🐟 —“ambulancia”
🦣 — “ambulance”
The thing I dislike about this is that Schmetterling actually sounds the most sweet out of the languages used (from the video probably being referenced), if you say it normally.
Funny thing is that the “Schmetter” is a product when making butter. So the butterfly and Schmetterling share the same naming origin
Click clink
Das schmettert schon hart…
Random thought prompted by this thread…
So birds are basically just tiny descendants of dinosaurs, right? Parrots, corvids, and a few others are capable of mimicry… were there any dinos that shared that trait?
Dude from Jurassic Park: “Clever girl…”
Raptor: “CLEVER GIRL! raptor bark sound thing CLEVER GIRL!” eats his face
bear in mind that birds are a specific branch of dinosaurs, closest related to stuff like velociraptor.
so it’s a pretty good bet that raptors would make bird-like noises (though probably less complex and lower pitched), but doubtful that a stegosaurus would sound anything like a bird.
If only! Imagine a gigantic stegosaurus or triceratops tweeting away sweetly like a song bird.
Idk man there are some birds that don’t even sound like birds.
Imagine a dinosaur sized shoebill snapping it’s beak.
You mean like Terror Birds?
Annihilation flashbacks…
Hheellllpp mmeeee
I think i read somewhere that velociraptors were about as smart as a dog. Convergent evolution, because both are group-hunting predators.
So are dolphins (group hunting predators). Pretty sure they rank a lot higher than a dog on the intelligence scale.
But they rank lower on the good boy scale so it evens out
“What the hell are you?”
Pterodactyls aren’t dinosaurs?
They are basically the sistergroup. When the term dinosaur was coined, the most distantly related dinosaurs were taken as reference and everything and everything “between” them was defined as a dinosaur. Pterodactyls weren’t known back than, that’s basically the reason they are excluded
Pterosaurs aren’t Dinosaurs
Oh no, that’s pterrible
No, they are Ptserosaurs
The Terrible Lizards podcast got a interesting episode about it https://terriblelizards.libsyn.com/s03e02-ptserosaurs
Please do not listen to this Podcast!!! You will loose all your friends and family by dumping a metric fuckton of completely out-of-context dino-facts all over your social life.
Trust me, its not gonna be pretty. I listened to a few episodes and little plastic dinosaurs started appearing in our living room. Also my three-year-old started speaking in tongues (says my granny because apparently she doesn’t now what a Micropachycephalosaurus is)
That might be a bit too late for me, I’m about to start on series 5
Dinosaurs are currently defined as anything that descends from the most recent common ancestor of triceratops and the pigeon.
Which, as others pointed out is mostly due to dinosaurs being originally defined before we found the first pterodactyl.
If you want to refer to dinosaurs and pterodactyls, you could use avemetatarsalians (anything more closely related to birds than crocs) or ornithodirans (dinosaurs + pterosauromorphs).
Also fun is that there’s a number of crocodillians that look suspiciously dinosaur- like, like Shuvosaurus. Convergent evolution is wild.
𝕯𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖐𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖚𝖓 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖚𝖒 𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝕭𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖗𝖊𝖕𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖎𝖐 𝕯𝖊𝖚𝖙𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖉
There are many decades between use of this font and the Bundesrepublik Deutschland. This post is a typographical disaster.
Bad German! You can’t lebensraum here. Back to Bonn.
After seeing Bonn and Berlin I must say they both suck. Should have made Duisburg the capital.
Stupid German Dinosaurs
I thought it was made quite clear neither were dinosaurs.
Maybe the people speaking in the post are daft, elderly people from the rhineland.
Rhinos are not dinosaurs either.
When I was a kid, I had a dinosaur book that suggested Eryops probably sounded like a Buick. I have no idea if they meant the horn or the engine. One of those odd “facts” that sticks with you, though.
Thats funny because an article about a discovered dino voice box fossil was published just last year
VERY disappointed this article didn’t include an audio file
That’s bird sounds slowed down, so might be a good approximation. The article does mentions bird-like vocalization. And it sounds terrifying.
Not to mention that they wouldn’t have addressed them by the names we gave them after they went extinct.
Back then they pronounced the P
It still is in German! But we use K instead of C in this case, so true, if they spoke German it would be a Pterodaktylus
Alles klar, Dimetrodon?
The more you live the faster you go extinct
Flüssiges Deutsch: Meinen die Bier?
For all I know, that’s just two metal bands saying hi.
If you want to know what dinosaurs sound like, listen to a nearest bird. Birds are dinosaurs
Was geht, Brontobro
I will always know pterodactyls aren’t dinosaurs. Not because i know the difference, but because i have a lil nephew.
I have this song memorized. Not by choice mind you. Watch at your own risk
This is besides the fact that we kinda do. There’s a lot of caveats there, though, They’ve been scanning what they think is their vocal organs, generating 3d meshes and printing them out.
Scientists were able to make one sound. Ahh!
I mean… I 3d printed the model in TPU… it kinda sounded like a squeaky fart.
Granted, I’m not a scientist, and I’m pretty sure the sound is going to be affected by material and stuff. but it sounded like a squeaky fart.
The last thing you hear before becoming one
naw. The mummy vocal chords are creepy.
Dino vocal…er… do they even have vocal chords?.. My nephew was in a dinosaur phase. (still is, to be honest. there’s 3 phases I never grew out of, if I’m any indication- dinosaurs, jumping-in-mud-puddles and robots. despite my SiL’s protests… I think I’m a great influence.)
Oh here take this then :D
Playing that for my niece, just as soon as they come over (probably this weekend.)
You know that scene in Serenity (aka firefly,)? I may resemble that.
Birds have syrinxs, they don’t really work the same: