantly ask for forgiveness over every little thing. Like im pretty sure an all powerful benevolent god that truly loves every being in existence wouldn’t have such a fragile and temperamental ego, nor would they expect constant groveling every time you bust a nut.
I used to be a hardcore athiest since I disliked those aspects of my countries popular religions so much. Taking heroic doses of mushrooms and learning eastern ideas of religion like daoism and the idea of the godhead through Alan Watts helped me tremendously with coming around to the spiritual nature of realty. Im much happier with actually being able to experience subjective experiences my edgelord athiest past self never would have imagined while feeling relatively comfortable with the concept of my own mortality.
Not sure what point I was trying to make. sorry for the ramble.
Religionblind hatred for anyone not in your spiritual fraternity and hypocritical self interestNo it’s, religion.
“What is the most basic article of faith? This is not all that we are.” - for me that doesn’t even require the belief in the supernatural (unlike Leoben) but simply that we are not just individuals but exist in a continuum as descendants of the past and ancestors of the future and strive towards some higher purpose.
I believe an idea of a religious utopia, where everyone follows the tenets and then everything works just fabulous is what drives people to religion, not the fear of death. That is why religion evolved alongside humans, for social cohesion. The main problem in this are the simplistic solutions and the slow adoption of “new revelation” through science. And that blind faith trains people to be narrow-minded.
Basically I believe we need a better class of religion if we ever want to get rid of the medieval stuff
This is EXACTLY THE BULLSHIT they some Reagan aficionados I know tend to see only once and not learn from.
Christ. Sounds like you need to have less contact with your parents
I moved 3000 miles away for exactly that reason.
Good! Did the same, and haven’t regretted the decision
What the fuck. I didn’t even know that was a take. That’s horrible.
Religion poisons everything.
Hey, swap out adoption with aborting unwanted pregnancies and you have the same R meme.
Only tangentially related, but I recently saw some antiabortion protestors at a clinic (not PP)
They don’t even perform abortions at that clinic…
I bet they were also saying abortion is murder at the same time they were saying adoption is amoral.
She, like most republicans, was an absolute fucking cunt and nobody of worth mourned her death.
My dad:
“Student loans shouldn’t be forgiven, they should be paid back! Oh, you still owe $10k in student loans? Well I hope yours is forgiven”
America really needs a better schooling system… Here in Switzerland the ETH, (which is rated 10th place of the best schools in the world I think) is only 800.- (about 1-2 week’s worth of salary) per semester, which is nothing compared to what private schools in the US demand, whilst still having quality education. So I believe the biggest issue is the quality difference between state-owned schools and private schools, as private school should be allowed to charge whatever they want, but the state has the responsability to provide quality education to everyone for a decent price.
Nah, they are too busy commercializing their football teams by taking advantage of their students(players) to care about that shit.
Student loans should be payed back. Hate to say it but yeah you signed on the dotted line and took the banks money knowing full well you would have to pay it back plus interest down the line. Thats just how signing a contract with the bank and taking their money to get what you want now but cant afford, works
Instead, student loans and hell even credit cards, should be illegal to give to anyone below 21. It should be illegal to even put a 17-18 year old in the position of pressuring them into taking tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt right out of high school, when their brains aren’t even fully developed, and for what is most likely a useless degree they will never apply in the real world. We can’t expect kids to not be dumbasses that make poor financial decisions, so we should hold off those decisions until they can think their options through. Im willing to bet theres a lot of college graduates working minimum wage jobs paying off huge debts right now who wish they could have invested the money better, and probably would have if they weren’t pressured into college as a fucking idiot teenager.
probably would have if they weren’t pressured into college as a fucking idiot teenager.
I think this is the key problem here. True, you should honor contracts, and there are many other systemic issues around the costs of higher education, but the way student loans work are really messed up and a lot of adults don’t understand what’s in those agreements, much less some “fucking idiot teenager.” But the pressure has been so high for the past several decades about college degrees being necessary, people just think to get the degree first and figure things out later. Heck, I remember sitting through a presentation as a teenager about how going into debt for university is normal.
The student loan system (and higher education in general) needs to be fixed, but while people try to fix the broken system, why not try to make right the people who were hurt by that system?
You made excellent points and after thinking on it again it does make sense. Under my own logic it wouldn’t really be fair to hold kids who don’t know better to a contract they didn’t really understand while pressured through a predatory system and probably should have had legal representation like an attorney present with them before signing.
Thank you for helping me re-evaluate my ideas on the issue.
You had it right the first time. People with student loan debt have nobody to blame but themselves. There are very good community college systems that are quite inexpensive. I went to community college and a state university while working the entire time. I graduated with a loan balance of only $10k. Half of the other kids were stupid, lazy communications majors who just fucked off the whole time and now they’re complaining that life isn’t fair. They did this to themselves.
I’m fhr getting rid of the loan bankruptcy protection.
A friend worked every day for over a year to put his kids through uni. I guess he should’ve just bought a sports car? Homie gave up his mid life crisis years for his girls. A system that punishes people for making the right choice seems fucky.
I can tell your friend wasn’t American. Here you might work every day for a year just to not be homeless. You sure as shit aren’t putting your kids through college that way unless you have a job that pays an order of magnitude higher than the mean salary of the nation.
I mean our base pay is good and we have solid overtime policies. I guess I may be mis-using the term uni, but I’m not sure where they were going for classes.
As a American who was forced into choosing between military and college at 18 and wasn’t ready for either, I’m inclined to agree -except college should be free and we should tax the rich to pay for that & more. Those who are poor shouldn’t be burdened for trying to change that.
yo! fuck the credit based economic system. the bane of our current late stage capitalistic dystopia.
should be illegal to give to anyone below 21.
When you raise the legal age to do a thing, you just delay the stupid decisions that come with a lack of experience. It doesn’t accomplish anything by itself.
TBF they still don’t give a shit about you, they’re just fixing things for themselves and the collateral damage is that it helps others in similar situations.
Reagan’s all about that golden shower trickle down
He’s in Hell right now just waiting for Heaven to trickle down.
“The sister of a Dutch bishop in Limburg once visited the abortion clinic in Beek where I used to work in the seventies. After entering the full waiting room she said to me, ‘My dear Lord, what are all those young girls doing here?’ ‘Same as you’, I replied. ‘Dirty little dames,’ she said.” (Physician, The Netherlands).
This story is my favorite of the ones in there. Very much a “morals for thee, not for me” worldview.
There was a website that estimates IQs (emphasis on estimate) based on writing. It estimates that news reporters averaged 100-120, Stephen Hawking’s last work was in the 150s, Alexander Hamilton had works in the 160s, and Qanon conspiraters on Facebook averaged 75-89. Obviously they’re estimates, but it seems rather accurate within margin.
Edit: found it!! so you guys can try it yourselves!
I entered sections from my papers I wrote during my master’s and I guess I range from 128-151 as my lowest and highest during that time. Great ego boost for the day lol.
Since right wingers are often decried as Nazis, this practically begs the question of how high Hitler’s IQ and that of other Nazi leadership was.
I think modern day Nazis differ from WW2 Nazis tbh. German Nazis just blindly followed protocol and had many scientists who came out of it caught in the crossfire while current skinheads have the capacity to learn something else and admit to accountability, but actively choose not to do so despite everyone around them clearly calling them out for it.
I’m sure Hitler had decreased mental function due to his experiences in the first world War and excessive stimulant use.
There’s communication intelligence for sure, they know what to say to convince a certain group of people, like Trump does.
…I’m pretty sure the one thing they never accuse Hitler of, is being a dummy
Right wing doesn’t mean prejudice. But I do wonder if this is in the half-third of sociology studies that can’t be reproduced.
The right doesn’t hold a monopoly on stupid racism.
EDIT: An example for downvoters with no world history.
I think you’re comparing apples and oranges. Every white supremacist votes on the right.
Ironic that it was published in 1984
Literally 1984
Every tankie votes on the left, are all leftists tankies? And, every other person disagrees on what right and left mean in the first place.
Apparently, back in the day, she was considered the queen of BJs in Hollywood.
Not making this up.
I stan all our blowjob queens except Nancy
Of the many, many reasons I have to criticize her, being adept at blowjobs would not be one of them unless she was preaching that they were sinful. I know there’s a faction out there of only missionary position within the confines of marriage solely for procreation, but I don’t know if she was in that camp.
Nancy Reagan was very much a hypocrite on just about everything once she and Ronnie got the backing of the right wing.
meh, you don’t get to be the office bike for decades and then pull holier-than-thou
Oh it’s not a criticism. I have no problem with that. Perhaps a bit of hypocrisy might be flagged up for the Reagans however.
The throat goat in the flesh.
“I’m a Republican. I didn’t support sucking cock until I gargled my first load of ladpoles…”
Rock Hudson called up Nancy and Ronnie after he was diagnosed with AIDs - they had been friends for a long time. He asked them to help him get treatment from a French hospital, to send some sort of message or advocate on his behalf. They refused.
Ronald Reagan’s inaction on HIV/AIDs is what turned it into a pandemic. There was a refusal to fund research or advocate for preventative practices, because it was the “gay disease.” Nancy and Ronald can rot in piss.
when a congressman suggested to his colleagues that we even look into what AIDS is, he was laughed off the floor because “Why do you care? Are you one of those people?”
Fuck you Nancy and the privileged piece of shit horse you and fuckface Ronnie rode in on
the throat goat
bitch pulled more hose than a fire department
You say that, but Nancy Reagan gave a lot of blowjobs and didn’t get a lot of returned favors in kind.
The act of giving is its own reward
That’s so beautiful 🥺
I read somewhere her body was estimated to be 70-80% cum
And here I thought she had no redeeming qualities 🤔
I hate her aldready and i don’t even know her .
Nancy Reagan, wife of President Reagan. Both of them were monsters.
Ronald Reagan? The actor?
Then who’s vice-president, Jerry Lewis? I suppose Jane Wyman is the First Lady!
She was the throat goat, don’t forget
According to Kitty Kelley’s biography, Nancy Reagan “was renowned in Hollywood for performing oral sex.” Just-say-yes Nancy — in the days when she was Nancy Davis — was known to give the best blowjob in town, “not only in the evening but in offices. [T]hat was one of the reasons that she was very popular on the MGM lot.” It must have made her very popular with Ronnie as well. Source
Wow… Um, thanks I think?
Once you get to know her, she’s actually quite terrible.
Or she’s awesome once you get to ‘know’ her. #throatgoat
I wish I lived in your world without Nancy fucking Reagan
That bad huh ?
Out of touch conservatives have been causing problems for… [checks notes… Keeps flipping pages back.]
Some say he’s still flipping pages.
…and on full moon nights just like this one, if you listen closely, you can still hear him muttering - “goddamn… does this ream of paper ever stop?”
She had a husband. He was about umpteen times worse. But yes. That bad.
Until the part where she basically got to be president bc Ronnie’s mind was swiss cheese
Shitbag. Ignored aids. Fuck you, asshole.
Being able to understand other people struggles is only called “empathy” if you are capable of doing it without actually being in their situation. Otherwise it’s just sparkling hypocrisy.