This is what British people discovering American natives was like, it was so mindblowing to them that these foreign “barbaric” people were able (more able in fact) to communicate with good manners and intentions. Yet they still stayed racist as fuck and the intellectual community tried to avoid attributing ideological contributions to the actual natives that thought of them.
One of things that stood out to me learning about European contact with natives was that the reports from Euros were largely like “omg look at these weird savages, we must teach them about the Lord and good manners!” But many tribes, having come into contact with various other tribes with different cultures for centuries, were like “Oh look, people, lets say hey and give them gifts.” From a young age I had the thought “the Europeans were actually the less civilized and cultured people weren’t they?”
The weirdest ever European colonial contact will be that time a group of Brits assumed a group of gorillas were violent hairy natives. And sent back a very confused written report about it.
well, the brits were a bunch of violent, hairy natives. so i think we can excuse their confusion…
I took a weekend course and unlearned racism. Still have the diploma.
Dude the final in that course is so hard. You have to meet like 20 representatives from global south nations and not make any racist assumptions about them or compare them to any Disney properties! I failed when I got to Bhutan
How does one assume anything about Bhutan tho?
I’ven’t heard or seen much people of that country… so I think I must ergo be racially blind and thus neutral to them… I’ll definitely pass this test!
they made joe biden’s shadow dark evil weed
Wait, the U.S is part of the test?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I’ve heard they eat a lot of butter and butter based foods there, so that’s why I failed.
Oh yeah, while i took a 4 year and learned racism. Sad!
Should’ve done the vocational training program. Takes half as long and you get an outfit for your trouble.
I expected a swarthy man to sell me a magic lamp of some sort
The author of this article gets a sunburn if he goes outdoors when the moon is full.
this man dissolves on contact with any food that isn’t plain white bread
Dead 💀😭
“I was expecting a 17th century warlord, but he wore modern clothes! Also he kept his distance from me for some reason…”
He just saw Dune and wanted to experience it :(
Wow you don’t look like the swarthy dangerous middle easterner at all, how quaint!
Wow, you look really smart for someone of your skin color!
Reason: Blatant racism
Published articles and private reports are indistinguishable
how do I tag and summon a person?
Oof, I didn’t even notice this was a hexbear post. Continue being your awful selves, ta-ta!
Oof, I didn’t even notice this was a hexbear post. Continue being your awful selves, ta-ta!
I can smell you through my computer.
I don’t even understand what your beef is lol
Reporting a post for being racist, when the point of the comm is to call out public chuddery. What’s the problem
If you don’t want to see posts from this comm it’s fine, just block the comm. Many people like complaining about this stuff because I barely know anybody IRL who will care or notice this shit
Cracker down
Jerry-sounding-assed mf really thought his aggrieved white tears would move ANYBODY who has to live with anglo bullshit in their lives. Hope I get to watch your nation fall in my lifetime, cracker.
What difference does that make on your reporting? If this post is racist then defend your reasoning.
“defend your reasoning.”
It’s like watching a bacteria in a Petri dish respond to stimuli the same way over and over and over again. I love it.
deleted by creator
I love federation. It’s been so good for us.
Oh wah. Crackers, will never even start cleaning the historical hecatombs of other, often-oppressed people’s blood off their hands.
Bio essentialism is bad
On the other hand, wh*tes
deleted by creator
Should have kept the dagger on him to chop this journo’s head off
I had half expected to see a swaggering tribesman of the kind I used to meet in Yemen—mouth bulging with khat leaves, a shawl over his shoulders, and a curved dagger at his belt. Instead, Abdelmalek al-Ejri was a neat looking fellow in a blue-tartan blazer and a button-down shirt.
Absolutely has tagline energy. Every time I have clicked the little picture in my feed to expand the text, I have felt the psychic assault as purely as the first time I saw it. I do not think this will get old.
Additionally, if anyone has access to the cutting edge of
, I would love to see what the racism machine makes of the each of these sentences.
Actually, should probably toss in “Houthi Spokesman” to the art theft bot as well.
“Are you more racist than a machine?” is a game show I would watch. Winners get not reeducation through labor.
Every time I have clicked the little picture in my feed to expand the text, I have felt the psychic assault as purely as the first time I saw it. I do not think this will get old.
I know, right?
It’s a study in how good we are at hexbear in collecting the worst takes of the libs and the cons of the internet and showing them to our comrades for bouts of collective self harm.
Dies anyone remember when Milo Stewart (???) said “we’re all a little racist” and his comments section was filled with “but doesn’t that mean you’re racist laugh cry” and was bullied off the internet? (I don’t know who he is outside of that)
Always bothers me when comments are clearly responding to the title or something and haven’t watched the video. Happens a bit on anti-zionist videos a bit.
Everyone who isn’t a brain melted cracker stands across that chasm.