Bu-bu-but it has RGB light effects and 8 extra buttons that I’ll never use, and it was only $30! The sponsored Amazon link assured me that this would push my gaming skills to the max! They can’t just write that about anything!
I won’t buy any mouse that doesn’t have extra buttons to configure. I’m totally going to configure all of them just give me time ok?
When I used to play wow I used all the buttons.
I definitely do with FFXIV. I’m awful at using keyboard shortcuts like f1-9. Bonus is that I can also use the buttons in fpses and switch weapons and shit that way as it’s more natural for me.
Reloading while holding W+D+ctrl is nice, yeah.
For browsing/work, bind page up and down, and home and end to the fancy buttons. And of course forward/back and volume up/down.
I don’t think I can use a non-mmo mouse for productivity anymore.
Just to give other ideas: On my 16-button, I have Volume up and down, Ctrl (+click to open in new tab) and Win(acts like altdrag on awesomewm), Mouse4 and 5, ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab(next/previous tab), Ctrl+t and ctrl+w(new tab and close tab), win+tab and win+shift+tab(next/previous window), and win+left/right/up/down which I’m to lazy to remap to something more useful now that I’m not on windows anymore. The 5 extra buttons on top are rapid click, doing 40 clicks per second while held down, and stock dpi up/down, lighting mode and profiles switches that I never use.
It was mostly empty and unused for years, but when it finally broke It felt like I had a hand chopped off, so I pretty much had no choice but to buy the same one again, even though it is heavy as fuck and the cable is stiff like rebar.
I finally found a well-built comfortable mouse that has tons of wacky RGB effects and just a few extra buttons in a surprisingly useable layout.
The one I ended up with was the Roccat Kone XP. The best part is that I rarely notice the extra buttons until I need to use them and otherwise just feels like a normal mouse most of the time.
Totally not everyone’s cup of tea, but you can in fact get a feature mouse that also is well built. They do exist!
I had gone through probably half a dozen mice before it in the 5 years before this one, but this one has lasted around 2 years without a single complaint.
Can’t believe I completely forgot about Roccat, loved their mice like a decade ago
Roccat Kone XP! I’m really happy with mine, got it in November. I know I’ll never use all the buttons but volume on mouse wheel is a no-brainer.
Back when I used to play Fortnite, these extra buttons were the only way I could build, I never understood how people unironically used the default binds, like mate does your finger reach F2 while pressing wasd?
It’s been really long since I’ve played, but I hope they’ve changed the default binds at some time. At the very least middle click has to be binded to straight wall.
While the RGB bit is a complete ripoff for something I don’t ever want to use, I was actually looking for something good with more buttons (PUBG requires two keyboards and a church organ), and it did take me a while until I found something that is actually quality AND it has enough buttons. So many “pro” mice don’t have more than the usual 3-4 buttons, and I don’t get how people don’t want to de-clutter all the keys around their WASD/arrows.
Actually, a 10-button mouse for $30 seems pretty good. If it is uncomfortable like OP’s example suggests, I wouldn’t use it as a first choice, but it could be a cheap backup that I could swap in without needing to change bondings. I would use all of those for MMOs, and probably most of them for shooters/MOBAs.
Honestly that car most reminds me of the mad cats R.A.T. mice which look like they’d be hella uncomfortable but somehow are quite the opposite. Though I’m still happiest with my model o-
You can take away the LEDs, but you will have to pry my 12 buttons side panel from my cold, dead hands
I love buttons. The correct number of buttons is almost always more.
Though my favorite mouse (MX Master) only has like 6 buttons, it has intelligent free-srolling and a horizontal thumb wheel. Whether I’m mapping, editing video, using excel, or gaming it’s amazing.
Okay, not much of a gamer, but a teacher, and when I was working at a school with a 0-4 grading scale I so badly wanted a mouse with 5 side buttons so that I could scroll through Google classroom and grade one handed.
Lol that one razer essential mouse with lights on it goes for under $20 sometimes and is genuinely as performant as a gaming mouse 5x the price tho. Probably the one component I’d most commonly recommend for someone planning a new build just due to insane value/$
Razer hardware is generally solid. Their software is absolute dogshit and they’ll never have a dollar from me again because of it.
Yes. I had a Nostromo I used for processing photos. It was excellent, but required Razer’s Synapse software to work. One day there was an update that killed it. Never got it working right again, despite seriously trying for months.
Never getting another Razer product again.
Logitech G502 or nothing!
G502 master race
Mine is starting to double click, but I’ll probably get the same one again like a bitch
My G500 started double clicking within a month of purchasing it. I just bound left click to a side button and never looked back. I’ve been using that broken mouse for over a decade now because they’re just that good.
Logitech was so close to creating the perfect mouse. Why they haven’t fixed their terrible internals is beyond me (planned obsolescence aside).
I’m already happy with how long mine has lasted. It’s survived 2-3x the life of the Razer mice that I had before it. These things seem durable.
If it ever breaks, I’d happily pick up another.
Double clicking is because Logitech cheaped out on the hardware of the revision. Thus, Proteus Spectrum will always be superior to the Hero.
I used to feel this way about the mx510/mx518/g400s
Now I have a 502 light speed but I want something lighter
I still feel that way about the old MX510/518/400 line. When the G series first came out, Target had a whole shelf of MX518 on 90% off clearance and I bought them all. Gave a bunch away as gifts, but they lasted me almost until Logitech made the re-release of the MX518 with newer internals. I bought a few of them and am still on the first one after a few years. I bought a 502 on clearance to see if they were any better than the MX518. Nope, so it’s now living in the backup hardware box.
I’ve kept my g400s as a backup, and my mx510 is still packed away for nostalgia. I even put new feet on it!
I went through so many feet on my old MX510 and MX518 that I bought a huge roll of 1/2" wide industrial teflon tape to put over the feet. The newer models have much bigger and thicker feet so that’s not needed anymore, but man those old ones wore away quick.
Even without the weights inside?
I’ve got the wired version (Hero and X versions) and the X version is very light (to me anyway)
Yea even with the weights in, think I want to try a G pro
It’s probably not too hard to undo a couple screws and glue a fishing weight in there, if it bothers you.
I love my 502
Same, although i don’t like having to charge it as much as i do. nor how difficult it is to take apart
Never had that problem, because I didn’t even know there is a wireless version.
I’m still on the 500, and I have a couple I got way back. I’m hopeful that when they eventually die, Logitech has available something decent. I don’t have much hope though.
I used to use G502 for 5 years before discovering the wonders of lightweight mice and low sensitivity.
Yep. Although I preferred smaller mice always due to my hands size. Had G9 which lasted for eternity, then USB cable broke and me being an idiot got rid of it instead of looking for a fix. Still regret that decision. Then I wandered through bunch of different device and finally settled on GPro.
G604 Lightspeed!
Pretty sure the word you’re looking for is “mice.”
As written by Charles Dickens himself in the Muppet Christmas Carol
English be like
House → Houses
Blouse → Blouses
Grouse →Grouses
Mouse → MiceNative speakers be like “It’s mice you fool! How do you not known that?”
Mice is likely the correct term as it’s what was coined by the inventor, but common English often accepts both interchangeably. https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/feature/If-youve-got-more-than-one-of-them-are-they-computer-mice-or-mouses
This applies to many things. That guy down the street who acts super macho and has a lifted truck? Don’t date him unless you want to be disappointed. The quiet nerdy dude with a prius? Absolutely freak in bed, and a hung power bottom that will ignite things within you.
(based on a true story)
Are you the quiet nerdy guy with a Prius? 🤔
No, he’s the lifted truck.
I have a Corsair m55 pro it looks gamer but the low DPI headshot left-side button is something I won’t live without again (I use it mostly for placing stuff in Cities Skylines). I just checked and I’ve had it since 2019, still works great
Red Dragon keyboards and mouses > that expensive shit.
Nah, Bad Dragon is where it’s at.
Why does your mouse have a flared base?
Because I learn from my mistakes.
I guess ymmv with red dragon, but the one mouse I had from them broke after like 2 hours of use. Normal clicking and the right mouse button just split in half. Figured it was just really cheap plastic or something.
I’ve had good luck with both a wired and wireless version so I can’t say much about that.
Fwiw I’ve use/d a K551 and K552 keyboard, M801p mouse, and a M601 mouse the later of each got handmedowned to my sons. 2021, 2017, 2019, 2015. The K552 is used as a toddler toy…
All of them still function great so I guess ymmv.
Personally a fan of Keychron M3, and it’s pretty cheap too. I’ve heard that the shape is a bit of a crapshoot with regards to comfort when holding, but I’ve personally never had an issue and it’s just been awesome
Pro IntelliMouse, anyone else?
i dread the day that mine dies. i dont know if I’ll ever find a mouse that i like more.
More than two buttons is a waste
Not even a scroll wheel?
I’m severely handicapped without back and forward buttons.
also honestly I’d appreciate some extra buttons that are usually left unbound for macros and stuff
How so?
I’m so used to it than I break down crying when I miss it. Unless I’m not using a mouse; if I’m using keyboard only I use keyboard shortcuts to achieve the same effect.
Same here sometimes except for the crying
Yeah wheels are fine.
Browsing without a forward and backward buttons on the mouse is a fucking chore
I use those mouse gesture browser extensions. Hold the right-click button, then swipe right or left. It’s probably even more ergonomic than clicking those extra buttons (I have only ever used generic mice). Not that I am against extra buttons for other purposes, though.
I often have to run through folder systems on Windows so feature parity is important. At the office I have a mouse who has these buttons “hidden” on the scrollwheel. I can just push the wheel left or right. That’s pretty ergonomic and actually feels quicker than having thumb buttons on the side of the mouse :)
Maybe if youre handicapped in some way