It’s worth noting that there are at present no heat-exposure safety rules at the Florida State or federal levels, so this basically means no protections allowed.
Some of these guys are Captain-Planet-villan levels of evil.
“How will my business survive if I cannot require my employees to work in dangerous heat?”
Seems on brand!
“How will my business survive if I have to pay workers a living wage?”
“How will my business survive if I can’t pollute?”
“How will my business survive if I have to pay overtime wages?”
“How will my business survive if I have to stop discriminating?”
“How will my business survive if I can’t have children working for me?”
Meatbags are replaceable, but profits may be lost forever.
that none of these fuckwits can think far enough ahead to “how will my business survive if all my
slavesemployees are dead?” – it really is just hate all the way down for them …That’s why you force them to have more poorly educated babies.
The shitty thing about this is that the businesses will probably be fine. This sort of heat causes chronic dehydration which won’t kill their workers immediately.
But it will kill them through destroying their kidneys and the like. But I’m sure these psychopaths will think they will just be able to hire some other poor person to fill the spot.
“NoBodY WanTs tO WoRK AnyMOre”. More news at 11
For everyone wondering how republican voters justify this type of shitty lawmaking, it’s like this.
“No one’s forcing them to work.”
“They came to this country to work, and this is our laws”
“They have it way worse in Mexico”
I’ve heard em all from people I work with.
Dystopian. Total lack of basic human decency.
Y’all need a general strike. This is horrifyingly regressive.
Keep in mind, most of the people that would benefit from limits voted for and love DeSantis… They actively vote against their own interests.
OSHA doesn’t have heat exposure safety rules?
They do not have one for outdoor weather: business groups opposed having a national standard